Status: on hold until further notice.

Thinking Of You


"Shut up and put your money where your mouth is" Kate Perry ; waking up in Vegas.


I walked into the game room and plopped down on the couch and turned on E! News.

this just in, Joe Jonas off the market? That's right guys, Joe Jonas is not single anymore. We found him walking down the street laughing, and eating ice cream with a black haired cutie. We haven't found out Joe's lovers name, but stayed tuned for more info soon here on E! News.

I herd the woman on E! News say. I dropped my jaw and re-winded the TV. Yup, this wasn't a dream. HAH! They thought ME! and JOE! were...DATING. HAH! Classic, paparazzi see's stars with opposite gender, BOOM! The 'couple' are assumed dating. Stupid E! News.

I texted the gang to come in here, cause i just HAD to show them this. Hah, boy would they laugh there asses off. I guess we will have to straighten this all out, and tell the world about me and Derek....

"Whats SOOOO important we had to drop our pancakes, and come here." Mandy asked.
"Just watch the TV," I said
"Ooooh puffs commercial." Joe said excited.
"Not that!" I said laughing.
"This." I said whiling pointing to the screen.
"SHHHHH WATCH!" i screamed.

this just in, Joe Jonas off the market? That's right guys, Joe Jonas is not single anymore. We found him walking down the street laughing, and eating ice cream with a black haired cutie. We haven't found out Joe's lovers name, but stayed tuned for more info soon here on E! News.

I re-played what i saw earlier on E! News.

I herd Mandy laugh.
"Those bimbo's, I wouldn't date Joe!" I said.

Joe had a hurt look on his face.
"Oh, Joe i didn't mean it in a b--"
"Save it Carma." Joe said and walked out in a sad mood.

"Uhmm...Carma i need to tell you something, i promised not to tell..but i just have to." Mandy said quietly. Oh know, when she said those words in a quiet voice, something bad was gonna be said.
"What is it Mandy?" I asked.
"Well, when you were in here i was talking to Derek...and.." Mandy said.
"And he told me he was.......cheating on you." Mandy chocked out.
By now tears were pouring from my face.
"W-h-h-at d-d-do y-y-ou m-m-mean..." I cried out.
"Yeah, I'm so sorry hun." Mandy conferred me.
I was now on the couch crying my eyes out with Mandy.
I saw Joe walk back into the room.

"I forgot my---OH MY GOSH. CARMA WHATS WRONG?" I herd Joe scream.
" o-o-on m-me." I chocked out.
"Joe, just let me handle this. And i didn't really mean I wouldn't date you, thats not true. And i hope you know i don't mind you kissing me, it's just i had a boyfriend at the time. But in about 2 second i won't." I said.
"Really? You would" Joe question.
"Yeah. I would." I said and walked out to go find Derek.
Bingo there he was.

"DEREK!" I yelled.
"Yeah sweetie?" Derek asked.
"Now, carm, babe, i can explain." Derek said with a guiltily look on his face.
"Yeah well there not explaing to do, you go pack your FUCKING bags and get the HELL out of here." I yelled at him.
"But babe, come on. you cant kick me out." Derek said.
"Oh damn right i can. Oh and if you didn't get the message. FYI shit-head. WE ARE OVER." I screamed. Man, did that feel GOOD.

Derek was out of the bus and on his way home in about 20 minutes.
"Hey can we talk?" I asked Joe.
"Sure." He said.
I got up and headed over to his bunk.
"Whats up." He asked.
"Derek's, gone, for like ever. and i broke up with him." I said.
I saw a smile creep on Joe's face.
"Good now i can do this..." Joe said.
"Wh---" I felt Joe's lips on mine. Thank god i didn't have a boyfriend. I can finally kiss back.
We were in a hott make out section for about 5 minutes.
"I love you Carm." I her those...3 words from Joe's mouth.
"I love you too Joe." I said without thinking. Did i just say that? I said it, and you know what? Damn right i meant it.
♠ ♠ ♠
how did ya like it? sorry for updating all the other stories, and not this one. i didn't really plan out this one. I guess it just came to me.

COMMENT. hey and guys? can you check out my new one shot called the football player.

its a Joe Jonas one shot.

I'm 'cooking' up a Kevin Jonas one shot in my notebook. so look out for that one. COMING SOON TO COMPUTER SCREENS NEAR YOU.