Status: on hold until further notice.

Thinking Of You


"Joey baby, can you come here for a second.''A female voice rang from the tiny cramped bathroom of the Jonas Brothers tour bus.

Joseph smiled to himself, thinking it was his girlfriend Carmella calling him from the bathroom.
He swiftly made his way over, and entered the tiny bathroom. Just as he walked in, a pair of lips crashed upon him. He pulled back, and closed his eyes savoring the taste of the kiss.

"You got back early from sh--" Another kiss came.

A few moments after kissing, Joseph soon realized the girl he was kissing got a little rough, and that wasn't like his girlfriend at all. Joseph pulled back, not to see his girlfriend, but his ex-girlfriend Camilla. No, not Carmella. Joseph gasped.

"Wh-what are y-y-you doing here."Joe was furious. He never wanted to see this girl again, and yet, here she was.
"To come and get you back silly, i know you miss me. And you want me. I could tell you do, but you kissing me back."She laughed. Not one of the giggly laughs like Carmella had, but an evil dark laugh.
"No, no no no Camilla."He spat out her name.
"I do not want you back you bitch I have Carmella, and I love her. I'm in love with her. Not you. Get it straight. Leave me, and Carmella alone."Joseph was furious.
"OK, I'll leave Carmella alone, but you, you're mine."Camilla smirked.

Camilla herd the voices of what she thought was Carmella.
show time she thought.
"Mmm, Joey baby that feels good."Camilla said loudly, trying to get someones attention. Specifically Carmella's.

Camilla forced her lips on Joe's and kept them there, not letting him get away.
Camilla began to moan, and say things loudly to make Carmella appear at the doorway of the tiny, cramped bathroom.

And she got what she wanted.

Carmella herd the voices from the bathroom, and curiously walked over to it. She herd a girls voice, and the sounds of two people kissing. She slowly opened the door to see Camilla and Joseph lip-locking on the white counter top.

Carmella's fragile heart began to break, "J-j-Joe..."She maneged to choke out.

Joseph pulled back quickly, and gasped for air.
Once Joseph's eyes layed on Carmella, his heart began to break too. He prayed she wouldn't see them, but that pray didn't get to God fast enough.
"Carm...Carmella its--it's not what--please no. She--she kissed..."Joseph stopped himself, knowing no matter what he said, Carmella wouldn't believe him.
" could you.."Carmella began crying full force, and ran away.

That night ended with 2 broken hearts. One needed to repair the other. And he knew it.
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Miana is going to kill me....