Status: on hold until further notice.

Thinking Of You


"Nick please I'm begging you. You have to help me out. I've lost her Nick...I've lost her and I believe you talking to her, is my only chance. You're the only one she'll listen to. And you know that.'' Joe cried out.
Nick sat next to his brother on the black leather couch in their tour bus, deep in thought.
"Ok." Nick replied.
"You'll do it?" Joe asked excitedly.
"Yes. 'Cause I know how much you love her. And whether she knows it or not, she loves you too. She's just hurt Joe.'' Nick replied.
"Thank you." Joe said softly.

Nick got up off of the couch and walked towards the bunk section.
He walked straight to Carmella's bunk where he knew he would find her.

"Carmella....It's Nick can we talk?" Nick asked to the closed red curtain of Carmella's bunk.
There was no response. Just silence.
"Carmella...please let me talk to you." Nick said softly.

Yet again silence.
Nick slowly opened the curtain.
He found nothing there.

"Carmella?!"Nick shouted through the tour bus.

He checked the kitchen.
He checked the other bunks.
He checked the bathrooms.
He checked the living room part.
He check everywhere, and Carmella was not anywhere.

Nick walked as fast as he could go back to Carmella's Bunk.
He lifted up her pillow to find a piece of paper laying there.
He opened it up and read it to himself.

To who ever finds this letter,
I'm sorry but I couldn't go on seeing Joseph everyday. It hurt to much.
Thought would come into my head like, ''How long has he been cheating on me with her?", "Why did he cheat on me?" And other thoughts like that.
Don't try and come looking for me please. I just needed to get away for a while.
Get away from all the pain and drama between everyone. I hated not talking to any of you, I'm very sorry for making this such a big thing. And I hate that it affected everyone. I might come back on tour, I don't know when. I'm not even sure I will. Don't try and call either please. I'll call if I want to talk.
I love each one of you, please remember that,

Oh God, Nick thought to himself.

"Joe!" Nick yelled and he went off to tell Joe the news of Carmella running away.
♠ ♠ ♠
BAM! Didn't see that one coming did you, Mina?! I know, you all are going to kill me...sowwy:(

This is for Miana, because of all her help she's giving me, and all the advice she's given me about the shitty situation I'm stuck in. So, thank you Mina, I love you(:
Please copy & paste that video address thing up there, it's a cover of MJ's we are the world by various youtube artists (the non famous ones) and it's beautiful! Oh and COMMENT(;