Status: on hold until further notice.

Thinking Of You


They say i strut like a model, curse like a bottle.-pocketbook. (its really curves like a bottle..i like cursing better :D)

------------------fast forward to Friday-------------------

We as in Mandy, my mom and I were all at the airport getting ready to board the plane,
we were flying off to Texas to meet the Jonas Brothers then wrap up the Burnin' Up Tour.
My mom was tearing up because she would miss her 'baby', my dad...
he was working like always i barley saw him but he's the one who works
his ass off for me and my mom.

"Oh Hun, I'm gonna miss my little girl" My mom cried as she hugged me in one of her
bear hugs. "Mom, it's okay I'm sure they have some concerts in Cali! Don't worry I'll miss you too" I said while i hugged her back.

flight 5683 is boarding now.

"Thats us mom, I love you" I said pulling back from my mom.
"Okay call me when you land!" She said as Mandy and I walked off.
"I'm so excited to see them!" I said to Mandy.
"I know, I miss them so much" Mandy said.
"Yeah and Joe...." I said sighing.
"You still like him don't you." Mandy asked.
"Yeah, do you?" I asked back.
"No, just friends!'' Mandy said.
"Okay!" I said. The Jonas's insisted to pay for our flight tickets, so we are in first class.

------ Joe's P.O.V------
"When should they be here?" I asked for about the 100th time to my mom.
"Joe calm down! They will be here in about 5 mins. Now boys, the girls should be very tired so give them a break!" My mom said.
I was VERY eager to see Carma, I miss her so much, those crystal blue eyes that I love, and that smile...ahh that smile. I love Carma so much, more than a friend.

I saw two blonde's walk into the waiting area....looking very familiar...

-----Carma's P.O.V----
"CARMA!" I herd a voice very much like Joe's and got tackled into a big bear hug. I look at the face of whom tackled me. "JOEY BEAR!" I yelled. Yep, i was the boy who i loved, who doesn't love me. "I missed you SOOO much" Joe said i 'little' to over dramatic. "Believe me i missed you too joey bear" I laughed.

"Hey now, where's my hug?" someone asked. "NICK!" I yelled and ran to him.
"Oh, i missed you Carma!" "You too Nicky-poo!" i said while laughing. "Now, only you can call me that." Nick said in a stern tone. "Boy that flight was long. But i am like...all sugar high maybe too many cokes...ha ha. i should stopped at 5!" I chuckled. "Yeah i think you should stopped at 2!" Mandy said laughing.

"Alright lets get going everyone!" Mama J said. "MAMA J!" I said and ran to her. "Hi hunny" Mama j said while hugging me. "Wheres the frankster?" I asked.
"Right here!" I herd a tiny voice behind me. I turned around and saw little Frankie. "Wow! You got taller bud!" I said to Frankie! "You got even more pretty!" Frankie said in a sweet voice.
"Yeah she has, hasn't she Frankie." I herd Joe say, while i was blushing like a mad tomato.

We all walked outside to the limo, while seeing bright flashes go off.
"Dumb paparazzi" Joe mumbled.
We drove off to the tour bus to head on the road to our next destination.
"Okay, boys and Mandy, and Carma. You guys have 3 days off." Papa J said.
"SWEEET!" Joe yelled a little to loud.
"Joe, stop yelling." Mama J said.
"Sorry mommy." Joe said and kissed her cheek.
Awww such a mama's boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
WOOH. Who updated twice in one day? if ur stupid enough not to know it was MEEEE!

thank you for reading!!!
