Will my luck ever change?


Well I didn't get to sleep till 6:30 and that didn't do me any good because my little sister got up at 8:30 so I only ended up getting 2 hours of sleep. I got up because I heard Lauren tell me she had to go potty, and she was scared to get out of the bed. So I got out of the bed and took her to the bathroom. While Lauren was using the bathroom I went to go see if my aunt was awake. I walked into her room to see her naked under the covers with some man and bottles of beer on the floor. Obviously she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. I then went to go check the fridge to see if there was any food, but all I saw was bottles of beer and other alcoholic drinks. So I looked in the cabinets to see if there was any cereal, but it was just the same thing. We would have to go out to breakfast I guess.
I went back upstairs to go check on Lauren and found that she was brushing her teeth. I went to go check on Cameron. Cameron was already dressed and Jacob was in the shower. "Cammy do you want to wait in my room with Lauren, " I asked him. " Yes," he stated simply. I went back to my room with Cam on my heels. Lauren was done brushing her teeth so I got her dressed. Then I got in the shower but while the water was running I grabbed my phone and called Natasha. I was hoping she was awake. I was also hoping that it was her day to have the truck. On the third ring she picked up the phone." Hello Natasha. This is a big favor I am about to ask you. Can you take me and my siblings to breakfast? " I asked pleadingly. "Yeah. Its a good thing I have the truck today and not my brother," she said sleepingly. I hurried and gave her directions to the house. I then got myself dressed in a dark denim skirt and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I am so shy that I normally wouldn't where this, but Natasha had bought me this paticular outfit.
I remember when she boghut me this outfit. We were in the mall and I wanted to go shopping. My style of clothes was usually a loose fitting shirt and and loose fitting jeans, but I didn't have any money so Natasha offered to go shopping with me and pay for my clothes. It was a different story though because when we got to the mall she said that I had to get what she picked. I was so mad that when we got home I told her that I wouldn't ever where any of the clothes she bought me. So I put this outfit on to be nice, and say thank-you.