Status: Rewriting it, I do want to write it, but I have to do it a different way. I've been on hiatus as a writer too long o.o

I'm Famous, and I've Changed My Name, Don't Come Looking for Me.

“I know I'm not perfect, Hell I never will be. But I do try to be the best I can be. Not for others, but for me. I'm living the dream, and proving that I can keep myself the way I should be, Human.”
Faith's first Meet-and-Greet

“We need to learn that perfection is unobtainable, and that we can be loved for being imperfect. Too many people die from trying to achieve perfection, from eating disorders, and drugs. Why do we do this? To be accepted, and still after we die from trying so hard, not always in bodily death, we are rejected.”
Faith's first Interview
  1. The Journal
    Patricia's journal Entry the day before she disappears.
  2. The Concert
    Framing Hanley Concert
  3. The Runaway
  4. The Secret
    Patricia's secret comes out
  5. The Talk
    Nixon is worried about Patricia
  6. The Letter
    They Finished Their Tour in Rockford, To Nashville They go
  7. The Haircut
    A fight with a bad ending
  8. Ryan Cares
    In Ryans POV
  9. What was Nixon doing?
    Nixon's POV
  10. I was right.
    Not a good thing(Faith's POV)
  11. More changes