Nick Jonas, You Don't Know the Truth


There might be one day I might not be with you anymore…Cassidy, shush and listen. I haven’t told you or your dad before but I am actually not a fashion designer, I’m an MI6 secret agent.

“No… no…” I moaned. “NO!” I screamed a final time and shot up straight. My breathing was hard and my lungs were tightening and it hurt a lot. I took a quick glance att he room I was in. It was a hospital room. Was I hurt that bad? I looked around for the sign of my mom.

“Mom?” I said. it was barely audible. My voice sounded really cracked. “Mom!” I croaked. Panic ran through my head. Was she really dead?! I couldn’t lose her. I already lost my dad and her? No.

“MOM!” I screamed. A nurse came in with a cup of water. “Oh thank goodness! You’re awake. I think you need a glass of water.”

I took the glass and hesitated for a moment and placed the cool glass on my dry chapped lips. The cold liquid trickled down my throat

“Better?” the nurse asked. I nodded

“can I see my mom?” I asked.

The nurse’s smile dropped. “I’m afraid you can’t do that.” She said

“Why?” I asked.

“She’s in a better place. She was in the accident you were in…Do you have amnesia?” the nurse asked.

“NO… so it wasn’t a dream?” I asked I could feel the tears building up in my eyes.

“Sorry.” The nurse said.

I looked down at the hospital blanket covering my legs.

“There are visitors.” The nurse said. My head shot up.

“Who?” I asked.

“ Mr. Travis and Mr. Charles.” The nurse said and disappeared into the hallway.

“Who are they?” I asked myself as two men in full dressed business clothes came in. One man closed the door and I eyed them suspiciously.

“You guys are…” I trailed off.

“MR. Charles, Edmond Charles.” Said the man with a bald spot.

“I’m Mr. Travis.” Said the man who actual had more hair than the other man.

“And you guys are…” I trailed off. “My uncles?” I questioned.

MR Travis chuckled. “Ha, ha, ha, you are a keeper. No we are not your uncles… we are-”

“MI6 headquarters agents.” Said Mr. Charles with a straight face.

My lovely laughter mood dropped down. “You?” I said grimly.

“Yes, and since your mother got into that terrible foolish act, you are passed down with her job.” Said Mr. Charles.

“That was not a foolish act! She died because she loved me! You didn’t know anything so I think you should shut up Mister.” I snapped.

Mr. Travis patted my back. “No, Mr. Charles, it isn’t her mother’s foolish act. It was the Eagle’s fault.” He said.

Mr. Charles grunted. “Well, your mom made a strict restriction and order that once she is umm... not here, like died, that you will take her place. Of course, she hoped you would never have to take her place. But this was sooner then she thought. So according to the contract, you are suppose to take her spot.”

“I have to?” I said gulping.

“Have to.” He said with a grim face.

“Oh shit.” I muttered.

“So if you sign here.” Mr. Travis said holding out a sheet of paper.

“What is this for?” I asked taking the pen.

“That you confirmed to take your mother’s place.” Replied Mr. Travis.

I nodded and scribbled my signature on.

“Now, Miss. Carlson, we have someone here that is very kind to take you into her family.” Mr. Charles said.

“What?! I don’t want to be adopted!” I shouted. “I would so rather live on my own!” I said.

“Miss Carlson, you aren’t old enough yet and you are not being adopted, Mrs. Denise Jonas was very kind and thoughtful to take you into her family to raise until you find your own home and job, and most importantly, when you turn 18.”

I sigh. “Fine… who is she?” I asked.

Mr. Charles walked to the door and gave a nod. A woman with shoulder length curly hair came in with her hands over her mouth. “Oh goodness child! Are you ok? I’m Mrs. Jonas but please call me Denise. I have talked to the people and they agreed to let me take you into our family!”

I gave a weak smile. “Thank you but you really didn’t have to.”

“No child, don’t say that. I had to take you in. It’s terrible to see everything happen. I’m sorry for your lost Cassidy.” She said.

I smiled. “It’s ok… it had to happen one day right? I mean I didn’t even know my mom was sp-“ my sentence was cut off with Mr. Travis stuffing a pill into my mouth.

“Time for her medication!” he said smiling nervously. He bent down to my ear and hissed. “She doesn’t know about this! No one does. Only you me, Mr. Charles and everyone associated with MI6 and spies!”

I blinked and stared at Mrs. Jonas while I took my water and drank it down slowly. “Sorry,” I said laughing a little after. “So when do I get out of here?” I said.

Mrs. Jonas chuckled. “Hang on there Cassidy. Only a few more hours. I would also like you to meet my husband. Kevin?” She said motioning toward the door. A man came in and smiled at me.

“HI.” I said brushing a strand of hair from my face.

“I’m sorry for your lost and I hope you feel at home when we get back to our place in awhile.” He said.

I nodded. “Thank you so much again, I can’t repay you.” I said biting my lips.

Mrs. Jonas chuckled and smiled. “It’s absolutely fine.”

Mr. Charles and Mr. Travis tipped their hats and slipped out.

“Daddy can I come in? I want to see her.” Said a little boy peering from the door.

“Come in sweetie.” Mrs. Jonas said. The eight year old skipped in and showed his pearly whites at me.

“Does that hurt?” he said poking my bandages.

“Franklin!” Mrs. Jonas yelled.

I smiled. “It’s ok. It really doesn’t hurt.”

“You’re going to be like my big sister! Your name is Cassidy rite? Can I call you Cassie? Or DiDi?” he said.

I smiled. “Sure as long as I can call you Frankie.” I said.

He gave me a weird look. “Everyone calls me that.” He said.

“Really?” I said laughing.

“DO you know the Jonas Brothers? Do you like them? They are my brothers.” Frankie said plopping down on my bed.

“No, I’ve heard of them a few times. They are? That’s cool.” I said.

“They’re really busy. They aren’t always at home though. I get lonely.” He said.

“I’ll spend time with you. Don’t worry.” I said.
He beamed. “Really?”

I smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Ok. It’s time to go.” Called Mrs. Jonas from the door.

I sighed and got out of the bed.

New life here I come
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