The Black Parade

Chapter 01

|P.O.V Death|

Here is a small fact
You are going to die.

I watched intently as I followed the two men through town.
Through parks.
Across roads.
Through alley ways.
Into a bar.
They didn't see me. But I guess you can only see so much as you want to.
People don't really see me following them around until
They're gone.
You don't really look out for death until it has hit you, and you realize, you're never coming back.
You can't.
You're gone.
And your family and friends have only got your memory left with them.
You never know that I'm following you around, as quietly as I can, and once you're ready, I rip out your soul, hold its debilitated form in my skeleton-like arms, and carry it off where it will never be found again.
They can be so oblivious to what's going on around them.
They don't pay attention.
Don't pay enough attention.
When they clearly should.
All these humans, these stupid, stupid humans, throwing all of what they have away.
And for what?
For death?
Surely that wasn't their intention.

I crept behind the two into the bar and watched.
Watched as they drank.
And talked.
There wasn't any touching between them.
No, they weren't like that.
I don't think they were in a relationship.
Not that it would have made any difference.
I don't get close to those I pray on.
It's not what I do.
I'm here for one purpose and one purpose only.
'Gerard,' The shorter of the two shouted over the music as they stood in the middle of the bar, talking to two attractive ladies. 'I'm just going to go and get another drink, want one?"
'Erm, no. I'm alright for now, thanks Frank.'
I stayed watching this 'Gerard' human for a bit.
He talked to the two ladies.
He seemed more interested with the blonde one though.
She had bigger breasts.
He kept looking at them.
Oh yes, he was my pray.
It's people like this that mean nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
The ignorant bastards who only care about one thing.
And one thing only.

I watched closely as he talked to the two women.
Eventually telling them that he was going into the bathroom.
And I followed him in there too.
Call me sick for following a grown man into a bathroom, and then his own separate cubicle, but he had no idea.
He wasn't paying enough attention, he didn't see me lurking in all of the shadows.
Didn't see me watching him.
Didn't feel me watching him.
Didn't smell me watching him.
I'm death after all.
You should look out for me.
You never know when I'm coming.
It could be now.
The day after.
Maybe the week after.
Or maybe months...
Years even.
You can never be too sure.
My advise is; live each day as if it were your last.

I smirked as this 'Gerard' guy strapped a belt around his upper arm, pulling tightly to see all of his protruding veins.
I watched as he slipped a needle into one of them and injected the liquid inside of the needle.
I smiled.
This was it.
Just a bit more.
And he would be no longer.
Why do this to yourself?
You know one day it's all going to go wrong.
You're going to inject that one bit too much.
Too strong.
And it's all going to go.
Everything you've lived for.

He sat on the toilet lid, smiling slightly.
His head lolling around.
Eventually he started breathing heavily.
Out of sync.
He was scared.
Eyes wide.
'F-Frank' He called out. 'F-Frank' He tried again.
No one's coming for you.
That can't hear you.
It's too loud out there.
He's probably chatting up one of the girls.
The big breasted one, no doubt.
Just as you were; stupid fucker.

Just when I didn't want it.
The shorter one - Frank I think he called him? - stepped into the bathroom.
Hearing this 'Gerard' bloke call out for him.
Gasping for breath.
He darted to the cubicle.
Hammering on the door.
It was locked.
Can you not see the 'Engaged' sign on the front.
Humans can be so brainless.

I took this as my chance.
No one could help him now.
Not now his time's up.
I reached out, and extracted his soul.
Holding it limply in my swollen arms.
He sucked in a huge gasp of air as I did so.
His friend finally picking the lock open and holding onto his convulsing friend.
I've never understand why they do this.
Maybe it's the shock of having a part of you ripped out.
'Gerard! Gerard, stay with me man. Stay with me!' The friend shrieked as he clutched onto his friends quivering form.
I struggled to hold on to the soul as 'Gerard' tried so hard to stay awake.
To hold on to his friends voice screaming into his ear.
Telling him to stay awake.
To listen to him.
Just keep listening.
The soul shook.
But I eventually got too far for it to get back.
I had taken it.
Taken it away.
And it would never get back.
The two were left there.
One a man.
One a corpse.

Reaction to the mentioned fact
Does this scare you?
I recommend to you - don't be afraid.
I'm nothing but fair.

Author Note; Yes, I KNOW that Gerard is afraid of needles, deathly afraid. But oh well.