

Fate. Harlow Burton thought of fate as man made concept, much like time. He didn’t believe in fate, or the saying ‘everything happens for a reason.’

Harlow Burton killed his mother during childbirth resulting in his father, a mortician by the name of Edward Burton, to hate him. What reason did that have? Was that fate? No. To Harlow fate was just a word used when people wanted to feel better about actions they or someone else made. Fate was a lame excuse to Harlow Burton. It meant nothing to him.

Nothing ever meant anything to Harlow. The word family is another word that Harlow hated just has much as Edward hated Harlow. It was meaningless. To Harlow his life was meaningless, school was meaningless, social interactions were meaning less...wanted but meaningless, and on top of everything death was meaningless.

If Harlow cared about his life, school, social interactions, and death he wouldn’t have done what he did.

The sun was almost completely hidden by the mountains. Perfect for his plan. Two days after graduation from Jackson High School, Harlow Burton got into the car his father bought him and drove away from the house his father bought him. Edward Burton lavishly spent money on his son just to keep his son away from him, Harlow looked too much like his mother. Harlow sat on the dark school grounds of Jackson High School...waiting. Then he was done waiting, he saw what he had previously been waiting for and slowly crept out his car.The soft humming of Sunny Butler sounded like angels singing in his ears, not that he believed in angels.

Sunny Butler had always sat behind Harlow in every class they had together. Sunny Butler was everything Harlow Burton longed for in a girl. She was happy, something he wanted to be. She smiled all the time, something he wanted to learn to do. She laughed, something he wanted to feel. Sunny’s eyes were a shocking shade a of blue that matched the blanket Harlow’s mother had made for him during her pregnancy, the blanket was all Harlow knew of his mother. Edward would not show the demon that killed his wife to learn anything about her life before he stole it.

Harlow crept behind Sunny as she walked, her light brown wavy hair reflected light from the remains of the sun. Suddenly, Harlow grabbed Sunny’s head and jerked his back toward him roughly; covering her mouth and her nose with a white cloth. Sunny’s screams and struggles led her only to pass out faster from breathing in the chemicals on the cloth. Harlow smiled to himself when Sunny’s body went limp and he hauled her body back to his car and laid her across the back seat and closed the door.

Harlow drove off after a few minutes spent fiddling with the radio. Harlow stopped and picked up some fast food on his way home. Harlow ate the food in his car, parking outside the restaurant. While he ate, Harlow tried to ignore the way a group of girls was looking at him.

Had he screwed up. Had left some sort of evidence that he had just drugged and kidnaped the girl who asked him if he wanted a piece of her gum everyday in math class for the last two years? Feeling paranoid, Harlow finished his food quickly and drove back to his house that was nestled in a slightly wooded area. Harlow carried Sunny’s limp body into his home and set her down on his couch while he prepared her living quarters.

Harlow Burton gave himself exactly what he wanted, Sunny Butler
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This story is probably going to be very, very short.

Anyway, there is the Intro and I hope you enjoyed it! =]
Lemme know!