Status: I might update a new chapter soon. Not so sure about it.

Tongue Wrestling

Chapter 1

My name is Frank Iero
I don’t like anyone
I don’t like me
I hate everything
And everything hates me

It is 3.34 A.M. And I can’t sleep. Lately I have this bad dreams. It is really confusing how I always talk about me. Maybe this is why everyone hates me. Because its only about me me me. Now I’m playing a dumb game. It is the only thing I can do. My Y!M list is empty.

5.52 A.M. only two hours and I must prepare for school. Hurray. Another day, another pain.
6.32 I’m drinking my coffee. Alone. Mind about my parents? Well they are dead. They commited suicide. Stupid, huh? Well, they jumped of a building, and they were still holding hands when the police found them. How romantic,I wanna puke.

Time for school. I walked through my messy room, to find some clean clothes. Like I have any.

So, now I’m dreesed in a pair of ripped blue-jeans, a black t-shirt and white hoodie.
I took my backpack. And off I go. I sound like Peter Pan.

As I walked to school, I noticed something. I mean, someone. He was under a tree. He was pale. He was staring at me. Maybe he wants to kick my ass. Because I wear make up.
I started to walk even faster, and if you ask, NO, I’m not scared, of some creepy vampirish dude. I’m just late for school.

*ding ding ding* I have maths. Im not good at maths. I suck. Why do I even need it? I know how much is 2+2 , isn’t that enough?

As I was trying to pay attention at what the teacher was saying. Something flew on my desk from my left. A note.

“Hey! Do you understand what is he saying? I’m the browned hair dude staying next to you”

I looked in my left. I saw a geekish dude. HAHA. Well,what can I say to him? Can I throw the note away? or can I be polite and tell him to fuck off?

See? That is why everyone hates me. I’m not sociable.
Maybe this is my chance to make a friend.I hope.

“No. What’s your name?” Is what I wrote him back
“Mike. But you can call me Mikey. You are Frank, right?”
He knows my name. Interesting. “Yeah. That’s my name. So, wanna hang out after school?”
“I would love to”
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY. First chapter 8D
NOTE: Sorry if i have mistakes TT.TT
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<3333 xx