Status: I might update a new chapter soon. Not so sure about it.

Tongue Wrestling

Chapter 4

I will give you my affection…

After talking another 2 hours with Mikey
I fell asleep.

11.59 a.m.

Mikey woke me up…by licking me.GROSS.
“Frank. Come on. Wake up”
“What?Why?” I tried to blink a few times to get used with the light.
“You were moaning.”
“Nothing.Come on. Get dressed. We’re gonna talk with my bro”

Then he got out of the room. Maybe I can sleep another 5 minutes.

After 20 minutes.

*splash* “WAKE UP!!”
“Ow ow ow ow COLD COLD COLD!!” I jumped off the bed and landed on my face…
Mikey giggled and runned
“YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THAT, BITCH!” I managed to scream after him.
But I couldn’t open my eyes. So I tried to run after him with my eyes closed…bad idea….
*bong* “OUCHHH!”
“Frank? Are you okay?”
“Nah….I bumped into the wall and I think that my brain jumped 10 times” I said between Mikey’s giggles
“Ok, come on” And he took me in his arms
“Wait? What are you doing??”
“Taking you at my brother”
“Erm…I’m naked”
“No, you’re not. You have undies.”
“Cyeah…just put me down, so I can take some pants”
“Okay” And he dropped me. How many times I will get hurt today?
“Thank you” I rolled my eyes.

I looked on the window to see how the weather was. Cloudy. Heck yea!
I ended up dressed with some black skinny jeans and a pink hoodie. What? I think the color pink is hot.

On our way to Mikey’s house I asked him
“Mikey…is your brother mean?”
“Nah…not really. Only when he is drunk.”
“Oh. He drinks?”

At Mikey’s house
“Bro! I’m home!”
Nothing again.

“I think he isn’t home” He said disappointed
“No biggie…I will go back at my house. Okay?”
“I duno. It is very weird that I have a friend. I’m not used to is. And I want to spend some time alone. No hard feelings.” I just needed to say that to him
“No problem,Frank. I understand. See ya later.”
“Okay. Bay!”

I really needed some time alone. I mean, Mikey is awesome. I never had a friend like him. Yes, I had friends, but for only 2 or 3 days. They came at me only when they needed something.

As I walked back at my house I bumped into someone
“Ow, Im sorry” When I looked up I was in shock.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments make me smile 8D
And now i'm serious
I won't upload any chapters until 20 comments *evil laugh and thunders in the background*
Mufufufufufu XD
