Status: I might update a new chapter soon. Not so sure about it.

Tongue Wrestling

Chapter 6

I won’t bite you… only if you want me to

I was scared like hell. Should I go? And maybe get murdured by someone?
And it’s very dark.
Meh…whatever. I’ll go. But I must take something to protect me.
I looked around….and saw…..THE ROSE. Yeah, I’ll use the rose.

I walked gently on the cold grass…I was shivering.
“Come on…” someone whispered.
My heart was in my boxers and I froze.
“I promise I won’t hurt you” The same voice.
I made little babysteps and I was breathing heavily.
When I got in my came….
And I fainted. Im very brave…NOT.

That morning…

“Owh….how did I get here?”
I was on my bed. My bed was full of….roses?
“Did I get drunk last night?”
“No.” Someone said
“WHO’S THERE?!?!?!” I took the lamp in my hands
“Chill out Frank. It’s me.Mikey”
“What…what happened to me?”
“Last night I heard you scream and I found you lying down on the grass.You fainted”
“Here. Grab some coffee. Hey! Don’t you have school?”
“Nah…I’m not going there anymore”
“Same here”

“Frank…did you notice that you have love bites on your chest and on your neck?”
Mikey blushed, but he still had that serious look on his face
“Mikes….Did you do something to me while I was “dead” ? “

*awkward silence*
“By the way..I found this note on the doorway last night”
I took it without saying a thing

“I just couldn’t handle it. Your skin is so soft…so beautiful. It’s hard for me to resist. And I’m sorry that I scared you. But you know….boys who fainted can’t say no…”

I gasped.
♠ ♠ ♠
And If you ask me..NO, FRANK WASN'T RAPED >.> you siiick bastarddd

Now I have a terrible headache....ugh...

Remember guys...more comments..more chapters...
xoxoxox *fakes a faint*