Status: I might update a new chapter soon. Not so sure about it.

Tongue Wrestling

Chapter 7

"What?WHAT???"Mikey asked hysterically
"Oh my God..."
"Let me see that." And he pulled the note from my hand
After he read that, Mikey stormed out of the room
"HEY! MIKEY! WHAT'S GOING ON?" I was still in my boxers...Maybe one day I will go naked at the supermarket.
"FINE! I'M NOT RUNNING AFTER YOUUU!!!" I shouted from the door. Then some old ladies started so stare at me.

I don't blame them. Not everyday you see someone dressed only in undies and shouting outside.

"What are you looking at? Want to see my "Frankino" ? "
They gasped. HA! I'm soo....mean..psh
"What a rude young man." I heard them say while I turned around to get in the house.

I didn't know what to do
"What should I do now?"I asked myself
"Maybe you should put some pants on" Someone said
I turned around to see...
"Uhuh" He said bored but looking at my boxers
"What are you doing here?"

He didn't say a thing. He just smirked.

"Uhm....Gerard?" I tried to break the silence. We were in the same position. Me near the couch and him at the door STILL staring at my boxers.

"Could you stop looking at my....?"
"I WASN'T LOOKING, YOU PERVERT!" He put on a shocked face but failed 'coz he smirked again.
"You can sit on the couch while I go and get dressed up"

I swear that I heard him say "You look sexy naked" But I'm not sure

*after a few minutes*

"So Gerard, what's up? Why are you here?" Whoa...i sound like a doctor.
"Well...Doctor Frank, I'm bored"
How the hell did he know I was thinking at doctors?

"So....want to go somewhere?"

I needed to go somewhere. With Mikey I was only staying in the house and talking or watching movies.

At the park.

"The weather is beautiful today, isn't it , Frank?" Gerard said with his mouth full of popcorn. We were staying on a bench because we weren't in the mood to do something else.

"Yes, it is..." I said looking up. I was cloudy.

Being with Gerard was very uncomfortable but it felt good in a strange way.
"What's wrong Frank?"I bet he noticed when I sighed
"Tell me or I will bite your nose. And as I see someone did the same thing before me" He said looking at my neck.

"Well....last night I fainted...because someone scared me..." I gulped and Gerard nodded
"And then...I woke up on my bed. My bed was full of roses and..." I blushed " I had love bites on my chest and on my neck"

Gerard smirked
"Well, maybe he is very romantic." Gerard said, looking very excited.
"How do you know it was a "him" ?"
"Well...uhm...I gotta go.Bye, Frank!" And he left me there....
♠ ♠ ♠
*cough cough*
Hope you like it 8D and remember...comments will bring more chapters. 8D Oh, and by the way, read my new journal entry.

Love you, babes <3333