Status: I might update a new chapter soon. Not so sure about it.

Tongue Wrestling

Chapter 9

Give you my all…

While I was walking in the backyard I noticed a note.
“Go to your room and before you enter it put something on your eyes.xoxo”

I didn’t wait a second. I runned all the stairs but tripped on some of them.
And before I entered the room I put a scarf on my eyes as that person wanted.
*knock knock* “I’ve put a scarf on my eyes,can I come in?”
Ok, so now I must ask someone if I can enter my OWN ROOM? Cyeah…This will be interesting.
He/she opened the door and took my hand. Man he/she was cold. And he/she hugged me…now I know it is a guy, a tall one. How do I know that? Well when he hugged me I touched his chest. And I didn’t feel the…you know…boobies.

“I want you more then you could ever know.Even if I don’t know you for a long time, I feel like I know you since..ever.” He whispered and then kissed my cheek lightly, like he was scared.

I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless.

We were still standing, his face close to mine, because I was feeling his warm breath and he was still holding my hand.

I opened my mouth several times to say something but nothing came out.

And he just caressed my cheek and kissed my hands many times.
Am I dreaming?

Finally I asked him “How old are you?”
“19” He whispered.
Oh, cool, he isn’t old
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because I don’t want you to regonise my voice.”
I sighed
“Can we sit down?”
“Sure.” And he took my hand and leaded me to my bed.

Another fucking moment of silence. I am telling you, these moments are killing me.

“What’s your name?” I asked him still holding his hand”
“I can’t tell you.”
“At least tell me your initials”
Okay, I think he isn’t Gerard or Mikey..
“You are a guy, right?”

“So, when I can see you?”
“When I think you will be ready.”
I felt him kissing my hand again.Gentleman much?

The silence filled the room again. I think I’m going to hit my head against the wall. And this “G.A.” guy doesn’t help me much.

“Why me?” I sighed
“Why why you?”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because I like you. I never felt like this before.”
“So this is romantic for you?”
“Telling me to put something on my eyes so I couldn’t see you?”
“I want this to be special and mysterious”
I snorted.

He was playing with my fingers and that made me giggle.
“I want to tell you something” He finally said something.
I nodded
“That night, when you fainted, I didn’t rape you or something. Only a single touch on your body made me feel happy. But that leaded me to kiss your neck and your chest. I didn’t kiss you on your mouth or something. I want to kiss you on the mouth when you are awake.”
I think I turned pink.

“And if I let you kiss me, can I see you?
♠ ♠ ♠

I tried to upload this chapter a hour ago. But the site didn't work
TT.TT *hits head against the wall*

Ok, comment 8D pretty please? with a cherry on the top? 8D

By the way...I think Paris Hilton is a bitch....a hot one O.O really XD don't hit meee *hides under the bed*

BIBI xoxoxoxoxo