Save Me


You know the feeling of being trapped? Well if not then welcome to my world. I‘m trapped in my home and mind everyday. All I do is go to school, go home and sitting around, just..waiting, waiting for something to happen. Yes I have friends, even a boyfriend but i just like being alone. No one seems to understand me. People call me fat and stuff and i pretend that I don‘t care but inside I really do.

‘But okay enough with my emo thoughts’ I thought when I was done writing that down on a piece of paper. But then I got slapped in the head and turned around.

“Gerard Arthur Way! Will you PLEASE pay attention! You are in class I remind you!” mister Pinnel yelled at me, he was my history teacher he had brown, gray hair and a huge nose. He was sometimes like an idiot, yelling at people for no reason but he was okay at times but who cares? School sucks anyways. So finally I say sorry to mister Pinnel and pretend that I’m listening to whatever he is saying. Finally the bell rang and I was able to go home.

I saw my mom coming towards my school in our gold jeep, I stepped inside the car and get greeted by an boiling mad mother. She lets her anger often down on me but I just try to ignore it, she doesn’t mean anything by it. Finally she calms down when we get home and I decide to crash down in the couch, ‘God thank the man who made couches’.

“Now, we have guests coming over for dinner tonight and you better behave Gerard!” she spat at me.

“What people are coming?” I asked while running my fingers through my hair.

“The new people who recently moved to the apartment downstairs, they have a boy around your age and he’s cute but don’t pull any gay stunts on him do you hear?!” My mom knew that I was gay but she didn’t know that I had a boyfriend.

“Of course not! But why are they coming for dinner?” I was tired so the only thing I wanted to do was sleep but thinking that some cute guy coming over for dinner exited me for some reason.

“Because they sounded nice and we haven’t had nice neighbors for years so this might be great!” Then she ran upstairs and I got lost in my own world again. And I knew that I had to clean up before the new people came but oh god how I hate to clean up and visits like this often made my mum go insane from stress, she could throw things even when she goes insane like that, but let’s hope that she doesn’t.

Cleaning went well and it took a while so I went upstairs to get ready. Ran to my bedroom to put some music on and looked for some descent clothes for tonight, I really wanted to look my best just in case that boy was really cute as mum said. I finally picked out black skinny jeans, black shirt and pink tie and decided to put eyeliner and mess my hair a bit. After the hard work I looked in the mirror, ‘God you’re still not cool’ I thought and ran downstairs and discovered that my dad was home from work and the new people were due in 5 minutes.

Finally after a long wait, well it seemed like a long wait, the bell rang. After a lot of “oh come in!” and “oh thank you for having us!” I finally saw the new family.
A tall man with dark hair and green eyes came and shook my hand.

“Hello! My name is Anthony but please call me Tony!” he gestured, he seemed nice.

“Erm.. Hi! My name is Gerard” Oh god I hate this, I’ve never been good at saying hi to new people but then I saw a new person. She wasn’t tall as her husband but she had really beautiful dark brown eyes and red lips.

“Hello! Your mother has told me a lot about you Gerard! My name is Angelina but please call me Angie and it’s a pleasure to meet you” she kissed my cheek and I blushed and just decided to smile, didn’t want to talk anymore.

Then the third person appeared, a little person with dark brown hair and with the most beautiful hazel eyes that I’ve ever seen and he had a little lip ring that he kept biting and oh my god, he was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life. He was wearing dark brown skinny jeans and white t-shirt with some funny cartoons on it and he looked shy.

“Hello, erm ... my name is Frank.. please to meet you” and the voice! Is he an angel? Cause he sure looked and sounded like one!

“Hi my name is Gerard and … ditto!” and I winked at him. What?! I winked at him?! Oh my god I just hit on him! God, Gerard, Behave!