Save Me

Brokeback Mountain

Frank‘s P.O.V

On the way home, me and Gerard were rocking out while listening to Nirvana on the radio. I was head banging while Gerard was singing along with the lyrics.

“Aaand he’s the one who likes all our pretty songs and he likes to sing along and he likes so shoot his gun but he don’t know what I means and I say yeah!” Gerard sang happily and I felt me getting slightly dizzy after all of that head banging so I just decided to play with the drums in the song. When that song was over we gave each other’s high fives and laughed and switched radio station, trying to find another good song.

When we arrived home I nearly jumped out of the car and ran towards Gerard to lead him to my apartment, I just couldn’t wait to spend the night with Gerard, my boyfriend. God that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When we were at the door I rang the bell, because I forgot my keys and my mum came to the door.

“Oh hello boys!” She said while opening the door and we stepped in.

“Hi mum, Gerard’s going to stay with me tonight, isn’t that alright?” I asked while taking my shoes of and watching Gerard’s face going red.

“Of course that’s okay! Just act like you’re at home Gerard, you can eat whatever you like, take a shower and do whatever you like okay?” she said kindly while pulling blushing Gerard into a hug.

“Well thank you Angie!” He said and patted her back and looked at me smiling.

“Me and your dad were just watching a movie, do you boys want to join us? I can make more popcorn if you like.” She offered while she walked to the kitchen and we just nodded and walked to the living room and my dad was sitting in his black, old chair.

“Hi boys, you staying over tonight Gerard?” He asked while still watching the movie.

“Yeb, if that’s okay by you sir of course!” Gerard sat down and I sat down beside him and buried me in his chest while trying to figure out what was happening in the movie.

“Of course Gerard! You’re always welcome here! My casa zu casa! Or whatever they say.” My dad said and laughed and Gerard joined him and he kissed my head softly.

“Thank you for coming into my life.” He whispered in my ear softly, making sure that I only heard what he said and it turned my stomach upside down and i felt my heart melt and I looked up and kissed his lips softly and I felt his hand caress my back and I ran my fingers lazily through his hair.

“Popcorn and limonite boys!” My mum came into the living room with a bowl of popcorn and two glasses of limonite and put them on the table in front of me and Gerard and I thanked her and handed Gerard the popcorn and I lay back on his chest, trying to figure out what the movie was about.

“What movie is this mum?” I asked while staring at the TV.

“Erm I think it’s Gladiator with Russell Crowe.” She answered while eating her popcorn.

When the movie was over my parents decided to go to bed and left me and Gerard all alone in the living room, watching Brokeback Mountain.

“This is a cute movie…”Gerard whispered while taking my hand in his and I nodded. This was indeed a cute movie, but it made me crave for more Gerard so I stood up, walked to towards the TV and turned it off.

“Now why did you do that for?!”Gerard cried out and crossed his arms.

“Comon, let’s go to bed.” I pulled him off the couch and dragged him to my bedroom.

And when we were inside my bedroom I locked the door and turned on some more cozy lights and I watched Gerard sit down on my bed and I felt his eyes following me. Then I went to my wardrobe and looked for some boxers, I didn’t want to wear the boxers that I was currently wearing, pink wide boxers that said ‘Girl power!' on it, gee… no thanks! Then I found some tight black ones, ‘bingo!’ I thought to myself and pulled them out and closed the wardrobe and turned towards Gerard and pulled my belt out teasingly and Gerard didn’t say one word, he just kept his eyes on me and he licked his lips. Then I unbuttoned my jeans and took my socks off and threw it across the room and I heard Gerard giggle at my pink boxers.

“Oh you wait!” I said while turning around, and pulled off my pink boxers and I felt Gerard’s eyes still staring at me, then I put on the tight, black ones and turned around.

“What’ya think now! Haha!” I laughed while running towards him and jumping on him playfully and he still hadn’t said one word.

“Damn…you’re so fucking sexy.” He said while staring at me and felt something hard under me.

“No way! You got hard from watching me undress?” I grinned, the thought of making Gerard hard made me feeling a bit horny myself.

“Maybe…” he said shyly and ran his hands up and down my back and still staring at me. Then I leaned down to kiss him but then he pulled away.

“What…why?” I asked confused… didn’t he like me?

“I don’t want to have sex now Frank… I want our first time to be so special that it will be written in books!”He sat up, leaving me still confused.

“You see Frank… I love you so much! And we’ve only been boyfriends for a few days and I’m just so confused, because I love you more than anything in this world! I’ve never felt this way before Frank! I would die for you, really! I would take a bullet for you!” He said while looking at me dead serious and I was speechless.

“So I want our first time to be as special as our love. I think that we should wait a bit longer because that will only make it more special!” He was being sincere, he was expressing his love to me, which made my heart melt so much that I could feel it rolling around like water.

“Do you feel the same way?” He asked, looking a bit disappointed that I haven’t said a thing.

“Gerard…I feel the same way! God you have no fucking idea how much I love you! I would travel the world just to find you! If I was a millionaire I would spend it all on you! If I was a book writer I could write hundreds of books just about you and our love! I understand how you feel Gerard, I just thought you wanted to have sex now…” I tried to look a bit disappointed but I was far from disappointed, at the moment I was the happiest boy in the world.

“Of course I want to silly!” He looked at me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“I just want our first time to be extremely special, but we can do other things instead though babe.” He winked at me and wrapped his arms around me and I felt his lips against mine and I felt so much love for him right now that I just had to do something!

The butterflies in my stomach were wild, so I pulled his hair lustfully with my left hand while using my other hand to pull him closer to me and I could feel his chest rubbing against mine and his smell was taking over me and we were in our own love bubble. Then I couldn’t control myself anymore and I ran my hands under his shirt and pulled it over his face, breaking the kiss for a few seconds, then he hurried to continue it while tightening his grip around me and I pulled his hair again while wrapping my legs around his waist and pressing my crotch against his and he broke the kiss to moan and he pressed his hip against me and making me moan.

Then I moved my hands to his belt and unbuckled it and threw it to the floor and started to unbutton his jeans as well and he kicked them off. Now Gerard was on top of me, wearing nothing but his boxers and he grinded his hips against mine and we moaned loudly, totally forgetting that my parents were just few meters away.

“God Frank… the wait will be hard…”Gerard whispered while running his hand to my ass and grabbing it and biting his lip while pressing his erection on mine again and making me press down a loud moan.

“But I-it will be w-worth it!” I said through the moans and rocked my hip with the rhythm of our hips. Then suddenly I felt this familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach and I made my thrusts go fasters and harder and Gerard followed and shortly after I grabbed Gerard’s bare back and saw stars while feeling Gerard tighten his grip around me and then moaning loudly and go limp and I felt his sweat drip from his chest on to mine and he fell down on the bed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I curled into his chest and then felt my dreams pulling me away from real life.
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Frerard!! : D