Save Me

Mister Lonely

Gerard‘s P.O.V

Few days after that amazing night, me and Frank have been extremely busy. Both in school and with the band rehearsals going on like crazy and me nearly living at his place. So we were exhausted. We had written 3 new songs, Headfirst for Halos, Honey this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us and Cubicles. I was really proud of all of our songs, they rocked so hard and we were practicing everyday because the prom ‘concert’ was coming up. And the days flew by like crazy and I felt like I was on a rollercoaster that I couldn’t stop.

Now I was lying in my room, just trying to fall asleep, which wasn’t going very well because Frank wasn’t with me. His parents dragged him to some dinner party with their relatives so I was left alone and I just decided to go home and go to my bedroom.

I just lay here on my bed, thinking about how my life has changed since Frankie came into my life. He turned my life upside down, like now I’m rarely depressed, I go out more often, I feel much better about myself and about my life, I’ve stopped crying and I’ve fallen in love with the most beautiful, amazing, loving person in the world. Then I was suddenly pulled away from my thoughts when Mikey came suddenly running into my bedroom.

“ME AND MY CLASS ARE GOING TO DENMARK IN A FEW WEEKS!” He ran and jumped up and down.

“What? And are you going with them?” I asked, not caring one bit about what he said.

“YEAH! I just talked to mum and she said yes! So I’m leaving after 15 days!” He shouted at me and continued jumping around.

“Congratulation.” I kind of spat at him, he was annoying the shit out of me.

“What the fuck is your problem? Have you forgotten how to be happy for people?” He glared at me, making me even more annoyed at him.

“No! I’m just annoyed okay?! Now get out please!” I shoved him out of my room, hearing him calling me a moron and a dickhead on the way out then I slammed the door and threw myself on my bed, feeling extremely lonely again and still annoyed. ‘Hmm, maybe I should just text Frank...’ I thought yo myself while finding my phone and started to text him.

“Hey babe, just letting you know that I really miss you, life sucks without you. xoxo G.”

I sent him and put my phone back down on the bed and feeling the loneliness washing over me all over again, making me feel depressed and I started at the ceiling, feeling nothing but loneliness until my phone vibrated and I hurried to check the text, it was from Frank.

“Aw! I’ll be home in a bit, don’t worry, I really miss you and I love you, xox frank.”

Making me feel a bit better and couldn’t wait to see Frank again. Being with Frank made me feel so alive and loved and he cared so much about me and I feel the same way about him but it’s still weird that we love each other so much when we’ve just known each other for a few weeks. Finally my phone rang and I knew it was Frank, telling me that he was on his way home.

“Hello?” I asked while sitting up on the bed.

“Hi! Hey I’m on my way home!” He said and I stood up and decided to find some new boxers and t-shirt.

“YAY!” I yelled and smiled, feeling extremely excited.

“So see you in a bit hun! I love you!” He said while I was walking out of my bedroom and into the bathroom.

“Yeb! I love you too, bye babe.” And I then I hung up and started putting some eyeliner around my eyes but knowing that I was going to sleep in a bit but I didn’t care really, I just wanted to look my best every time me and Frankie met.

Then I heard a car pull in front of the house and I ran downstairs and yelled goodbye to my parents and slammed the door and I saw Frankie step out of his car and his parents joining him and they waved at me and I saw Frank running towards me with a huge smile on my face and I opened my arms for him. Then he jumped into my arms and kissed me passionately and I locked my arms around him, not really caring that his parents could see us kissing like that. Then Frank broke the kiss and looked at me, looking extremely happy.

“I missed you so much! I thought I was going insane without you!” Frankie cried out and I saw his eyes getting wet, which made my eyes do the same and I kissed his forehead.

“Same!” I hugged him and put him down and took his hand in mine.

“Good thing that I’ll have you over the weekend eh?” He giggled and jumped back at me and wrapped his arms around my waist, making me giggle with him.

“Yeb, it’s going to be awesome sweetie.” I said and kissed his hair and pulled his hand, feeling a bit cold because we were still outside and the clearly understood me and kind of ran with me towards his apartment and we hurried to kick off our shoes and ran to his bedroom and I saw his mum just rolling her eyes and laugh.

Then when we were inside his room we flung ourselves on his bed and I hurried to wrap my arms around him and I placed my lips against his and we were lost in the moment, until I felt my phone go off in my pocket and I looked at It annoyed and it said ‘Mum’ and I answered.

“Hello?” I asked while rolling my eyes and Frank and mouthing the word ‘mum’ and he nodded.

“Gerard! You have to get home! Something happened to Mikey!” My mum yelled and I felt my eyes grow big and I dropped the phone.