Save Me


Frank's P.O.V

I watched Gerard‘s eyes grow bigger as he dropped his phone and jumped up from my bed and pulled me along with him and we ran outside.

“What’s wrong!?” I yelled at him while trying to catch up with him.

“Smthingfmikey!” He blurred out while running to his apartment and pulled me along and then he ran upstairs to Mikeys bedroom and I saw Gerard’s parents holding Mikey in their arms,crying.

“WHATSWRONGWITHMYBROTHER?!” Gerard yelled and ran towards Mikey, who was covered in blood and his eyes were closed, I froze in the doorway.

“WHY DON’T YOU TAKE HIM TO THE HOSTPITAL YOU DICKHEADS?!” He screamed at him and pulled Mikey in his arms and ran with him downstairs and I followed him as he ran outside to his car and he put Mikey in the backseat and I ran in to the passenger seat while Gerard hurried to the driving seat and started the car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. While we drove, Gerard kept his eyes on Mikey all the time and I wondered what happened to Mikey.

“What do you think what happened to him?” I whispered, not sure if I was allowed to talk.

“I don’t know, but he looks horrible.” He said harshly, but I knew he didn’t mean it, he was just really worried about his brother and really annoyed with his parents for not doing anything. When we arrived at the hospital we ran with Mikey to the emergency room.

“You need to help him!!” Gerard yelled while running with Mikey in his arms towards some doctor.

“What’s wrong with him?” the doctor asked softly, he had blond hair and perfectly smooth face and honey brown eyes.

“I don’t know! He was just covered in blood and unconscious when I came to him!” Gerard yelled hysterically.

“Oh my! Jarmine and Alice! Come and take him, we need to do a check up in him in a hurry!” The doctor ran towards two nurses then he turned around and directed us to some room and Gerard laid Mikey on a table.

“Okay, now we’re going to check what’s wrong but fast and my name is Carlisle.” He said and shook Gerards hand.

“I’m Gerard and this is my boyfriend Frank.” He looked at me and Carlisle shook my hand. Then Carlisle and his two nurses started to check on Mikey, looking into his mouth, eyes, ears, blood pressure and everything, while me and Gerard stood there holding hands, extremely worried about Mikey.

Then after the check up I saw Carlisle looking at his nurses and nodding and then telling them to take Mikey to the surgery room.

“WHATS WRONG WITH HIM?!” Gerard screamed while running after Carlisle who was taking Mikey to the surgery room.

“We need to hurry with him to surgery because his heart is failing, we need to operate now before it will be too late, so now you and Mister Frank will have to wait here.” Carlisle said while looking at us both very serious. And my heart stopped and I looked at Gerard, all the color in his face was gone and his eyes were empty.

“I-is he g-going to b-be o-o-okay?” Gerard mumbled while nearly falling to the ground.

“I’ll make sure of it Gerard.” Carlisle said while nodding to us and walked into the surgery room and left me and Gerard frozen.