Save Me

According to Plan

Everything was going according to plan, my mom’s cooking was great and the new family was awesome. Tony, Franks dad was quite funny and Angie was awesome but most of all, Frank was amazing. But the one thing that wasn’t going according to plan was that I was falling for that Frank guy! Well I don’t know if you can exactly that I was falling for him but I was acting all weird!

“Could you please pass me the beans mom?” Frank asked while staring at his plate, still really shy. But then suddenly I started laughing, well that wasn’t new cause I’ve laughed all evening at everything Frank’s said, I know that I’m a weirdo but I need to pull myself together I want this boy to like me back.

After the dinner the adults decided they wanted to drink coffee and talk about politics while taking over the TV. So I asked mister cutie pants aka Frank if he wanted to go upstairs to my bedroom. While he walked in front of me I couldn’t resist to take a look at his ass and what an nice ass he had. Suddenly Frank turned around and looked at me funny.

“What did you just say?” Frank asked while crossing his arms and smiling.

“Erm...What nice…Weather we’re having this evening aren’t we?” I laughed with my nervous laughter, god Gerard! I must have said that ass comment out loud…God you’re an idiot. But Frank didn’t seem to mind, he just kept on smiling and walked up the stairs and into my small trashy bedroom.

“Woah… I can see that you like Iron Maiden and the Misfits … and comics” Frank said the most obvious thing ever cause all the walls in my bedroom were covered in Iron Maiden and Misfits posters and on the floor lay loads and loads of comics.

“Haha yeah they rock! Do you like them?” I looked at him and smiled, he looked like the kind of guy that listens to the same music and I.

“Yeah! Iron Maiden, Misfits and Black Flag are the best man!” he kind of shouted and then started to laugh and I couldn’t resist to laugh along because he had the most cutest laugh ever. After an awkward silence for a few minutes, Frank and I decided to sit down on my bed, I know it was risky but who cares?

“So tell me a bit about yourself Frankie” I said and really wanted to know more about this guy.

“Well erm… Okay my Name is Frank as you know,” he laughed his cute laughter, “And I’m 18 years old and I like to play my awesome guitar and listen to music and jump around, what about you mister Gerard?” he said and winked at me. Wait… did he just wink at me? I bit my lip and blushed for some reason and looked down on the floor.

“Let me see… I read comics, lame I know. I play video games, I’m 18 years old and I do have a car, if you haven’t seen the trashy old gray car that’s outside then that’s mine. And…” I stopped to think, what should I tell him more? Should I tell him that I like boys? God I’ll just go for it, “…And I like boys…” and kept staring at that spot on the floor, 'Do not make eye contact, do not make eye contact!'

“Really? So… you like me?” he said and I felt his eyes burning a hole on my neck.

“If you haven’t noticed then yes…” I whispered

“Good, cause I think I like you too” and he put his hand around my waist to pull me closer and then I looked up and saw his beautiful hazel eyes looking at me. Then I heard my mum coming up the stairs.

“The desert is ready boys! I got hot chocolate sauce and ice cream so come downstairs and help yourself” my mum said happily while she left me and Frank frozen on my bed, we were almost kissing until she stormed in! ‘This is why God created mothers, to ruin everything’. So we got up and went downstairs and me still checking his ass out on the way down.