Save Me

The Dream

Mikey‘s P.O.V

When we arrived outside, Carlisle led me to his car. It was a silver Volvo, I didn’t really like silver cars but this car actually suited his personality, just calm but still cool. But whatever about his car, everything felt so weird to me. When I walked, I felt like I was floating. When I breathed, I felt like I didn’t have to and I could see everything so clear. I was using glasses before but now I threw my pink glasses away. I didn’t need them because I saw everything around me.

Suddenly I found myself sitting in Carlisle car, listening to some random classical radio station and Carlisle humming along.

“Where are you taking me?” I said while looking at him confused.

“I told you, I have to make something clear to you. You see Mikey… I changed you… you were dying, I am a vampire… I know it sounds like I’m stoned but I have to show you this so you can believe me.” He kept his eyes on the road and I felt like laughing my ass off. ‘What the fuck was he on about?’

“Haha okay mister co-co head” I laughed and shook my head. Seriously, Carlisle must have escaped from a mad house.

“As you will Mikey, but I will make you believe.” He still kept his eyes on the road and continued humming to the song and I just laughed. This is so weird.

Frank’s P.O.V

When I woke up I found there was no one lying next to me, so I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up.

“Gee? Where are you?” I let out a yawn and stood up to stretch.

“In the kitchen love!” I heard him calling.

I couldn’t be bothered to put on some clothes so I just decided to jump in some boxers and run to the kitchen, where Gerard was standing, also wearing nothing but his boxers. He didn’t notice me so I just kept on staring at his beauty. The way his skin looked so smooth, how white and perfect it was. He wasn’t skinny or fat, he was just perfect. I watched his muscles move as he cut down some bread. ‘God I’m so lucky…”

“What did you say?” Gerard looked at me, smiling.

“Erm… did I say something?” I must have said that last bit out loud, so typical me. I felt like slapping myself.

“Yeah, you said something about you being lucky.” He put the bread on the kitchen table and I sat down at the table, taking a piece of bread on my plate and pouring milk in my glass.

“Well I am.” I smiled while putting butter and cheese on my bread and taking a bite.

“How come?” He asked while sitting down and taking a bowl in front of him and pouring coco puffs and milk into the bowl.

“Because I have you.” I smiled, while feeling my face growing extremely red but he just smiled and kept on eating.

“Awww, I’m also lucky.” He giggled and I took another bite of my bread.

“Hah, and why is that?” I asked, but clearly knowing the answer, I just wanted to hear him say it.

“Because I have you.” He winked at me and continued eating his coco puffs.

“Gee… I was wondering… when do you want to take the next step?” I put my bread down on my plate and took a bit from the milk.

“You see Gee… I love you so much and after last night… I’m sure that I want to go all the way with you… I’m in love with you Gerard…” I felt heart going like crazy, just hoping that he felt the same.

“Aw! I feel the same! And I’ve been thinking about it too actually!”He smiled and kept eating his coco puffs.

“I was wondering…after the prom…” He blushed and looked at me with his beautiful and I felt a smile growing on my lips.

“SOUNDS GREAT!” I yelled and hugged him across the table and he just giggled.

“I love you Frank.” He looked at me before I let go and kissed my lips softly.

“I love you too Gee.” I giggled while sitting down again.

When we were done eating and cleaning up in the kitchen we went to my room, to get dressed because we had a band rehearsal in a bit then the prom. I didn’t know what to wear, I wasn’t good at dressing really fancy but finally I found a red tie, white shirt and black jeans, not tight but just normal. When I turned around I saw Gerard looking at me sadly.

“What hun?” I placed my clothes on my bed and took his hand in mine.

“I’ve got to go upstairs and get clothes…” He looked down on the floor.

“Silly! You can be away from me for 5 minutes, now go! Get some clothes!” I giggled while shoving him playfully to the door and he just laughed.

“I won’t be long!” He kissed my lips and I opened the door and closed it again. Then I walked to my bedroom and started getting dressed.

When I was ready I found out that Gerard wasn’t here yet so I decided to call him.

“Hello?” I heard him say on the phone.

“Hey it’s me, are you ready?” I walked around my bedroom, worried if his dad had gone wild on him again.

“Noooo…I can’t my red tie!” He cried out and I laughed.

“Gee, I got an extra red tie, you want it?” I walked to my wardrobe and found the other tie.

“Yes please! Okay I’ll meet you outside okay?” I walked to the door and started putting some shoes on.

“Yub bye!” Then he hung up and I ran to my bedroom to get my guitar then I ran outside to meet Gerard. And he stood there waiting for me. He was wearing black jeans, black jacket, black shirt and a belt with a bat belt buckle and his hair was a mess but still he looked amazing.

“Yay!” He yelled while I handed him the tie and he thanked me with a soft kiss, which made all the butterflies in my stomach to come to life again.

“No problem love, now what do you got in the bag?” I notice him holding on to some white plastic bag.

“Make up stuff, we have to be cool tonight.” He laughed and I joined him while placing my guitar in the back of his car then sitting down in the passenger’s seat and Gerard sat down in the driver seat while starting the car.

“True that.” I laughed while we drove away to Bob’s house.

When we arrived I pulled my guitar out of the car and we ran to Bob’s house and he opened the door for us and we walked to his basement. Where we found Ray and Lyn-z practicing some songs.

“Hey guys!” Gerard opened them with open arms and hugged them both and I did the same but I didn’t really want to hug Lyn-z but I had to, I had to be all nice until the prom ended.

“Now that we’re all here and there’s only an hour until we’re supposed to be at the prom so let’s practice eh?” Bob said while eating a banana and we all went to our corner and plugged our things in, except Gerard, he only had his voice so he just started warming up.

“Okay let’s start on Headfirst for Halos and then we go for Song 2 and then…” Bob counted the songs that we were going to play, we were playing 4 of our own and 5 cover songs.

After a few songs I felt myself forgetting all the trouble about Lyn-z and I collided with my guitar, I sunk into the songs, I could feel the tones running through me as I played them and Gerard sings made me feel like I was flying. Our music was special, it was not punk, emo, normal rock or metal. It was something new.

After the last song we found out that we were late so we hurried to pack our things and we ran outside to our cars and drove away. I was in a car with Gerard and Bob but Ray and Lyn-z went on Ray’s car. We nearly fitted Bob’s drum set in Ray’s car but instead Gerard’s car was filled with two guitars and one bass.

When we arrived at the school we couldn’t be bothered to look at the big building but I could see that it was beautiful, it looked like something from the 1800’s. But we had to run with our things to the back door so I had to stop to stare at the beauty of the building.

When we came in we found ourselves in some huge red room, filled with speakers and sofas. Suddenly a woman came towards us, she had gray hair and blue eyes. She looked old but she still looked like she was a party animal.

“Hello boys! Are you…My Chemical Romance?” She looked at a piece of paper that she held in her hands and we nodded.

“Yes we are, madam.” Gerard said while shaking her hand.

“I’m Gerard, the singer.” He said and she smiled.

“I’m Frank, the guitar player.” I nodded to her.

“I’m Ray, the other guitar player.” She laughed and we joined her.

“And I’m Bob! The drum player!” Bob smiled like a baby.

“And I’m Lyn-z.” Lyn-z shook that old woman’s hand and smiled.

“Nice to meet you all! I’m Mrs. Suvenger but please call me Jenny.” She smiled and we all nodded, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

“Well its best that we place your stuff on the stage, the stage is that way.” She pointed to the left and we followed, with all of junk with us.

Finally we found the stage and we started to put our things in correct order. Bob took some time to get his set ready and me, Ray and Lyn-z had to plug in our things but Gerard went to the toilet and we all could hear him sing, he was warming up. When I was done I kind of ran to the toilet, already missing Gerard.

I opened the door and found Gerard walking around with his arms flying about the place and his voice filled the room but when he noticed me he stopped and blushed.

“Don’t stop! I just missed you that’s all!” I smiled while running towards him and wrapped my arms around him and placed a small kiss on his lips and I felt him locking his arms around my waist.

“I missed you too.” He smirked and I felt his lips against mine again. The butterflies in my stomach couldn’t stop flying, they always did this when we kissed but then I broke the kiss, remembering the white plastic bag that Gerard had.

“Let’s put on some make up shall we!” I walked to the sink and poured all the stuff out of the bag and out came some white make up, red eye shadow, black eyeliner and some black ‘cake’ eyeliner.

“I’m going to put the white thing all over my face then using this…” He pulled out a duck tape out and placed it on the sink. “To draw a line around my eyes, to look like a criminal.” He smiled.

“Sounds cool! I think I’ll go with…” I started thinking…what would be cool…

“Hm! I’ll put large X’s over my eyes and some red around my eyes!” I took up the eyeliner and started drawing an X over my right eye and Gerard laughed.

“You’re so cool.” He shook his head while placing that white stuff over his face.

When I was done I looked at the results, I must say that I looked quite awesome. Then I looked at Gerard and he looked awesome. His face was completely white and the area around his eyes were all black.

“We’re so cool seriously.” Gerard said smiling and I took his hand and led him out of the toilet and to the stage.

“Woah what happened to you guys!” Ray said while looking quite shocked and we just laughed.

“How long until we’re on?” I asked while sitting down on the stage and started playing with my guitar.

“Hmm…20 minutes?” Bob said while trying his drums out.

After 10 minutes of doing nothing the old lady came back.

“Okay now the guests are arriving, and we need you off the stage for now, you can go to the red room and I will get you when you have to play.” She led us to the red room and we just fell down on the couches, looking all really worried.

“So…how are you guys feeling?” Lyn-z asked while searching for a bottle of water.

“Worried.” We all said and she just laughed.

“There’s no need to be worried, it’s all good fun.” She smiled as she found what she was looking for and I saw her wink at Gerard as she bent down to get it. I wanted to punch her teeth out but, after the prom I kept remind myself.

10 minutes passed by quickly and suddenly the old lady was back and I felt my stomach sink and I saw Gerard’s face go even whiter than it actually was… which kind of made me laugh.

Then we decided to give each other’s high fives before stepped on to the stage. When I was on the stage I saw hundreds of teenagers there, clapping and screaming at us, even thought we were an unknown band. I walked to my spot and placed my Pansy guitar over me and stared to tune it.

“Hello fuckers! We are My Fucking Chemical Romance!” Gerard said while raising his hand up and the crowd went wild.

“This is our officially first gig! We’re gonna play some of our songs for you people and of course some covers songs, how the fuck does that sound!?” He said and I felt the excitement taking over me and the crowed clapped. These people were so cool.

“Well, enjoy!” And we kicked off with Our lady of sorrows and I felt how the hyperness took over me and I kept slamming on my guitar. Gerard’s voice took over me and the rhythm of the guitar as well and again I was lost in my own world, my own world of rock.

“We’ve only got one chance to put this at an end!” Gerard screamed while head banging and I looked at Lyn-z who took a weird…back bend and the crowd shouted.

When the song ended we started with Song 2 right away and I could see all the kids jumping around. They were all around our age but we kind of looked older than they for some reason.

After a few songs song’s we stopped to take a short break and stepped off the stage and I felt how sweaty I was, yummy.

“THIS IS SO AMAZING!” Gerard screamed and jumped around and Bob joined him and soon we were all jumping around, so happy that they kids liked our music.

“God I need water!” Gerard said while running to the toilet and I followed him like his shadow.

When we were in the toilet he ran to the sink and drank so much water that even an elephant would be jealous.

“Woah! Thirsty are we?” I laughed and Gerard stopped the water and looked into the mirror to fix his makeup and he just nodded.

“Ready to go on stage again?” I asked while patting his back and he turned around and I felt his arms sneaking around my waist.

“Frank, thank you for coming into my life, this is my dream.” He looked into my eyes and I couldn’t say anything back… I just felt my lips attack his and his arms locked around me but suddenly we were interrupted by Ray.

“Guys we’re on!” He looked at us confused and I let go of Gerard but took his hand in mine as we ran to the stage again, ready to rock the night away.