Save Me


Mikey‘s P.O.V

I stayed at the Cullen’s house, I would say that I slept there but now I'm a vampire so… no sleeping for me. I talked to Edward about Vampires all night. He told me about how he became one and his ‘siblings’. Carlisle did the same to them, saved them from falling into the dark abyss of death.

“Do you want to try out your new senses Michael?” Edward asked me and I looked at him confused.

“Erm…what senses? Except the new sight and smell?” I laughed my nervous laughter, being a vampire was extremely new for me.

“You see Michael, you might have something special. Like I, I have the ability to read people’s mind. Do not get afraid, your mind is extremely innocent and fairly cute.” He smiled at me and I felt butterflies in my stomach coming to life. ‘Why did Edward do that to me?’ I thought while stepping outside the house with Edward.

“Thank you, but what do you think I have?” I asked him while we walked towards the trees near the house.

“Hm, I don’t know yet but you see Michael, not every vampire has this. But it’s common in the Cullen family. Like Alice, she can see the future. Jasper can control the mood around him. I can read minds and Carlisle…well he can just be charming and people listen to him no matter what.” He stopped in his tracks suddenly and I did the same.

“Michael, you might have this. I’ve noticed that you can listen to people and make them feel better. When I first saw you in our house I was pretty worried and kind of mad at Carlisle for risking the risk of the knowledge of us. But when we started talking I felt this weird feeling coming from your words. They made me feel good and whenever you talk I feel good. So I think you might have something similar as Jasper, but it’s your words and you don’t control it you see?” He informed me and I looked at him confused.

“So…that’s my talent? To make people feel good when I talk to them? Hah, great.” I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the trees again but Edward was right next to me in less than a second.

“That is great Michael. You can use it when you’re arguing with someone and like with Gerard, you can talk to him about this vampire thing, if you want, and he’ll feel good about the fact that you’re a vampire.” He said while we walked.

“Woah, I guess that is great!” I smiled, feeling happy that I could make Gerard happy about the new me.

“But until then, we have to take you hunting and train you so you will not attack Gerard because of his blood.” He whispered the last bit, knowing it will make me sad.

“I understand Edward, I’ll do anything to keep my brother safe.” I stopped and turned to Edward, who smiled and grabbed my hand suddenly and I was going to shake it off but one part of me told me not to.

“So..erm are we going to some...vampire stuff?” I asked while wondering why he was still holding my hand. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable but it was nice in some way also.

“Yes, I’ll teach you how to control your speed, strength and then we will hunt, okay?” He let go of my hand and I nodded. And then we were off, running as fast as a car.

Gerard’s P.O.V

Last night was amazing, me and Frank made love. I still can’t believe it, it’s just too good to be true but still it was and that made me extremely happy. But I knew I couldn’t stay at Frank’s place tonight, I had to go upstairs to my home but I was going to bring Frank with me. I didn’t care what my father thought but if he was going to do anything, I swear I would take all of my stuff and find a place for me and Frank.

When Frank woke up we got dressed and ate breakfast, knowing that we had to go upstairs in a bit.

“So…why are you so nervous Gee?” Frank asked me while eating his toast.

“Meh doesn’t matter.” I didn’t want to tell him that my dad wasn’t exactly happy about the fact about me being gay, it might scare Frank off.

“Tell me!” He begged me while putting on a puppy face which was quite hard for me to resist.

“Oh Frank…okay! But promise me not to leave me or stop loving me or run away from me or anything when I tell you?” I looked at Frank and he looked hurt and shocked.

“W-wha… Of course I promise! I love you more than anything! I’ll always be there for you!” His puppy eyes came back again and I took his hand in mine.

“Okay you see Frank… my dad doesn’t like the fact that I’m gay…he actually beat me up for being gay. Remember that night when you heard me scream?” He nodded, looking pale and the expression on his face was shock.

“Well, Mikey saved me from him. My dad hates it that his oldest son, his blood, is gay. I’m sorry… but I promise you that if he pulls anything today, I will find a place for you and me. And i could get a job with the school, we could drive together to school and such and everythg...but you don’t have to come if you don’t want to…” I trailed off.

“Are you asking me to move into you? When you get a new place?” His mouth was open and I let out a nervous laughter.

“Erm…yeah I think so.” I smiled and I suddenly found Frank’s arms around me.

“I take that as a yes?” I laughed and locked my arms around his waist.

“YES! YES YES YES!” His arms were crushing me from his happiness that I couldn’t breathe anymore.

“F-frank! I need air!” I pushed him away from me and he laughed and I saw how happy he actually was. His eyes were glowing, he had a smile just printed on his face and he looked more beautiful than ever.

“You know Frank, you are…extremely beautiful.” I raised my eyebrow while looking at his beautiful eyes, his beautiful lips, his beautiful pale and soft skin and his beautiful white teeth. Everything perfectly beautiful.

“Prft! Lies, you’re the beautiful one!” He smiled even more, as if that was possible, and he pulled me into a long, passionate kiss.

After the kiss we stood up to get ready to go upstairs, so we were in the hallway, putting our shoes on when I suddenly got a little hyper.

“Everybody tie your shoes, clap clap!” I sang and clapped my hands, making Frank laugh and roll his eyes. And then we were off to face my parents.