Save Me


Frank‘s P.O.V

When Gerard‘s mum opened the door we got greeted by hugs from his mum and his dad, so far I didn’t see anything weird with Gerard‘s dad. I had only been to Gerard’s house once, it was really nice to be honest. It has this normal home feeling, brown sofas, a big but not too large TV, wooden floor and white walls, my house was kind of an ‘arty’ one.

After all the hello things we went to the living room and the smell from the kitchen made my tummy growl. Gerard’s father didn’t seem bothered with me being there and I always looked at Gerard, who looked as he was going to flip from nervousness.

“So erm… have you heard anything from Mikey?” Gerard blurred out while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand nervously.

“Nope, not singe word. We went to the hospital earlier today but that doctor, Carlisle, told us we’re not allowed to see him. Told us that he’s in some extreme care, sounds fucking weird to me if you ask.” His dad sighed and sat down in ‘his’ lazy boy chair and turned on the TV.

“He told me that he’d call today, what time is it? He might have forgotten to call me or something.” Gerard flipped his phone and yawned and shook his head.

“Nope still no calls and it’s already 5 o’clock!” He sighed and I saw him dial some number down.

“So call him then.” His dad said while flipping over the channels and I sat there in silence.

“Hello, can I speak to Doctor Carlisle, please?” Gerard said to the person on the phone while he stood up and walked around the room, he used to do that while he was on the phone.

“Yes hi, Carlisle, it’s me Gerard. Remember me? Mikey’s brother?” Gerard said while walking in circles and I kept my eyes on him.

“Yes, you told me that you would call today, I thought you had forgotten because it’s around dinner time by now.” Gerard sighed and I heard the voice on the phone speak.

“Ah I see, but when can I come and see my brother?” Gerard asked while biting his lip.

“WHAT?! 5 DAYS?! WHY SO LATE!?!” He yelled and me and Gerard’s dad looked at him in shock.

“But why DOES he HAVE to be in such close care? What the fuck is wrong with him!? Why can’t you tell me that?!” Gerard yelled and I saw him throwing his hands around in the air in anger.

“What? His lungs what?” Gerard seemed to be calming down.

“His EYES?! What does his eyes have to do with his LUNGS doctor?” Gerard raised his voice again.

“Disease?” He raised his eyebrow and I saw that Gerard’s mum had stopped cooking and now was listening to what Gerard was saying.

“Is it dangerous?” Gerard frowned and I looked at his mum, who looked devastated.

“Oh I see, so … his eyes and skin will be different?...Ah okay but tell me again why I’m not allowed to see him.” Gerard looked at his mum and mouthed the words ‘he’s okay’ at her and she smiled.

“Okay okay okay! I’ll come and see him in exactly 5 days, but I want you to call me every day about his state okay?” Gerard continued walking in circles.

“Good, okay thank you Doctor. Yeah bye.” He hung up and placed his phone in his pocket.

“Okay, Carlisle told me that he has disease that destroys the lungs and the color in the skin, but he’s not going to be an albino. His lungs are damaged and he needs to be in that extreme so the air around him or anything will hurt him. Carlisle even told me that his eyes are different, well the color in them changed.” Gerard informed us and sat next to me and I wrapped my arms around his waist and he placed his hand on my knee.

“Okay…well we’ll go see him after 5 days. And will Carlisle inform you about Mikey every day until then?” His mum asked worried and Gerard nodded.

“Well, that’s good, I’m glad he’s safe now. But now continue the cooking woman!” Gerard’s dad ordered and laughed and we laughed with him.

“So Frank, what do you think of my son?” Gerard’s dad asked and turned around to look at me and I felt me getting a bit nervous.

“I think he’s a great human being, he’s got so much talent and he’s just amazing.” I smiled and I felt Gerard place a soft kiss on my cheek.

“That he is, does he make you happy though?” He smiled and I giggled.

“More than anything in the world.” I said and he nodded.

“So are you happy Gerard?” He turned to Gerard who nodded.

“Yub, Frank’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, I’m very happy dad.” He smiled, making him look extremely pretty. His eyes lit up and his little teeth shined.

“Then welcome to the family Frank!” Gerard’s dad stood up to hug me and I hugged him back.

“Thank you sir!” I smiled while winking at Gerard, who was still smiling.

After a little chat with his dad and Gerard and watching a little of Animal Planet, the dinner was finally ready. The food was awesome! Chicken cooked Indian style with white rice, salad and a potato salad also for me, because I didn’t eat meat.

“How’s the salad Frank?” Gerard’s mum asked while passing me more potato salad.

“Very good!” I said while still chewing my salad and Gerard laughed at me.

The rest of the night we ate desert, ice cream and we played a game called Disney Trivial and I won. I was extremely happy about the fact that Gerard’s parents liked me and welcomed me into the family like that and I could tell that Gerard was also very happy.

Mikey’s P.O.V

I had been practicing the whole day with Edward, who showed me how to control my strength and speed. I ran extremely fast, like a bullet and I could throw rocks like they were paper but still I found everything weird. I was beginning to like Edward, even though he could read my thoughts but I didn’t even care about it, just every time I was with him I felt butterflies in my stomach, every time he spoke or touched me I swear I was going to faint. But I can’t think about that now! I have do everything I can do not hurt Gerard when I see him. I can’t wait to be with him again, to play in the band and go to school, but I hope that won’t be too difficult for me.

As I didn’t feel tired, ever, we practiced 24 hours. He took my hunting, I didn’t like killing innocent animals but I was so hungry, well thirsty.

“Phew, that’s better.” I whipped the blood from my face and felt full again.

“Good, tomorrow we’re going to take you near some humans but me and Jasper will escort you so you won’t kill them. It’s just to show you how it is to be near humans.” Edward said we walked towards the house.

“Okay sounds good.” I smiled at him and then winked at him. ‘What…the fuck did I do?’ I thought to myself and Edward laughed and I suddenly remembered that he could read my mind and I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughed even more.

“You are so silly Michael, hiding away your feelings. You have time to have feelings you know…” He smiled and walked into the house and I stood there confused. I think I like Edward…but as I said, that must wait.

“Sure Mikey!” I heard him yell from the house and I laughed and walked in and was greeted by Alice who held in her arms a pile of clothes.

“Okay Mikey! I’ve got LOADS of clothes for you! To be honest you don’t dress so well!” She laughed and I looked at my clothes, ‘what was wrong with my clothes?’ I thought.

“So…I went to town and bought these for you! EDWARD!?” She yelled and he came in less than a second and smiled at me and Alice smiled but stopped when Edward snapped at her.

“Sorry gosh…But I told you what I saw earlier…”She handed me the clothes and laughed while leaving me and Edward all alone.

I started to feel a bit weird, standing there with a pile of clothes and knowing that Edward liked me and I liked him.

“So…erm…clothes?” I smiled nervously and he laughed and nodded.

“Come and you can try out my clothes in my bedroom.” He grinned and the butterflies in my stomach flew around while me and Edward walked to his room.

This must be how Gerard feels when he’s with Frank. I never thought I would feel this way towards a guy! It’s just so weird, I thought I was always as straight as Mel Gibson but…I think Edward is proving me wrong. I guess this vampire thing isn't that bad.