Save Me


Mikey’s P.O.V

I slumped down on to the couch and felt how my body ached after all the things me and Edward had been doing for the last two days, running, throwing heavy stuff around, flying, jumping, just everything. And today he and Jasper were going to take me near a human, which I was terrified of, I didn’t want to hurt someone and most certainly not kill someone so I can drink their blood. No I wasn’t going to be like those other vampires, I was going to be like the Cullen’s.

“So when are we going?” Jasper asked Edward while they walked into the living room and found me lying there like a corpse on the couch.

“In a bit, I’m just waiting for Carlisle to come home from work because he talked to Gerard today.” Edward said while pushing my legs of the couch and sat down.

“REALLY?! What did he say?” I yelled and stood up in a hurry. ‘Oh my god, what did he tell Gerard? That I was dead?! What did he say?!’ I thought while panicking.

“We’ll have to wait for Carlisle to know what he said, but meanwhile we can go and hunt, you’re hungry right?” Edward said and smiled at me which calmed me down a bit.

“Yeah… guess I am.” I smiled back at him and Jasper rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

“So what do you want to ‘eat’ today Michael?” Edward asked while standing up from the couch and we walked out of the house.

“Hm, what about a mountain lion?” I laughed. It would be cool though, to kill something that big. To like test my strength again.

“Testing your strength eh?” he laughed with his beautiful laughter and I laughed as well but then he suddenly took my hand in his and I looked at him confused.

“Edward…” I looked down, but still enjoying his touch.

“Michael… Look, I like you. Ever since…Bella and Renesme died… I’ve felt so empty, I was going to kill myself but I couldn’t…I’m a coward Michael, I lost my first love and my daughter and I couldn’t join them in heaven…” He looked as he was going to cry but he couldn’t. He’d never told me anything about Bella before, all I heard about her was that she and Edward were once together.

“You and Bella had a daughter?” I put is other hand in mine, feeling how his pain became my pain.

“Yeah…she was half a vampire and half human, the Italian vampires came to destroy her and…they destroyed Bella after killing my daughter…” He whispered and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and we sat down.

“I’m so sorry Edward…that must have been terrible for you…” I rubbed his shoulders and he breathed out and nodded.

“Yeah…I was devastated…And then that writer came and wrote the story about me and Bella, she was a vampire but…I was so confused and ruined that I let her do it, to keep Bella’s memory alive. You know the Twilight books?” He asked while holding my hand tightly.

“Yeah, they didn’t kill humans and they …” My eyes grew large. ‘No way!’ I thought while staring at him in pure shock.

“That’s us, it was all true, except the last book had a happy ending…She didn’t want the books to end that way so she wrote about how Bella and our daughter lived and the Italian vampires spared our lives.” He said and I pulled him closer to me, enjoying his smell and touch.

“Woah…But doesn’t that risk your existence?” I asked him and he laughed.

“No, no one believes that vampires exist so it’s okay.” He smiled at me and I smiled back, happy that he wasn’t sad anymore.

“So are you feeling better?” I stood up and he nodded.

“Thank you Michael, I hope you don’t hate me for liking you…” He frowned while standing up and laughed.

“You silly person, I’ll never hate you, I actually like you too…even though it’s weird for me, like…I’ve never liked a boy in this way before.” I raised my eyebrow and we started walking towards the forest and he laughed.

“Yeah, I had never liked a boy before I met you.” He smiled and took my hand and this time it didn’t bother me.

“I like this.” I giggled and held our hands up and he laughed and nodded.

“Me too.” He smiled at me with his charming smile.

“Now, let’s hunt!” I laughed and let go of his hand while sprinting towards the hills, ready to kill some big mountain lion for dinner.

“I’ll catch you!” He ran after me and we ran side by side all the way to the hills, looking at each other every other second.

Gerard’s P.O.V

After that extremely successful dinner with my parents, me and Frank slept upstairs in my bedroom. Even though my bed was smaller than Frank’s it was still extremely awesome, lying there, with Frank in my arms and hearing his heartbeat, was the best thing in the world. I didn’t sleep last night, I was too busy listening to Frank’s heart beat and watch him breath in and out peacefully. Sometimes I heard him mumble my name in his sleep which made my heart melt and I always hugged him tighter when he did that.

When the sun came up I saw Frank’s eyes open and he looked confused for one second, clearly not know where he was. I kissed his forehead softly and he smiled.

“Good morning sunshine.” He murmured while wrapping his arms around me and I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

“Slept well?”

“Extremely.” He smiled and I kissed the top of his head again.

We lay there in each other’s arms for god knows for how long, just kissing each other’s lips occasionally and talking about things from yesterday and about Mikey.

“Hey I’ve been wondering about something for a while.” He sat up and I wrapped my arm around his waist.


“Doesn’t Carlisle look familiar to you?” He looked at me and I shrugged.

“Na, maybe, why?” I stood up and stretched out my arms and legs.

“No I just… never mind it’s silly.” He blushed and stood up but I placed my hand on his chest to stop him.

“No, tell me!” I raised my eyebrow, grinning.

“Meany!” He giggled. “Well, remember that guy from Twilight? The doctor?” I nodded. “Yeah just that guy’s name was Carlisle Cullen and he had blond hair and eyes like him and was pale like this Carlisle.” He looked away and started finding his jeans and I burst out laughing.

“Do you haha, really thing that haha, I’m sorry but do you really think that doctor Carlisle is a…vampire? From the Twilight movie?” I grabbed my stomach to ease the cramps from laughing.

“Pft! Have it your way!” He glared at me. “But I know I’m right.” He said while putting on a t-shirt.

“Sure you are babe.” I laughed again and kissed his lips softly and he just rolled his eyes.

We went downstairs to eat breakfast and I found my mother in the kitchen, making bacon sandwiches.

“MOM! Frank doesn’t eat meat!” I yelled at her and she placed her hand in front of her mouth.

“I forgot! I’m sorry Frank!” She threw the sandwiches on my plate and Frank just laughed while taking my hand in his, making me want to turn around and wrap my arms around him and never let go.

“Do you want cereal then Frank? I’m terribly sorry!” She asked him and he nodded.

“Sounds great.” He said smiling and my mum placed a bowl and a spoon on the table for him and I led Frank to the table.

“Want some water guys?” My mum asked and we nodded but when Frank handed my mum his glass to pour water in, she spilled it over his chest and I burst out laughing and I couldn’t stop. His expression was so funny! His chest all wet and my mum running around, trying to something to take the wetness away.

“Now it’s a fucking party!” I laughed and he glared at me. “As soon there is water involved, it’s a fucking party!” I said while laughing even more and Frank rolled his eyes and laughed.

“You’re so weird Gerard.” He laughed while my mum helped him wipe the water away.

“I think you need a new t-shirt love.” I winked at him and he giggled.

“Yeah I think so too.” He stood up but my mum was still panicking.

“He’s okay mum!” I laughed up while standing up and my mom apologized once more before I led Frank to my bedroom.

“Your mum is so funny!” Frank said when we were in my bedroom.

“DON’T LAUGH AT MY MOTHER!” I glared at him, faking my anger but he believed me.

“NO! I w-was joking!” He stuttered, making me burst into laughing once again.

“Oooooooh, I get it! Oh you meanie!” He pulled of his wet t-shirt and I laughed even more but stopped for a while to gasp at his beauty.

“Well if I’m being mean then do something about it.” I grinned at him and he did the same and suddenly he jumped at me and tackled me down on the bed.

“OW!” I said in pain after his elbow hit my ribs.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that but I meant to do this…” He whispered the last bit in my ear and I felt him lick my neck softly and I felt my body shiver from his touch.

“And this…” I felt his hands run under my t-shirt and over my bare skin while he started sucking on my neck.

“And then this…” He stopped sucking my neck and he placed his lips against mine and I opened my mouth to let his tongue play with mine and we battled lustfully with our tongues while I felt him running his hand up my thigh. ‘What…did he want do to this here?’ I thought to myself while I felt him rubbing my crotch, making me moan in the kiss. But I decided to break the kiss.

“Frank… do you want to do this here?” I looked him in the eyes and he smiled and nodded.

“Gee, we did so in my apartment, why can’t we do it here?” He laughed while he grabbed my shirt and took it over my head and threw it down on the floor.

“Well, good point, continue please.” I laughed and I did the same to his t-shirt and our lips collided once again and our tongues played playfully while I felt Frank unbuckle my belt and throwing it down to the floor and then he started working unbuttoning my jeans and soon they were on the floor with our shirts. I suddenly felt underdressed so I wrapped my arms around his waist and I was going to flip him over but Frank was still and broke the kiss.

“Nooo, Gerard’s being a meanie again.” He pinned me down on the bed and started sucking my neck once more.

“B-but you’re underdressed!” I said between moans, feeling all of my blood running to a specific place.

“Oh I’m sorry.” He stopped sucking my neck and lay down on the bed. “Then do something about it.”

I grinned and placed myself on top on him while unbuckling his belt and soon his jeans were on the floor and when I was getting ready to pin him down he rolled me down to the bed and I glared at him.

“No, I’m the one who’s doing everything now.” He started running his hand up my bare thigh and I let out a silent moan but Frank heard it.

“Oh, someone’s getting horny.” He grinned and I frowned at him.

“Yes, damn you and your sexyness.” I glared at him and he smiled and moved closer to me.

“I want you now…” he whispered in my ear and I felt my body shiver yet again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and he grinned.

“You sure you want this?” He laughed and I nodded.

“Oh Frank, I want you… I need you…” I pulled his body closer to mine and I felt my blood run faster and my heart nearly jumping out of my chest.

Then I felt his hands grab the line of my boxers and the pulled them down to my knees and soon they were on the floor and I sat up and did the same to his boxers and then I lay down on the bed again, and kissed his lips softly.

“We don’t have lube, but will that bother you?” He asked worried and I shook my head and he continued. I had have sex with guys before, more than 5 times so this wasn’t going to be as painful but when Frank placed one finger in me I couldn’t help but winch in pain but he kept on going, knowing it would get better in a bit. Then he placed another finger and I winched again and he frowned.

“I’m sorry.” He looked at me and I was going to say that it was okay but I couldn’t speak and Frank continued and then he placed himself inside of me and I grabbed the sheets on my bed and bit my lip so I wouldn’t scream. But soon the pain went away and pleasure took over me when Frank hit the spot and I moaned loudly and Frank went faster and harder, we liked it rough. And I felt Frank grab me in his hand and I couldn’t handle it anymore, I screamed out his name and I felt him release in me at the same time and he collapsed on to me and I wrapped my arms around him while he fell down on the bed.

“That was…” He breathed out and I nodded. “Amazing…” I finished for him and he nodded.

“BOYS? Are you okay? I heard some screaming!” My mum yelled from downstairs and we froze but burst into laughter.

“No mum it’s okay, we were just…tickling each other!” I yelled and Frank kept on laughing and I heard my mum say something to herself. This day just started way too good.