Save Me

The Apple Tree

Gerard‘s P.O.V

When Frank‘s parents arrived they came up to my place and told us that Frank had to come home and be alone for a few days. I didn‘t understand why but they said that it would only help strengthen our relationship and if that would do that then we might as well try.

After Frank left I didn’t know what to do so I went up to my bedroom and sat there on my bed, staring at the wall in front me, feeling lonelier than ever. I won’t be able to see my angel for 2 or 3 days… I hope I won’t go insane, because every time I’m left alone, I tend to freak out and it was already happening. I sat there staring at that wall for god knows how long, just thinking about how my life sucked without Frank. Without him I had nothing, my brother was at the hospital and I wasn’t allowed to see him, my parents hated me at times and people at school never talk to me.

Frank is the only person who makes me feel worth something, he’s the person who makes me happy, he’s the one who keeps me alive and now when I’m without him, I feel dead. I know it might be weird but I miss him so much even though I just said goodbye to him 2 hours ago. I miss is laughter, his smile, his touch, his smell, his giggle, his sparkling eyes…just him.

Suddenly I felt tears running down my face as I let out a quiet sob and I wrapped my arms around my chest and let out another sob.’ I’m not worth anything, I’m just fat guy who isn’t funny, who’s just trying to be someone else and who’s trying desperately to make someone love him…’ I thought to myself as I felt my body collapse on the bed and I let out another sob.

After god knows how many hours my phone rang, pulling me away from my emotional wreckage. I looked at the phone and it said ‘Carlisle’.

“Hello?” I whipped away the tears on my face and tried to calm myself.

“Hi Gerard, it’s me, Carlisle. Remember I promised to call you everyday about Mikey’s state?” He said and I suddenly felt a worried wave splash over me.

“Is h-he okay?” I stuttered while placing my head in between my legs.

“Yeah he’s fine, we just found the disease that he has in his eyes, it’s called Heterochromia but it’s not common that a male get’s it for it’s a female disease but there’s nothing wrong with that so I believe that you don’t have to worry about your brother Gerard, you’ll be able to see him in 4 days.” He yawned on the phone and I felt relived.

“That’s good, I’m glad that he’s safe, thank you doctor.”

“My pleasure Gerard, but I’ll bring you more information tomorrow okay? I have to run.”

“Okay thank you doctor.” And the line went dead and I threw my phone on to the bed and I decided to go downstairs to eat or something. I don’t want to be left alone with my thoughts, they might eat me alive.

Mikey’s P.O.V

We were walking through the forest towards the city, to face a human. I felt sick, I was so worried that I wanted to throw up. I don't want to kill another person, I don’t want to be a murderer. I started panicking and I stopped in my tracks, ready to turn around and walk back to the house, but Edward knew what I was thinking so he took my hand and led me through the forest.

“Don’t worry Michael, if something happens, I and Jasper will make it better? We’ll save the person from you and then we can make out under that tree.”
He pointed at a big apple tree and I laughed, he always knew how to make me feel better.

Jasper shook his head smiling, he didn’t really bother that we were kind of ‘dating’ me and Edward. Well I don’t know what you can call it. We both like each other but we haven’t kissed or anything. Just held hands but it didn’t bother me.

When I noticed that all the trees were gone and before me was a street with a lot of stores. There was an ice cream shop, a blockbuster and a little café there. There weren’t many people there but as we came closer to the people I felt my throat getting extremely dry and very thirsty and soon I started sniffing around. A smell of food came to my senses, some were good and some were bad. Some smelled like roses and some smelled like trash, so I started walking towards the rose smell and soon I found myself in front of the little café, standing in front of a young woman. She had long blond hair and green eyes and looked at me confused as I stood there staring at her.

“Can I help you with something?” She asked me and I felt my eyes grow bigger as her smell overtook my senses and I felt Edward hold my hand tighter.

“mmmmm…” I suddenly felt something take over me, something ran through my veins and took over my mind and soon I felt myself flying through the air and I was suddenly on soft grass. I looked up and I saw Jasper and Edward standing over me.

“What happened?” I stood up and rubbed my neck with my hand, not quite sure what happened.

“You tried to attack that woman.” Jasper said sternly and I looked at him in shock.

“WHAT?!” I felt my knees give in and I fell down to the ground.

“I didn’t mean to…I didn’t want to…I couldn’t help to…I’m a monster…” I buried my face in my hands and let out a quiet sob but suddenly I felt Edward’s arms around me.

“You are not a monster Michael, I actually killed my first human. I’m glad you didn’t.” He patted my back and I wrapped my arms around him.

“You see Mikey, you only need more training, don’t worry, Gerard will be safe.” Jasper patted my back also and I looked up and I saw them both smiling at me.

“So… you don’t hate m-me?” I whispered and pressed myself closer to Edward’s chest.

“No! Not one bit.” Edward smiled at me and I suddenly felt the urge to feel his purely magical lips against mine but I fought against it.

“I think I’ll go and check on Alice.” Jasper said and he walked off, leaving me and Edward all alone under the big apple tree.

“You okay, love?” He ran his perfect soft fingers through my hair and I nodded.

“Yeah, now that we’re alone.” I laughed, but not really sure where that came from.

“Yeah, hey do you want to try something?” He looked at me with his beautiful honey brown eyes and I nodded, nearly hypnotized by his eyes. And suddenly I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and he lay me down on the grass softly while he came closer and closer to me and soon I could feel his breath on my chest. I looked at him confused and was going to say something not so smart but he placed his finger on my lips and came closer.

Then I felt his wet lips on mine and I swear that the butterflies in my stomach came alive, flew around and came out of my body and were flying all around us. His lips opened and I felt his tongue lick my lip, asking for entrance and I opened and I felt his tongue touch mine softly and more butterflies came alive while we played playfully with our and I felt him run his hand up my back and I grabbed his hair to pull him more closer to me, I wanted more but then he broke the kiss and laughed.

“I told you we would make out under the apple tree.” He pulled me up and I laughed and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and locked my lips on his again there we were, under the apple tree, making out once more.