Save Me

A New Plan

When Frank and his family left i went up to my bedroom to go on my computer and got greeted by an really angry boyfriend cause i havent been on msn for ages.

Jack says:
“Where the FUCK have you been ?!”

Gee-tard says:
“At school. Why do you care?”

Jack says:
“You know what asshole! I’ve grown tired of you and everything about you! Fucking Fag!”

Gee-tard says:
“Well I am a fag, so are you, but you know what! I just met this guy and he’s 100% better than you and guess what… we’re over. I don’t need you, treating me like shit! So we’re over.”

Jack says:
“Okay? Should I care faggot? I don’t care one bit about you. So go and fuck that guy, I don’t care.”

Gee-tard says:
“Fine by me. Goodbye.”

*Jack is blocked* and delete. I really grown tired of him, I think he never really cared about me, when we were at his place the other week he had gotten really drunk and started yelling at me and then out of nowhere he decided to punch me in the face and broke my nose, after that I ran home and haven’t spoken to him for weeks. I fell in love with him when I was 17 years old, aka one year ago and he was really awesome then, we’re best friends then got … closer and then he started drinking more and changed and started to get more violent and… did more stuff… but why think about the past? I just met this amazing boy, Frank, and I’m single so I can give that a try and he told me that he liked me back!

Then I went downstairs to calm myself down and sat down in my favorite couch then I noticed that my younger brother Mikey wasn’t home.

“Mom, where’s Mikey? I haven’t seen him in days” I said worried.

“He’s on a school trip Gerard, I told you that few days ago, and you’re just noticing it now that your brother wasn’t home?” she said angrily while crossing her hands and glaring at me.

“No, he’s just often in his bedroom so, I don’t know” I sighed,” but when’s he coming home?”

“Tomorrow, around dinner time, so we’re going to order a pizza but shut up and just watch the TV” and then she put her eyes back on the TV screen and we continued watching Animal Planet.
My mum woke me up the next day told me to go to school, so I dragged myself out of bed and decided to look nice just in case if I would meet Frank on my way out. So I put on a bit of eyeliner and messed up my hair and put on a huge hoodie and baggy pants. Then I stepped out of the house with my huge red school bag and walked to the bus stop.
While I was waiting for the bus I saw a small figure coming closer to me, finally I figured out who it was, it was Frank and thank god I decided to look good today!

“Hi to you sexy” he said while giggling.

“What? Do I look sexy?” I asked and made a funny face because I thought I was the ugliest person alive and I didn’t feel sexy.

“I think so” he winked at me, “Anyways, you going to school?” he said while pulling a cigarette pack up and offering me one.

“Yeb, and no thanks I’m trying to cut back” I said and laughed.

“That’s a shame, because I think it’s sexy when people smoke” he laughed with me while lighting his up.

“Well you look sexy when you’re smoking at least” I said while biting my lip and checking him out.

“Hm… then you should see me in the shower” and he laughed with his sweet laughter. Then the bus came and he sat next to me on the bus. Awkward silence all the way, I was trying my best not to turn around and stare at Frank’s beauty but I could feel his eyes on me. Finally the bus stopped and he joined me.

“Wait… you coming with me?” I asked.

“Guess so, this is my new school, didn’t like my old one so I’m going to this one, are you in this one as well?” he said while getting another cigarette from his pack and lighting it up.

“Oh thanks cool! Yeah I go to this one, a bit boring I say but it’s going to be much better with you here” I said while biting my lip and winking at him.

“Can you please stop being so sexy Gerard? We’re at school and I have to go to class” he laughed while putting his cigarette out.

“What? I didn’t do anything” I laughed with him, then we walked into the school and went to class.

Class was boring as always, glossing and staring at the desk and thinking about Frank, which was a new one though. Time just didn’t want to pass, I couldn’t wait to see Frank again but time just didn’t want to move, like it was torturing me with all the wait. Finally I could go and talk to Frank and hit on him more and more, yes I had a plan. I was going to make Frank fall for me.

“Hello handsome” I said while slapping his ass and laughing.

“Ow! I didn’t see you coming, I missed you to be honest” he said and giggled, making my heart sink in my chest.

“Yeah I’m like that dude in Mister Deeds, you know?” I laughed while thinking about that waiter in the movie, god he was funny. I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck with my hand nervously.

“Yeah! he was sneaky and funny, just like you but he was fairly creepy but you’re not.”

Then he kept staring at the floor again, turning on his shyness button. Was my plan working? Well I sure do hope so. After that chat we went to class again and didn’t see each other all day, I didn’t even see him at the bus stop or in the bus or at home. Where the hell was Frank?