Save Me

Frodo Baggins

Gerard‘s P.O.V

I found myself lying in bed with my little Frodo Baggins lying next to me on a school morning. Yesterday had been such a wonderful day, we cuddled in my living room all day, watched movies and watched Yes Man with Jim Carrey. on the computer. That movie was extremely funny, I couldn’t believe how much me and Frank laughed actually. At one moment during the movie, Frank laughed while he was drinking his sprite so he spit it out and it landed all on my face but it was all good.

“Wake up princess.” I nudged Frank with my elbow, causing him to open his eyes and yawn.

“We have school in like 30 minutes.” I said while standing up and walking over to my wardrobe to find some proper clothes for today.

“Why are you d-dressing so f-fancy?” Frank said between yawns as he stretched out his arms.

“Because…”I put on a shirt and buttoned it. “Today is our one month anniversary! You silly person!” I laughed while walking towards Frank to wrap my arms around him and kiss him softly.

“I’m so sorry! I totally forgot!” He looked at me with puppy eyes but I just laughed even more.

“Don’t worry! I’m going to treat you like a prince, my love.” I giggled while wiggling my ass around, making him giggle.

“Don’t you want somebody to love! Don’t you need somebody to love!” I sang out while putting on some skinny jeans and Frank laughed even more.

After getting dressed and forcing Frank to put on some clothes, we drove to school. I felt like I hadn’t been to school for ages, ever since Frank came into my life I felt like I wasn’t in school anymore, but I only have 1 year left of school and then I can do whatever I want to do. Maybe My Chemical Romance might be something big, at least I’m going to work on it.

I was pulled from my thoughts when we were suddenly at the school and I parked the car somewhere near the school, not bothering to walk a long way. Me and Frank walked hand and hand as we entered the school, ignoring all the glares and evil comments from people, because we didn’t really care, we had our love.

When I had to say goodbye to Frodo Baggins I ran to English class, where I had to listen to the teacher talking about the Vikings.

“The Vikings came from Norway and Iceland. They attacked England and Ireland most often. And even today the Icelanders are still attacking England.” He blurred out and I didn’t have any idea what he was talking about so I started scrabbling down some stuff on my book. I started writing Frank’s name over and over again. Corny I know but I couldn’t help it, I just couldn’t get him off my mind.

When the bell ran I ran out with my school bag in my left hand and found my pretty Frodo Baggins waiting for me at the sofas. There he sat, wearing his cute, red skinny jeans, wolf hoodie and he had his lip ring in today. His hair was a mess but it was extremely sexy. I noticed that a girl group was standing in the corner, talking together and pointing at Frank and one of them blushed.

I walked towards Frank, where he sat there in his own world, not noticing me or the girls but then suddenly one of those girls beat me to Frank. She sat next to him in the sofa and he looked at her with a question mark tattooed on his face nearly.

“Hi, my name is Sasha.” She smiled at him and I stopped in my tracks and decided to watch this freak show. Just in case I could use it against Frank sometime.

“Erm hi…I’m Frank…”He forced a smile and the girl winked at him, making him to raise his eyebrow.

“So, I hear that you’re new here.” She moved closer to him, making him to back up in the sofa.

“Yeah…I guess…”

“I haven’t seen you hanging out with someone, are you seeing anyone?” She placed her arm on the sofa, playing with Frank’s hair which made me laugh but Frank didn’t notice it.

“Am I-I seeing anyone?” He raised his eyebrow and she nodded.

“Yes I am…”He stood up and the girl did the same.

“Liar!” She laughed and her girlfriends joined her. Frank started to take a few steps back because the girl was always coming closer and closer to him.

“Erm…” He turned around and finally he caught my stare and he frowned at me.

“There he is!” He pointed at me and ran towards me and took my hand in his and the girl glared at us.

“Ewwww! Are you Gay?!” She pointed at us and curled up her nose, just like she smelled something extremely bad.

“Yes I am.” Frank said while wrapping his arms around my waist and I winked at the girl and placed my hand on Frank’s face and turned it towards mine and I placed my lips on his and the girl made a puking noise.

“That’s so …ew!” She screeched as she ran away, making me and Frank laugh so hard that Frank nearly fell down on the floor but I was just in time to catch him.

“That was so weird! And you just stood there didn’t you!” He pouted his lips at me and I nodded, grinning.

“Meanie!” He cried out and ran to the sofa and wrapped his arms around his knees.

“Now common! School’s over, let’s go home, I have a big surprise for you sweetheart.” I pulled him of the sofa and his eyes lit up.

“Really?!” He smiled while jumping up and down.

“Yeb.” I grabbed his hand and led him towards the car and he was still jumping.

“You are the best boyfriend ever!” He giggled while placing a small kiss on my cheek.

“Aww Thank you! I do my best.” I stopped in front of my car and kissed his lips softly.

“Mmm, got cigarettes?” He tugged my hand and I nodded, remembering I still had my old ones in my jacket. I pulled out two cigarettes, one for Frank and one for me.

“What…I thought you stopped!” He raised his eyebrow at me and I laughed.

“Well, guess you can’t fight it forever.” I laughed while lighting up our cigarettes and took a deep drag from mine and watched the smoke float out of my mouth and I saw Frank staring at me.

“What?” I asked him while taking another drag and giggling.

“You’re just…so sexy when you do that! I mean like…you’re always sexy! But that’s just woah…”He stared at me and I shook my head from his sillyness as I took another drag, enjoying the feeling of nicotine rushing through my veins.

“You don’t look so bad yourself when you smoke.” I wrapped my arms and took another drag and watch him blow out a smoke and giggling.

“Well thank you mister obvious.” I laughed and put on my cigarette and Frank did the same. And we stepped into the car and I drove us home, looking forward to show Frank what I had in store for us today.