Save Me


Frank‘s P.O.V

I had forgotten our one month anniversary but Gerard clearly saved the day. I had no idea that it was our anniversary already. It feels like it has been a year since I met Gerard but time flies by.

When we arrived in front of ‘our’ house and walked towards Gerard’s apartment I felt my phone go off.

“Hello?” I forgot to look at the phone before I answered and looked at Gerard who decided to light another cigarette while waiting for me.

“Hi! It’s me Bob! Where have you been man?!” Bob yelled over the phone, so loud that Gerard heard it and caused him to laugh.

“God I’m so sorry man! I’ve just been busy with Gerard, what’s up?” Gerard offered me a drag and I brought the cigarette to my mouth and took one smoke.

“Me and Ray got a phone call from some dude at the Sniper Shot, some bar downtown. And they asked us if we were able to play for them next Saturday! Isn’t that awesome?!” Bob yelled once more and I felt a smile pop on my face.

“NICE! I’m totally in! And then Mikey will be okay! So no more Lyn-z!” I jumped up and down and Gerard looked at me confused.

“Haha, true. You are going to see Mikey tomorrow right?”

“Yub, but now Gerard’s got some surprise for me ‘cause it’s our one month anniversary.” I smiled at Gerard and saw him blush, causing me to wrap my arms around his waist and he placed a small kiss on my cheek.

“Oh gratz! But I gotta go, my dog is eating my xbox!” And then the line went dead.

“What did Bob say?” Gerard asked while taking one drag from his cigarette and then throwing it on the sidewalk.

“That we got some gig at the Sniper Shot bar next Saturday! And then Mikey can play!” I smiled at Gerard, who suddenly started jumping around.

“That’s so awesome! But let’s go inside, my ass is freezing!” He grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs and opened the door.

When we were in I saw Gerard’s mum standing in front of us, all dressed up and I suddenly felt my stomach grumble when a delicious food smell came from the kitchen.

“Hi boys! The dinner’s ready, me and Donald are going out for dinner. Have fun!” She said and gave us both kisses on the cheeks and Donald soon came and hugged us goodbye and soon we were there all alone.

“What’s that smell? My stomach is dying!” I laughed and kicked off my shoes and Gerard giggled and pulled me to the kitchen.

And when I walked in I saw that on that kitchen table were fancy plates, candle light and one red rose and on the plates was lamb chops with brown sauce and potatoes.

“You did this?” I looked at Gerard who was studying my face.

“Well I planned this. You see, I’m not the best cook in the world so my mum did the cooking.” He wrapped his arms around me and I looked at the kitchen table once again.

‘He is so awesome, going through all of that just for me.’ I thought and turned to Gerard who was smiling.

“So…what’ya think?” He smiled nervously, making me blush. His smile could melt an iceberg.

“I LOVE it!” I lunched myself in his arms and he laughed and placed a soft kiss on my head.

“Now, let’s not make the dinner go cold shall we.” He pulled me softly from his arms and directed me to a seat and I sat down.

“Red wine sir?” He suddenly appeared with a red wine bottle in his hands, causing me to laugh at his gentlemensness.

“No thank you, sir.” I laughed and Gerard sat down and poured red wine in our glasses anyway, just to have it more romantic.

I took a bite of the meat and it tasted great, Donna’s food was always amazing. Gerard seemed to be enjoying his meal as well because he kept making ‘mmm’ and ‘ummm’ sounds between bites.

“Yo’like’food?” Gerard blurred out while still having food in his mouth, so romantic.

“Yeah! It’s great!” I took a zip of the red wine and frowned. Red wine always tasted the same no matter what.

“Well the red wine isn’t I can agree with you there.” He laughed.

He placed his hand on the table, an obvious sign to make me place mine on his hand and so I did. And there we were, just staring at each other, holding hands and I felt butterflies coming alive once more in my stomach, cause me to blush. I never thought that I’d actually be able to find my ‘prince charming’ but I actually did.

“I was wondering…”Gerard started and let go of my hand to take a zip of the wine. “…If you wanted to take this upstairs?” He winked at me and I felt blood rush up to my cheeks and I nodded.

Then he pulled me upstairs to his bedroom, and there were rose peddles lying all around and candle lights all around, just like he did when we did it for the first time. But I wasn’t given too much time to think because I was suddenly pulled down on to the bed by Gerard. I looked at him confused but he just grinned back at me, he had his horny look on. I wasn’t in the mood for sex, I was in the mood for just me and him, doing cute stuff, watch a movie or something.

I sat up on the bed and wrapped my arms around my chest and looked down on the floor. ‘I didn’t want sex, Maybe he only wants sex…’ I thought to myself while bringing my knees to my chest and then wrapping my arms around them.

“What’s wrong?” Gerard said worried and sat up and I felt his arm sneak around my waist and I felt depression creep up in my soul. I didn’t want this kind of relationship.

“I don’t want this Gerard…” I looked at him, he looked confused and…disappointed?

“Want what Frank?” he started to run his fingers through my hair.

“This…always sex…” I looked away and heard him laugh.

“Always sex? Babe, we’ve only had sex two times! How’s that ‘always having sex’?” He laughed once more and I glared at him.

“I just feel like you never want to do stuff with me, like watch a romantic movie, go out shopping and that kind of stuff!” I stood up and crossed my arms and Gerard frowned.

“Frank…Comon! We’ve only been out for one month! Give me a chance my little love bird.” He smiled at me but I was too mad at him to smile back.

“Don’t call me little! I’m not little!” I spat at him and he stood up and tried to wrap his arms around me but I backed away, causing his eyes to water.

“Frank…Easy on the hormones!” He tried to make a joke but it didn’t work. I was still mad at him to always think about sex and then calling me a ‘little love bird.’

“HORMONES? No Gerard, it doesn’t matter, I’m going home!” I walked down the stairs and I heard Gerard calling my name but I ignored him as I slammed the door behind me and I ran downstairs.

Mikey’s P.O.V

‘Tomorrow… Tomorrow and then I’ll see Gerard.’ I thought to myself while staring at the TV screen. We had taken a break from the training because I had been showing great reaction towards humans. Now they didn’t bother me and the Cullen’s were very proud of me and Carlisle told me that he was going to take me to the hospital to get me ready for the big reunion.

“Tomorrow, love.” Edward read my thoughts and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I nodded. I wasn’t exactly looking forward for tomorrow. ‘What If I would hurt Gerard? Or worse…Kill him?’ I thought about this every day, ever since I became a vampire.

“Don’t worry. I’ve told you that I will save you if you’ll lose it okay?” Edward placed a burning kiss on my forehead, causing my 'vampire' butterflies to fly around my stomach and I nodded, still feeling a bit stressed out.

We continued to watch the TV, well Edward was maybe watching it but I was too busy thinking about how tomorrow will go but I knew that Edward was reading my thoughts.

“I said don’t worry.” He kissed my forehead once again and made me laugh.

“Okay, have it your way then.” I said and laid down on the sofa and pulling Edward down so he was on top of me. I felt his breath on my soft skin and I felt his eyes stare at me and I felt his fingers run softly down my spine as he pulled himself closer to me and soon our lips were locked and I felt his hips press against mine and I pressed mine against his as well, causing me to grin but then Edward broke the make out session and sat up.

“Are you taking Michael now?” He asked Carlisle, who suddenly appeared in the room. I sat up and looked confused at Carlisle. ‘I thought he was taking me tomorrow?’ I thought, knowing that Edward would hear it.

“Yes. We have to make him get used to all the human smells.” He smiled at me and I suddenly felt like all the stress and worrying coming back to me and building up in my stomach, causing me to feel sick.

“I see…” Edward looked at me and I frowned.

“It’s time then…?” I looked down, not ready to face my fate.

“Yes, let’s go Mikey.” Carlisle said and Edward pulled me up from the couch and placed my hand in his.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there to keep you safe.” Edward whispered in my ear and I suddenly felt safe. I knew Edward would keep me safe and keep Gerard safe. And then we were off to the hospital.

Gerard’s P.O.V

After Frank left, I found myself lying on the floor, crying my eyes out. I didn’t understand what came over Frank. ‘Why did he leave? What did I do? What happened?’ I thought to myself between sobs.

I tried to call Frank but he clearly turned off his phone and I couldn’t go downstairs, I was too afraid.

As I lied there, in the pool of tears and surrounded by the sounds of whimpers and sobs, I somehow heard a song on the radio, coming from the kitchen, I started listening to the lyrics.

“I come to your door to see you again. But where you once stood was an old man instead. I asked where you'd be, he said "she's moved, on you see. All I have is a number you'd better ask her not me. So I picked up the phone and dialed your number. Not sure to put it down or speak .Then a voice I once knew answered in a sweet voice. She said hello then paused before I began to speak. Babe I'm here again, I tell you I'm here again. Where have you been? Babe, I'm back again, I tell you I'm back again. Where have you been?”

When the song was done I started to think. I didn’t want that to happen to me and Frank. Somehow that gave me strength to stand up and pull myself together. I whipped away the tears on my face and ran outside and ran towards Frank’s apartment. I knocked on the door and the door opened and there stood Frank, with tears running from his beautiful hazel eyes, they were all red and swollen.

“I’m so sorry…”I bit my lip and looked at Frank, who was still crying, causing my heart to break.

“I’m s-sorry t-too!” He launched himself into my arms and I locked my arms around his tiny body and I felt tears stream down my face.

“I really do love you…” I whispered in his ear and he sobbed loudly.

“I l-love you t-too!” He cried into my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair softly.

“Let’s never break up okay?” I released my lock on him and pulled him softly away from me and looked into his eyes and he smiled.

“Y-yeah.” He blinked the last tears away from his eyes.

“Together forever?” I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his waist and he nodded smiling.

“Forever and ever.” He promised and I placed my lips against his and I felt my heart come together in my chest and I felt him pull my hair lustfully and I dragged him inside, not breaking the kiss and I closed the door with my foot.
But then we were interrupted when my phone went off and I smiled at Frank before opening the phone.

“Yes?” I knew it was Carlisle, he hadn’t called me today.

“Gerard? Yes it’s me Carlisle. Can you come now? Mikey is ready.” My heard stopped and looked at Frank in shock.

“He is? THAT’S WONDERFULL! WE’RE ON OUR WAY!” I suddenly came alive and hung up on Carlisle and pulled Frank along with me and he spammed me questions but I didn’t have time to answer them, Mikey was ready!

I started the car and we drove to the hospital and Frank kept on spamming me questions.

“Okay! That was Carlisle, he told me that Mikey is ready and now we are on our way to see Mikey!” I blurred out in a hurry while making a quick turn to the left, trying to pick the fastest way to get to the hospital.

When we arrived in front of the hospital, we ran inside and asked for Carlisle and we didn’t have to wait for long because Carlisle was actually waiting for us.

“Good, you’re here. Now let’s go and see Mikey, are you ready?” He clapped his hands and I nodded and placed Frank’s hand in mine and we followed Carlisle through the hospital. He led us through many hallways and doors and finally we were in front of Mikey’s room and Carlisle opened the door.

When we stepped inside I saw two persons standing there in front of the hospital room. I looked at the person who was standing near Carlisle. He had messy brown hair, honey brown eyes and looked extremely pale, just like Carlisle. I glanced at the other person. That person had short brown hair, just like Mikey, looked really pale and his eyes were dark red.

“M-Mikey…?” I walked towards the person with the red eyes, he looked scared and he kept sniffing the air around.

“Michael…is that you?” I placed myself in front of him, I recognized his face. This was Mikey but still it didn’t look like him. Suddenly the person nodded.

“Mikey…I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and I felt him stiffen up.

“I’m so sorry Mikey…But I’m so glad that you’re alive!” I broke the ‘hug’ and stepped away from Mikey. He looked like he was going to throw up and I saw the other person next to him was ready to jump on him at any time.

“What’s wrong…?” I backed away and I looked at Carlisle confused but his expression was…fear?

Suddenly I saw Mikey jump over the room and launched himself on Frank and bite his neck and the other person who stood next to him jumped on Mikey and started to pull him away and I stood there frozen…blood everywhere.

“FRANK!!? FRANK?!?” I suddenly woke up and ran towards Frank’s lifeless body. Mikey was being held away from Frank by the other person.

“CARLISLE! DO SOMETHING!!” I cried out and wrapped my arms around Frank’s neck and cried. ‘Don’t die Frankie…don’t die…’
♠ ♠ ♠
yay comments!
more? haha^^
and btw.. I know I'm evil 'cause of that cliffhanger. haha