Save Me

Save You

Mikey‘s P.O.V

One hour until I’ll be able to see Gerard, my loving brother. I’d missed him so much and Carlisle had been teaching me how to act like a human being for like 5 hours, how to switch my weight for my legs, cross my hands, blink my eyes and breath. It was all weird how you can suddenly forget all of those things when you’re suddenly a vampire but it felt good to remember them. He also told me to ignore smells around me, which was quite hard but I did it.

I and Edward were standing all alone in my hospital room, not speaking. There was no need to speak because I already knew that Edward could read my thoughts but he also knew I didn’t want to speak. I was too terrified of what would happen with Gerard. And soon the minutes flew by and suddenly I saw Carlisle open the hospital door with two persons. One of them had long, raven dark hair and the other one was a bit tiny and had short hair, Gerard and Frank. I didn’t know that Gerard would bring Frank with him but I guess they had grown closer to each other.

I saw Gerard look at me with his dark eyes, his eyes meeting mine and I saw shock in his eyes when he noticed that mine were dark red. I stood there, trying my best to ignore the smell of my brother and Frank, just in case one of them would smell irresistible.

“M-Mikey…?” Gerard came closer to me and I felt my body stiffen up. I could hear his and Frank’s blood run in their veins and suddenly my throat became extremely dry. I allowed myself to sniff the air around, I needed to be sure that was actually Gerard and if he was okay, and I was greeted by the smell of roses, chocolate, sweet sweet lemon… I looked at Gerard and saw him coming extremely closer to me.

“Michael…Is that you?” He was now standing in front of me and I nodded, trying my very best to ignore all of those beautiful smells that took over me.

“Mikey…I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” I suddenly felt his arms around me and I felt my body stiffen even more up. I was trying my hardest to keep control of my body. One move and I could lose everything.

“I’m so sorry Mikey…But I’m so glad that you’re alive!” He broke the hug and stepped away from me, looking a bit afraid. That look made me want to throw up, I was making him afraid but he had a good reason too, I was a fucking monster.

Suddenly I felt something take over my body, the thirst was taking over me. Soon my sight was gone and instead came blackness and I felt a beast inside me come alive. I allowed myself to take one breath and the scent of Frank came to my nose. He smelled amazing…Just...Amazing.

I heard Gerard say something but I couldn’t do anything, the beast inside me had taken over me and soon I felt my legs take off and my teeth sunk into someone’s soft skin and screams filled my mind but I ignored them. All the beast wanted was Frank’s blood.

But he didn’t get much time to enjoy it because I was thrown across the room and soon I got my sight back but not completely, I was still in my blindness world, inside of the beast.

All I could see was Frank bleeding out and Gerard frozen. Shock took over me and I couldn’t do anything.

I saw Gerard plead Carlisle to help Frank, then he attacked Carlisle but Carlisle threw him off of himself then Edward let go of me and helped Frank. But suddenly, I felt Gerard’s fists banging on my chest, face and everywhere just to try to hurt me but it didn’t. I wish they did but I couldn’t feel any pain, except the breaking pain inside of me. The pain of knowing what I did but I couldn’t do anything about it. I decided to let Gerard take his anger out of me, after all I deserved it, and I wish he could do more, just kill me. But he suddenly stopped when Frank spoke and the crawled to him and I stood there frozen.

Edward had sucked the poison out and saved Frank and I watched Gerard cry thankfully next to Frank but Frank was bleeding heavily so Edward and Carlisle helped Frank on the hospital bed and Carlisle started sewing the gap on Frank’s throat. A lot of blood was pouring out of it and he looked like he was dead. He didn’t breathe or move but somehow Carlisle thought he was alive.

I looked at Gerard who had pulled himself off of the floor and stood next to Carlisle, with his hands and face covered in Frank’s blood.

“I-Is he g-going to be o-okay?” Gerard sobbed and held Frank’s hand while tears streamed down his face but Carlisle didn’t answer, he just kept sewing the gap as fast as he could. I saw Edward was just as worried and he kept handing Carlisle things to take all the blood away.

“He is r-right?”Gerard’s voice was broken and defeated and I still couldn’t move, nor speak so I just stood there, watching everyone and once again, Carlisle didn’t answer but Edward spoke instead.

“Gerard…Carlisle is doing his best.” He patted Gerard’s back. Gerard looked like a ghost…His face was completely white and he just nodded and started whispering things in Frank’s ear.

“Don’t worry…I’ll never let them hurt you…not tonight…”He sang in Frank’s ear while Carlisle was closing the gap.

“I’m finished…”Carlisle stepped back from Frank and walked straight away towards the sink to wash away the blood.

“I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight…”Gerard sang while tears continued to fall from his eyes but his voice didn’t break, his voice sounded protective and I felt Edwards hands drag me out of the room and I soon found myself in one of the hospital corridors.

“Mikey…wake up.” Edward took my hand but I was still frozen.

“Babe…”He looked at me with puppy eyes and I suddenly felt his lips against mine. And something in my brain clicked and I backed away from him.

“I nearly killed him…”I started to panic, knowing what I did just killed me inside.

“Michael…It’s not your fault…”He wrapped his arms around me but I pushed him away. I didn’t anyone to touch me, the monster.

“I’m a monster…don’t touch me…don’t even look at me…”I turned away from him and I felt the pain inside my soul rip my apart, the guilt was ripping me apart.

“Mikey…I know how you feel…I killed my best friend once…But you didn’t kill Frank!”He wrapped his arms around me once more and this time I didn’t fight back, I just stood there staring at the floor.

“Edward…I’m so sorry…”I turned around and buried my face in his chest and I felt sobs coming out and Edward kissed my head softly.

“It’s ok Mikey…don’t worry.” He murmured while running his fingers through my hair and I decided to trust him, so I felt myself break down in his arms, just letting all of my emotions go away.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I lay on the hospital bed with Frank, unconscious, besides me and I kept on singing him random songs.

“Sometimes I wish I could save you and there are so many things I want you to know…”I sang to him while running my fingers through his hair softly. My soul felt empty and broken but I ignore the pain that Mikey had inflected, all I focused on right now was Frank.

I kept staring at my beautiful Frank, the one that I had nearly lost just a few minutes ago. I watched his nose twitch and his eyes run around under his eye lids and his chest moving up and down while he breathed quietly. I felt tears run down my face, his beauty was too much for me, it was just heartbreaking how beautiful he was. I knew I would never let anyone hurt him again, never again. I would take a bullet for him, take a vampire bite for him, anything just name it.

Frank had suddenly become such a big part of my life. He had taken over my heart, body and soul and I promised myself that I would never let anyone hurt him ever again. I was going to be the one to save him. Always.

But suddenly I was dragged away from my thoughts when Frankie’s eyes opened and I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and he smiled.

“So…I-I’m alive?”He said with a voice that would suit an old man. I laughed and nodded and kissed him once more on the forehead.

“Good…I never want to l-leave you…”He looked me in the eyes and I knew he was telling the truth.

“Ditto Babe.” I smiled at him and I placed my lips against his but then he coughed and I laughed.

“I’m sorry…”He smiled at me and I shook my head while giggling.

“Don’t worry, love. Just get some sleep okay? I’ll be here right next to you, I promise.” I wrapped my arms around him and ran placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“Okay good.” He smiled at me and buried himself in my chest and I kissed the top of his softly.

“I’ll always keep you safe.” I whispered in his ear and I let myself step into the dreamland with my Frank.
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I'm sorry but I cant be bothered to go over the chapter for mistakes or errors..
tooo lazy hahaa^^
but comments?