Save Me

Homophobia is Gay

I walked Frank to his classroom, just in case if some of those homophobes would try anything stupid. After that I ran to geography class so I wouldn’t be late. When I entered the class room everyone looked at me and everything went silent. Were they talking about me? I sat down and stared at my desk, knowing that everyone in the room was staring at me.

“WHAT?!” I snapped at them, I’ve had enough of people, some people are just so stupid. After that they decided to listen to the teacher and left me alone. Gratefully Frank hadn’t been touched so far.

“Hey handsome” I said while wrapping my arms around him and kissing the top of his head.

“Hey…” he kept looking around to check if someone was watching us, and everyone was.

“You shouldn’t care about what they think, because you are amazing and they're weird” I whispered and giggled while running my fingers through his hair.

“Yeah…” Frank whispered, “Homophobia is gay” he laughed in my chest and I joined him and nodded.

“That’s true babe, now, I don’t have class for the test of the day so I’m going to pay those jerks a visit in a bit.” Knowing what I’ll be doing to those jerks made me smile because no one, ever, should hurt Frank. After that Frank walked back to his class and I decided to wait for those jerks. After waiting for 10 minutes I saw them walking in the hallway.

“Hey homophobes” I spat at them, making them stop and look at me angrily.
“What do you want faggot?” One of them had blond hair and wore baggy pants, so you could see his lame pink boxers.

“Do you enjoy beating up people that are different?” I sat while stepping closer to him and feeling my fist close like iron, making me want to beat him up right now.

“It’s awesome to hear faggots scream, like we’re gonna make you do in a bit, fag.” His other friend looked like he gonna jump on me, well I wasn’t going to let that happen.

“You know, I’ve had enough of people like you, it’s about time that someone taught you a lesson” I said and felt my fist collide with the blond dudes face. I heard him winch in pain and his friend jumped on my back to stop me from breaking the other guys face.

“Get off of me you fag!” I yelled and pulled him off my back and kicked him. After some pounding I left them there and I went to the toilet to clean my hands. I know it’s not right to beat someone up but, karma right? What comes around goes around. They had it coming and now I knew they wouldn’t dare to touch my Frank.

After that I waited for Frank and thankfully I didn’t have to wait for long, he came running towards me and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a long, amazing kiss.

“I heard what you did! And thank you so much” he whispered while hugging me closer.

“They won’t bother you anymore sweetie” I said and kissed him softly. Then I took his hand and guided him to my car.

When we arrived home we decided to go to his apartment for a change. No one was home so Frank wanted to show me every part of his apartment. We walked to the kitchen, there was a big dark table, red and brown walls and big fridge.

Then he showed me the living room, there was a huge black TV, large red couch and everything really calming, it felt like I was walking into some Buddha place, everything had Chinese stuff written all over it, it looked extremely cool. Then finally Frank brought me to his bedroom. Dark and red walls again, filled with posters of guitar heroes and bands, big bed and a laptop on the floor and next to the laptop was a white guitar that had ‘Pansy’ written on it.

“Woah, your house is awesome!” I said loudly and sat on his comfy bed and Frank joined me.

“Haha, Thanks” Frankie giggled.

“So, how are you feelings? How are your ribs?” I asked worried, maybe we should take him to the hospital.

“They’re fine, hurt when I sit up for too long but my mum took me to the doctors early this morning and he said they’ll grow back quickly so there’s no need to worry.” He said and decided to lay down, and I joined him, wrapping my arms around him and just enjoying the moment.

Franks P.O.V.

I looked up at Gerard, seeing his beautiful eyes and perfect shaped face and feeling his arms around me made me feel safe and at peace. I know that it’s only been two days since I met him but still, I felt connected to him in some way, every time we touched, kissed or just talked I felt normal and oh my, the butterflies, they kept flying around when I was with Gerard. This feeling was amazing.

“Gee?” I asked shyly.

“Yes?” feeling him holding my hand, making the butterflies go wild again.

“I was wondering if you… wanted to go and see a movie tonight or something.” I’m so not good at this, asking…people on a date.

“Aw! I would love to!” he said happy and pulled me closer to him and I felt his lips against mine. Then I felt his tongue licking my bottom lip and I invited him in and we started a battle with our tongues and I placed myself on top and felt his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

“Ow! Be careful silly, my ribs are broken” I broke the kiss and looked at him with puppy eyes.

“Oh god I’m so sorry! I just couldn’t help it” he said while blushing like a tomato and I placed myself again on the bed and snuggled against Gerard, feeling his soft touch again and looking forward for tonight, my first date with Gerard and I was going to make it amazing. Then I felt my phone going off in my pocket.

“Hello?” I said and felt Gerard listening intensely.

“Hey dude! It’s me Ray!” I sat up so I could hear better making Gerard sitting up also.

“Oh, hey man! Long time no see eh?” Ray was my best friend from my old school, I felt bad leaving him alone but I just couldn’t stay there.

“Yeah! Hey I was wondering, I was able to get a gig at some prom in town, how does that sound?” Me and Ray and his friend Bob we’re in a band, we didn’t have a singer or even a bass player but we still sounded cool.

“Nice! Yeah, but what about a singer and a bass player? Proms are pretty big.” Suddenly Gerard spoke.

“My brother Mikey plays bass and…some people say that I can sing…” he said while biting his nails.

“Really?! That would be G-R-E-A-T!” this guy just keeps surprising me, I love it.

“What Frank?” Ray asked in the phone.

“Gerard, my new friend, he told me that his brother can play bass and he could sing!” I nearly shouted and shot a huge smile to Gerard, who smiled back.

“REALLY?! God kiss him for me!” Ray yelled, ‘don’t worry I will’ I thought to myself.

“Haha, I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay Ray?”

“Yeah! Talk to you tomorrow man, bye.”

“Yeah, bye man.” I hung up and looked at Gerard with a huge grin on my face and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him and smiled through the kiss. He just turned my life upside down, in a really, really good way.