Status: Indefinite Hiatus



Well, hi. I’m gonna get straight to the point. I’m Autumn. I live in Nevada, Las Vegas, with my mom. I don’t have a dad. I’ve never met him, nor do I ever think I will. I’m sixteen, nearly seventeen years old; I don’t feel like it. I only have one true friend. Well, I’m friendly with a few people, but I don’t class them as anything more than peers. His name’s Alex, he’s always been there for me. I help him with girl stuff and homework, and, well, he sits there and makes me laugh. My mom always tells me “Girls your age should be out at the movies on dates or hanging out at the mall with your friends”, but I’m not a typical girl.

Up until a few months ago, I thought my life was plain sailing. I’d go to school, get good grades, carry on to college and become something pretty successful, like a lawyer or something. Then everything changed, but I won’t go too deep into anything just yet.
I’m pretty average when it comes to looks. I’ve got green eyes, and light brown hair. My eyes don’t dazzle people and my hair doesn’t sway in the wind. I’m average height, and thin. I’m not one of the cute brunettes or one of the hot blonds. I’m just me and most people accept that.

My favorite animal was always the wolf. Such beautiful creatures, the way they moved, the way they hunted. It all fascinated me. But getting too close to a wolf can be dangerous, especially when all they see in front of them is prey. If a wolf were to turn on you, your natural instinct would be to run. That’s what most people do. But sometimes they’re not fast enough. They run as fast as their legs can take them. But the wolf catches them. Cowering beneath this beautiful killer it feels no emotion. Hunger building up inside of it, it feels no sympathy for its victim.

But two wolves turning against each other; it’s a fight to the death. There’s no certain outcome of which will leave victorious with the blood of the other strewn across its fur. A vast minority of people witness two wolves battling each other in such an aggressive manner. And only a few of these people will be so horrified by what they witness that they throw them self between the two wolves. And only one of these people will ever know what it feels like to fall in love with a wolf. That person is me.
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I'll post the first chapter now, please comment :)