Status: Indefinite Hiatus



We were sat on the banks of a small stream not too far from school. I’d decided I didn’t want to lie to Alex. Instead I’d told him I wasn’t too sure of what was going on anymore, which was the truth. I wasn’t positive of what was so strange about Taylor, but I had a very farfetched theory. And now we were sat in silence, a comfortable silence. I let out a long breath, watching the dandelions dance in the breeze around us. I’d perched myself on a small rock at the bottom of a slope, Alex sat cross legged beside me pulling at blades of grass and throwing them over the edge along with small stones. There wasn’t a single cloud in the blue sky and all the colours were more vibrant than ever before. It was nearing the end of summer, but all the leaves were glued to their branches and the plants were all very much alive.

“So,” Alex began breaking the silence. I turned to see him still tearing at the grass. “The band’s thinking about playing at the school’s carnival this year,” he finished casually turning to look me in the eye. You see our school do this thing every year where we set up stalls, hire fair type rides and hold some live music.

“Oh Alex, that’s amazing! You totally should,” I gushed hugging him as he turned a light shade of pink and went all modest on me.

“Well, we might not even do it I mean we’re not that good,” he mumbled hunching up out of bashfulness.

“Oh don’t be silly Alex you’re amazing and you know it,” I rolled my eyes to which he turned a brighter shade of pink.

“Oh! That reminds me, I’ve written some new lyrics. Do you wanna hear them?” He perked up, now excited. Before I could nod in reply he was already routing through his bag. I giggled at how cute he looked, sat cross-legged wearing black knee-length shorts and a purple t shirt while routing intently through his backpack. How adorable! He ignored me and eventually pulled out a neat lined notepad. He handed it to me and I scanned the words written down on the page.

Get me out of this place,
before I cause more damage,
a small price to pay for building houses out of matchsticks;
and when things get too hot, you've got me to blame for,
every fire that breaks out in every lover's name, so...

...Don't forget, we've got unfinished business,
stories yet to unfold,
tales that must be retold,
and I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness,
keeps me wanting,
keeps me wanting more...

Sell me out I'm yesterday's old news,
phrases left on paper,
black ink bleeding through
the pages where we made our history.
Call me foolish,
I feel hopeless...

Like a deer caught in the headlights
I won't know what hit me...
Running from lions,
never felt like such a mistake

...Don't forget, we've got unfinished business,
stories yet to unfold,
tales that must be retold,
and I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness,
keeps me wanting,
keeps me wanting more...

I smiled as I finished reading the beautifully strung sentences. I could feel Alex fussing about beside me. I turned to him, the grin on my face unsettling him.
“What?” I asked letting out a short giggle.

“I... I don’t think I’m gonna use them, they’re clearly not great,” he mumbled turning and playing with his fingers in his lap. He’d obviously taken my grin as a form of mockery, what I was thinking was far from it. I smiled in awe, poor Alex, he always doubted himself. I slid off the rock I was perched on and stood on my knees, leaning forward and taking his face between my hands I lifted his head and pressed my lips firmly to his. When I pulled away I smiled, still cupping his face.

“Seriously Alex, those lyrics are beautiful, you’re an amazing writer, don’t doubt yourself so much,” I spoke softly trying to gain his reassurance.

“Okay,” he said sending me a wide grin as he did. I kissed his cheek once more before ruffling his hair and sitting back on my rock. I’d be an amazing frog y’know. I picked up the notebook once again and turned to Alex.

“Would it be okay if I read some more of these?” I asked tilting my head to the side. He merely shrugged and kept smiling.

“If you like,” he replied flashing me a pretty smile. I returned it before carefully lifting the page. More notes were scribbled along the pages. Nearly the whole notebook was filled, one song called The Girl’s a Straight-Up Hustler brought tears to my eyes. Alex had clearly seen this, side hugging me as my eyes scanned the pages. There were more songs: Coffee shop Soundtrack, Jasey Rae and Lullabies were among the many that made me smile. However one, Break Out! Break Out! was the one that stood out most.

Break out, break out as we escape through the windows,
Head for the car and never look back, singing-singing,

I pointed to the two lines, knowing exactly what they were about.

“Am I thinking the right thing?” I asked feeling the smile on Alex face as he chuckled, the vibrations passing from him to me as he did.

“Yes you are,” was all he said as I remembered the all too familiar night.

“He won’t let me go!” I whined down the phone to my best friend, and boyfriend, Alex Gaskarth.

“What the f- why not?! We’ve had this planned for months!” Came his reply.

“I know,” I sighed, sadness clear in my voice. A brief pause took place before Alex spoke again.

“Okay you know what? Leave your bedroom window open, I’ll be over in no time,” he instructed.

“Huh? What are you planning Alex?” I asked, wary of what stunts he was planning on pulling.

“Trust me, I love you,” he replied before hanging up. I frowned but did as he said anyway. I was sat for five minutes before I heard my name being called in a melodic whisper out the window. Almost mechanically I drifted over to the open hole, leaning against the frame as I stared down at him. He was stood in my garden, trying to be quiet to catch my attention. I smiled down at him and he sent me a handsome grin back up.

“Hello there,” I greeted him. He simply carried on smiling.

“Come on, before your parents see me,” he motioned over to the drain pipe. After a lot of stumbling and lack of coordination I somehow safely made my way into Alex’s arms, hugging him briefly before taking his hand and dragging him out to my drive.

“Where did you park your car?” I asked looking up at him. He motioned for it round the corner to which I took off running again. The excitement built up inside of me just at the mere thought of sneaking out to a party with my Alex. Within minutes we were driving down the high street singing at the top of our lugs enjoying our freedom. It was days like these I’d never forget.
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Very long update for you all considering I have 3 new subscribers and I got twice as many comments as I asked for which makes me very happy and update insane amounts :D
Thank you to Green_eyed_girl, aimless mission, musicx4xlyfe and llamaXcore for commenting, you guys gained me a star and it means alot. Thank you again! :]