Status: Indefinite Hiatus



We walked the rest of the way in silence. Neither of us felt the need to say anything. The chattering of voices began to rise in volume as the grey building came into view. Sighing, pushing my weight against the glass door and taking a few steps inside I felt a swarm of pressure hit me and my back thud against the ground. A small ‘oof’ escaped my lips as my eyes adjusted to the excited blond boy pinning me to the ground.

“Alex!” I began, but having his hands restrict my arms from doing anything and such a wide grin spread across his face I knew straight away he had no plan to hear my whining.

“We got second to last!” He beamed. It took me a brief second to realise what he’d said as my jaw hung in an ‘o’ shape. All agitation I had felt towards him just a moment ago had vanished as I felt proud of his accomplishment.

“Oh, Alex that’s wonderful!” I squealed, seeing my expression his grip had loosened on my arms allowing me to wrap them round his neck and embrace him.

After pulling back I studied his smile, he looked so happy, I returned his smile and moved forward with the conversation.

“So who got last?” I asked him hoping he wouldn’t get fussy about it. Fortunately he just shrugged before answering me.

“Last Academy, but that’s kind of expected and it’s better than going after them,” he grinned. I chuckled lightly at how happy he was.

“So long as you’re happy with it, so am I,” I commented. We admired each other’s smiles for a moment longer before I realised we were in the middle of a hall.

“Uh, Alex,” was all I said as he blushed and averted his eyes from mine.

“Oh, yeah I’m sorry,” he rambled before climbing up from his position of straddling my hips and held out a hand for me to take. I giggled and grabbed onto it before dusting myself off, you never know what’s on school floors these days.

“Come see the guys, they’re really excited,” he beamed interlocking our fingers and pulling me from Taylor. I sent him an apologetic look to which he just smiled and started walking towards his locker. I hurried to keep up with Alex before he turned around and picked me up, placing me on his hip as we walked into a drama room where people were gathered around a sheet and groups of others were all smiling or sighing. I instantly recognised three boys off to the side of the room. Jack Barakat, one of Alex’s closest friends was sat swinging his legs and grinning on the edge of a desk. He played guitar, and from what I’d seen of them he was amazing. Zack, the bassist, was stood talking to him, bouncing slightly as he beamed. Rian, drummer, was leant against the table a little behind Zack, he was the first to notice me, smiling when he did. Alex carried me over and squeezed the breath out of my lungs before setting me, light-headedly, on my feet. I tried quickly gaining my balance but I failed. Miserably.

“Steady on Autumn,” I heard a chuckle. I groaned, shaking my head before looking up. There before me, stood Jack. He was still smiling, and seeing my eyes lock on his he tilted his head to the side.

“Hello,” was all I said causing him to giggle madly. I realised how stupid I’d sounded, giggling along with him before he straightened up and held his hand out for me. I took it gladly, dusting myself off. Alex liked putting me on the floor today.

I turned to see the other guys smiling and Alex stood with an admirable look nearest to me after Jack. He paced a mere two steps over and embraced me for a while as Jack let out a wolf-whistle. Ha, wolf. As the three erupted into small giggles Alex extended his back leg, hitting Jack square in the thigh making him groan. I laughed at this but kept hugging him. Small curse words made their way from Jack’s lips before he turned around and resumed his previous conversation with the others.

Me and Alex were in our own world, just stood hugging, silently discussing how happy we were with his accomplishment. The carnival was just over a week away, the music acts were always the last things to be organised, and now they were done, the only things left were the dress rehearsals.
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You have no clue how sorry I am that I haven't updated sooner! Thank you guys so much for commenting though. First off I had a week full of Give It A Name festival, then it was my birthday and then I was performing in a gig and just a lot of school work I needed to get out of the way. I'm so sorry you guys had to wait this long though. Thank you to eliscima, Insanity At Its Best, sokissmegoodbyex, Vampire's_Addiction, lustbloodbeauty and thekillgreedy666 for commenting on the last chapter, i've never had so many comments on a chapter and you guys got me up to four stars.

I promise I'll have more updates, school work's gonna have to wait for now. Please comment! You'll get an update either way but it helps.