Status: Indefinite Hiatus



My sneakers slapped against the wood until I reached the top, pushing open my bedroom door. I made my way over to the window sill, at the bottom of the bed. I grabbed the phone off the table on the way and perched myself on the edge. Typing in the familiar numbers I held the phone to my ear.

“Hey girl, hey!” I was suddenly greeted. I winced at the deafening sound.

“Thanks for that Gaskarth, I’m now in need of a hearing aid,” I replied to which he giggled.

“Sup, Autumn?” he asked. I sighed into the end of the phone.

“Oh boy, that can’t be good. What’s up?” came his soothing reply.

“Have you seen that new guy around school?” I asked simply.

“Yeah. Taylor?” He asked.

“Uh, I’m not sure, describe him to me,” I said bringing my feet up onto the sill. I heard him sigh into the receiver.

“Uh, he has kinda dark hair? He’s tall, green eyes?”

“Blue eyes” I corrected him.

“Okay fine, yeah, I know him. He seems pretty cool. What’s wrong with him?” He asked. I bit my lip; would he take this the wrong way?

“Nothing’s wrong with him” I began.

“But...” he urged me on. I sighed and walked over to my bed.

“I dunno, he just,” I began searching for a word. “‘Intrigues’ me” I explained falling onto my mattress. I heard him grunt; yeah he took it the wrong way.

“What?” I asked frowning at the ceiling.

“I don’t see why girls can’t just admit when they like a guy” he attempted to start.

“Whoa, wait, what? Are you sure we have the right guy? This dude wouldn’t even speak to me,” he cut me off.

“So you’re attracted to secretive guys,” he teased. I groaned.

“No,” I grumbled. “I’m just curious about what they have to hide,” I defended myself.

“Sure you are, anyway, do you know some girl called Ciara? Carla? Something like that?”

“Well if you don’t know her name, I have no clue,” I told him simply.

“I can’t remember, all I know is there’s some girl at our school, the grade below. She’s like, obsessed with me or something. She got my number off one of her friends and just messages me all the time, even when I don’t reply back. I wanna know who she is. She acts like I’m a celebrity or something. Oh! That was it, Ciar, I dunno her last name,” he explained.

“Oh, I think I’ve heard of her, I don’t know her personally though, yeah she’s in the grade below, she seems alright,” I shrugged. Once again, I heard him sigh.

“Yeah, I think we have the same person. You seen her around? What does she look like?” I could tell this was bothering him, so I just told him what I knew.

“Uh, red hair, she laughs and smiles a lot, well she is whenever I see her with her friends, I only see her when I see her in the halls,” I shook my head as if he could tell what I was doing.

We carried on talking for a while until Alex remembered about this new guy, ‘Taylor’. I surprised myself by asking questions about him. Turned out Alex knew just as much about Taylor as I did about Ciar. But I did find out a few things. His name was Taylor Ashwin, seventeen, from Ohio. Moved down here about a month ago, no one seems to know why though, he keeps that to himself. Well, I’d found out his last name and where he was from, just like I’d planned. I didn’t find out why he was here though, and that lack of knowledge made me so much more curious about him.
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