Down With Love

Chapter 17

“Oh god… God, Alex, don’t stop…” Jackie moaned from underneath me, as I ran my hands up and down her naked body, my mouth firmly on her neck. She slid her hand downwards, down my chest, and slowly down to my crotch, doing what, to be honest, she did best.

I couldn’t help but groan, but the next, libido-killing word slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. “Mmmmmh… Anna…” Unsurprisingly, Jackie pulled away.

“…Excuse me?!” She exclaimed.

“No, I- uh- Jackie, I…” I sighed. Oh, what was the point. “Fuck it,” I muttered, and climbed off of her, starting to put my clothes on. Jackie didn’t even protest, or make any sound at all except for announcing that I was a bastard. Once clothed, I made my way, practically running, towards the Avenged Sevenfold bus, and knocked on the door.

Much to my dismay, I was greeted by the largest of the group of them, the one whose arms were as big around as my waist, the one who could easily snap me like a toothpick. The one who was related to the girl I’d cheated on. Fuck.

“Pleasedontkillme!” Was the first word I said, without thinking. Well, said would be a long shot. Squeaked, more like. The bear of a man burst into hysterics, and stepped into the bus. I could hear him shouting to Anna inside.

“Anna, the scum is at the door!” He called “You should’ve fuckin’ seen him, all I had to do was answer the door and the bastard nearly pissed his pants!”

Just as I was about to hesitantly step into the bus, Anna appeared at the doorway. She looked stunning. But, like someone stunning who had gone through hell. And then, of course, I realized that that was exactly what I’d done to her.

“You look beautiful,” I blurted out. Fuck, I’d done a lot of that in the last fifteen minutes.

“What the fuck d’you want, Gaskarth?” She demanded. Right. I deserved that one.

“Just to talk… I fucked up so bad.”

“Yeah, you did,” she snapped, walking into the bus. I followed her without hesitation this time, closing the door behind me.

“Look, no, I didn’t just fuck up…” I went and sat next to her on the couch, and she shifted as far away from me as she possibly could, glaring. “No, listen to me. I didn’t just fuck up really badly. I threw away the most amazing thing in my life, and for nothing.”

“Yeah, but you got her back, didn’t you?” Anna retorted sarcastically. “Look, it isn’t just that you cheated that tore me apart. It’s the fact that not only were you cheating on me with that girl, but you actually put in the effort- while dating someone else- to get back together with her?!”

“Well, to be honest, she’s really easy, so there wasn’t really that much effort involved,” I responded, trying to be funny. Trying and failing.

Anna just stared at me, her mouth wide open as if in disbelief at what I’d just said. “FUCK YOU!” she screamed. “You know what, get the fuck out!”

“But-“ I tried to protest, but a voice roared behind me.

“GET. THE FUCK. OUT.” It was the scary cousin. I nodded, whimpering, and scampered from the bus. Before I left completely though, I pocked my mouth back in just long enough to shout one last thing to Anna-

“I fucking miss you, you know?” And I was running back for my bus.


As insulted as I should probably have been by him visiting and saying that, I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he missed me, that he cared enough to come by. I hesitated, and pulled out my phone, before putting it back in my pocket. I repeated this process about five times, before keeping it out, and texting Alex back: I miss you too, you fucker <3


“JIMMYYYY MAH MAN!” I shouted as Katelyn and I got burst back into the bus at about 10, from a late dinner. Rather tipsy- and by tipsy I mean a bit drunk, I collapsed into his lap, my arms around his neck . “And how is my faaaavourite drummer boy doiiing?!” My tank top was falling down , you could almost see half my bra at this point, but I didn’t give a shit. Thank god for alcohol. “Lookin’ pretty sexy, I see!” I ran my hand up and down his chest, as his face flushed.

“Er, Anna…” he protested, but I didn’t budge.

“Baby, if your blood’s flowing to your face, it’s flowing to the wrong place,” I announced, sliding my hand down from his chest to his crotch, massaging slightly.

“Okay Anna you’re drunk get the fuck off,” Jimmy shoved me so I fell to the floor, his voice breaking and going slightly higher pitched. “I’m going to the bathroom,” he ran towards the toilet.

“Jimmy’s cuuuute!” I announced to Katelyn and nobody else in particular. “Seriously, how did none of us ever notice, Jimmy’s fuckin’ hooot.”


I woke up the next morning (yeah, I woke up before noon, can you believe it?!) to the smell of coffee flooding my nostrils. Mmmm. Coffee. “Oi, pour me a cup?” I asked of whoever it was, without opening my eyes.

“Pour your own damn mug,” I heard Anna mutter, undoubtedly hungover.

I chuckled, standing up and walking the step and a half from the ‘living room’ of the bus to the ‘kitchen’. “Well, good morning, sunshine,” I smirked sarcastically. “Have a tad too much to drink last night?”

“Oh god…” she groaned, in a tone I knew far too well. I liked to call it hangover-speech. “I did something really stupid.”

I laughed “Yeah, I know…”

Anna went pale. “Wh-what? You know? What? How?!”

I was confused for a moment. “Wait… what did you mean?”

“What did I mean? What did you mean?!” Anna was clearly panicking over any other possible drunken mistakes she may have made.

“I meant when you came in, jumped onto my lap, and started rubbing my package…” I laughed, trying to sound nonchalant and not to get turned on again. “Why, what did you mean?”

“Oh my god, I did that?!” Anna practically screamed. “I’m sorry, Jimmy…” she started sipping her coffee, leaning against the table.

“Nuh-uh, you can’t avoid the question that easily, what did you doooo?” I grinned.

“I…” she trailed off, mumbling.

“You what?” I arched an eyebrow.

“I slept with Alex,” she whispered, barely audible.

I stared at her, shocked. “…wow. You aren’t like, getting back together with him or anything, are you?”

Anna shrugged. “I… I honestly don’t know yet.”
“But, well… you can’t!” I stated simply.

“I can’t?” she repeated; it was her turn to arch her eyebrow. I shook my head fervently. “And why can’t I, James?” she used my whole first name.

Wordlessly, I took a step forward, and with my long arms, I pulled her tiny frame against mine, lunging forward to crash her lips against mine, my tongue sliding simultaneously into her mouth, which was slightly open with surprise. After a while, she responded, her arms wrapping as tightly around my neck as mine were around her waist. Her tongue rubbed against mine, and I pressed her up against the counter. As I lifted one of her legs up around my waist, she used the opportunity to lift herself onto the counter, both legs wrapping arou-

Or at least. That’s what should have happened. “You know what? If you’re gonna be that much of a whore, then the two of you deserve each other. You know what they say, ‘great whores fuck alike!” I spat the second-to-last syllable, and stormed out of the bus, furious- though more with myself than anything else.
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I couldn't breathe while i wrote this. But i felt kind of like i owe him to finish this story. It's almost done, only a chapter or two are left.