Down With Love

Chapter 7

“If you don’t change that GODFORSAKEN song RIGHT NOW, Haner, I swear to fucking god, you and Michelle will never have children!” The seven of us (Matt had stayed behind, but the Barry brothers had tagged along) were crammed into a five-person rented car, racing down the highway, blaring the Beach Boys. Good Vibrations, to be exact. Between the music Syn was forcing on us- ‘I’m allowed, I’m the driver!’- and being sat uncomfortably on Zacky’s lap, squished against the window, I was beginning to regret choosing the water park. But almost as soon as the misery kicked in, we were pulling up in the parking lot. We quickly scrambled out, and I inhaled, savouring the fresh air.

I was wearing my swimsuit under my shirt and shorts, so I just grabbed a towel from the back and headed towards the park entrance. It took a while, since there were seven of us, but within half an hour, we were in, had locked our clothes and things in lockers, and showered. Showers! Everyone’s first since Warped Tour started. I take it back; this was totally the right choice.

“CANNON BALL!” I heard someone shout, and seconds later was sprayed in water, thanks to Mr. Jason Berry. I squealed and jumped back, knocking into Jimmy.

“Sorry!” I apologised, before jumping into the pool with plans at getting back at Jason. After a huge splash war, by the end of which everyone was involved, I decided to go for the waterslides.

“Merch, right? Avenged Sevenfold?” A voice behind me asked. I turned around to see a rather attractive, tall, thin boy with brown and blond hair.

“Y-yeah, I… how did you, I mean…” I stuttered.

“Alex.” He replied, holding his hand out to shake mine. I tore my eyes off his chest dripping with water and shook his hand, which was large, and strong. “I’ve seen you around at Warped,” he smiled, and I melted. “My band’s merch stall’s set up across from the A7X one. Move up.” He must have seen the puzzled look on my face because he clarified “The line.”

“Oh, right,” I tried to giggle, but I felt like an idiot as I made my way up the slippery stairs. I didn’t turn around to talk to him once the line stopped again- I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. But it seemed that maybe I hadn’t.

“You didn’t tell me your name,” Alex’s voice came from behind me again. I turned around, trying not to flush.

“Anna,” I said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

“Anna,” he repeated with that smile that I was sure no girl could possibly resist. “That’s a really pretty name.” This time, I’m sure I turned red. “So you like waterslides, Anna?” he asked, and I nodded dumbly. “S’your turn,” he said suddenly. I looked around me, and sure enough I was next for the slide.

“Wish me luck,” I said jokingly with a grin, but he did. I smiled, and launched myself down the slide. The overwhelming adrenaline rush of the slide was cut short by my sharp submersion in the water. I sputtered, smiling widely at the fun, and made my way to the ladder, though obviously not fast enough.

“WATCH OUT!” I heard Alex’s voice from the slide. I tried to lunge out of the way, but he had already crashed into me, causing me to go under. With his strong hands he pulled me up and over to the ladder. We stood there at the edge as I coughed, choking on water, before finally getting out. “You alright?” he asked, once were both standing on concrete. I nodded, my throat still too sore to speak yet. “At least let me make it up to you by buying you lunch,” he offered. I opened my mouth to say I’d had a big breakfast, but shut it again.

“Sure,” I smiled, although I could hear how rough my voice was.

“Great!” he exclaimed. 2I just have to go to the lockers to get my towel and money. Wait here,” he touched my arm before running off. I waited for ten minutes, shivering despite the sun beating down on me.

“Hey, I’m back!” Alex announced, when he finally returned. He must have noticed me shivering, because he draped his towel around me. I blushed again, and we silently walked towards the poolside café. When we went in, it was loud and crowded, but Alex managed to find a more secluded, quiet table in the corner.

“So… tell me more about yourself,” I started lamely. “All I know is that your name is Alex, you’re in a band whose merch stand is a cross from the one I work at, and you have amazing aim when it comes to waterslides.”

Alex laughed. “Well, my name is Alex, I sing in a kinda ‘pop-punk’ or whatever band called All Time Low. I like music, movies, video games, cereal, and dogs. And yourself?”

“I’m Anna. I’m currently unemployed during the rest of the year, but this summer I’m selling merch for my cousin’s band, Avenged Sevenfold.” Alex raised an eyebrow at this. “I used to be into makeup, texting, and shit like that. I still am, but I’m not shallow like I used to be, and I’m also really into music now.” I smiled. “Oh, and I really like bagels and I can’t stand dogs.”

“Oh, damn, you had me up till you said no dogs!” Alex joked.

“You ready to order?” A bored middle-aged woman with frizzy peroxide hair and a notepad appeared next to us as if from thin air. We jumped, and nodded. “I’ll take a burger, coke and fries combo, and…”

“Is it possible to get the tomato-mozzarella sandwich grilled?” I asked, glancing down at my placemat, which doubled as a menu. “Then that…” I said when the waitress nodded. “And… water. No. a chocolate milkshake.” The woman scribbled our order down and left.

“Chocolate milkshake?” Alex echoed, laughing slightly. “No, don’t get embarrassed, I think it’s a good idea, I think I’ll order one when she comes back with the food.” HJe grabbed a handful of toothpicks from the cup in the middle of the table and started making shapes. “So, why no dogs?”

“They’re so annoying!” I squealed. “Follow you everywhere-”


“-never leave you alone-”


“-bark at everyone-”


“I’m not going to win this, am I?!” I laughed.

“It would appear not,” Alex grinned.

It was at that moment that a group of tattooed men entered the café, in swim trunks and dripping wet, arguing loudly about how desperate they would have to be to perform sexual acts on various farm animals. I ducked my head with shame, avoiding eye contact with Alex, who looked both surprised and amused. My moment of pretending I didn’t know them didn’t last long, though.

“SO THAT’S WHERE SHE IS!” Johnny exclaimed, and put his hands on my shoulders from behind.

“Yes, and I’m eating,” I told him, aggravated.

“Don’t see no food,” he replied simply. “Who’s the dude, then?” He motioned at Alex.

“I’m Alex… Alex Gaskarth.” Alex replied. “And you are…?” I couldn’t help but notice the annoyance in his voice and I smiled slightly, relieved that he, too, didn’t find it funny.

“OOOH! Am I interrupting a lunch daaaate?!” Johnny asked in a girly voice. “I’ll just leave you two kids alone now!” he winked and walked to the table that the rest were at, but not before giving a sharp tug on the strings holding my bikini up. I shrieked loudly, and grabbed my chest to prevent the swimsuit from falling. Alex looked a bit embarrassed to be there, but much to my surprise stood and walked to my side of the table. Slowly, he did the ties back up. Each nanosecond that his fingers brushed the nape of my neck, chills ran down my spine. All too soon, he was done, and returned to his seat.

“I’m going to have to ask you to keep the noise level down,” the waitress demanded as she dropped our plates on the table with a skillful ‘clunk’.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” I replied. “It’s just my friend undid-”
“I don’t want to hear it. Really. Now keep it down.” She walked away, and as she left, Alex started laughing.

“She was mean!” I protested, furious with her, with Johnny, and now with Alex. Alex, however, shook his head and pointed at the waitress, who, much to my amusement, had toilet paper hanging from her skirt. Alex and I burst into fits of laughter. “You forgot your milkshake.” I said solemn-faced when we’d both calmed down.

There was a pause from Alex. “Shit.” He muttered finally. “Oh well, I’ll just steal some of yours,” he replied, and before I could protest, grabbed it and took a long sip.

“Fine! Two can play at this game!” I shouted, and before he knew it I was gulping down his coke.

“Hey no fair!” he exclaimed, and shoved my milkshake at me with one hand, trying to get his soda back with the other.

The rest of lunch- no, the rest of the day continued like this. Joking and teasing with Alex as if we’d known each other for ever. And it was heaven. We took the bus back to Warped Tour together late in the evening, and he left me at the Avenged Sevenfold bus with a kiss on the cheek and an invitation to come watch All Time Low’s set the next day. Like I said. Perfect.