Love Royalty

An Arrogant Prince

Brendon's POV

We went to the school canteen and bought some drinks (since we packed our own lunch because we couldn't afford the luxurious food here). I ordered iced tea as well as Justine and Jon.

I was so happy that I got out of the room. It felt so good to breathe again and have my body relaxed.

"I can't believe those royalties are our classmates." said me, starting the conversation.

"I know, it's not good," Justine replied.

Justine's POV

Before I could utter another word, I bumped unto this guy and that made the iced tea spill all over his uniform because I was looking at Brendon as I walked.I was actually looking at his lips that amused me that time. It looked really yummy.

"My gosh, I'm so sorry.." I said, looking at his uniform which was actually wet; I grabbed my handkerchief from my pocket and saw his straight face.


"It's alright, you can have this," he removed his coat and gave it to me, "I have plenty of those at my wardrobe, there's no need of you returning that to me, besides, I have people who do my laundry everyday." And he continued walking alongside Ryan and Karylle.

Yes, it was the Prince who I bumped into.

Thanks to him the students who were in the canteen were now looking at me.

"He's so arrogant, just because he is the prince doesn't mean that he can just step all over people, especially my best friend!" Brendon said angrily and not to mention quite loudly, and he made sure that the prince would hear him. I saw the prince glance to him and he just gave him a look but Karylle replied. "If your little girlfriend hadn't been dumb, maybe she wouldn't made this mess. What a loser!"

Oh yeah, thanks.

"Why you little!" Brendon started walking towards the Prince like he was going to punch hard in the face but Jon and I held him. "Never mind best," I told him while holding his uniform. I rolled my eyes when I saw Karylle laughing at us and they continued walking out of the canteen.

Jonathan's POV

"That's very rude of you Jonathan!" Ryan told me, pointing his finger at me while we were eating at the school garden.

"It's her fault! She's so stu-"

"Karylle, thank you for your company, you may go now" Ryan told her. Then she left without a word with her food, frowning. I was so glad she left. She was very irritating, I mean she had been following me like a dog since this morning and I hated that. Now, facing Ryan, "What is so rude about what I told her?" I asked.

"Telling her that you can have your coat and your servants are doing your laundry?! My goodness Jonathan, haven't you heard of the word respect? I know you're the prince but how will you represent the country with an attitude like that huh!?" Ryan is mad at me, and he's so right. What am I going to do now? I mean I want to know her. Ugh... Stupid me...

Ryan continues... "...and you're going to apologize to her. You don't abuse your power like that Prince Jonathan..."

Whoa... he was reading my mind.

"And be humble and get your coat back."

Heck yes... I will.
♠ ♠ ♠
The prince was very mean. D:<

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Thanks for all the people who read it. :-)