Status: I'm having a horrid time perfecting the last chapters, sorry for the wait :D

Rain On The Cabin Door


I woke up in the early morning, according to the clock it was 6:57 am, in Alex’s sleeping arms; his scruffy face buried in the crook of my neck causing me to shiver every time he exhaled. I sighed, giving up the thought of going back to sleep, as I twisted my body to look at the glow in the dark stars. The childish drawings in glow in the dark paint, made by Ryan and Brendon; painted just for me made me giggle quietly. However, the brightness of the paint and stars were sadly beginning to dull as the bright sun bled through my thin curtains filling my purple and green room with faint sunlight.

As I made my own constellations out of the stars with my eyes, I thought about the relationship Jack and I had. Sure, we thought we were in love, as did every other couple our age, but what if we really were not. I though over the three years I had spend without Jack; I was perfectly fine, and I really didn’t think about him often. Yeah, I cried for a couple weeks; but Jack’s charm had worn off quickly after I got the letter, and every good thought I had about him was banished from my mind when Alex had told me about him dating another girl. To be brutally honest, I didn’t miss Jack one bit.

“Maybe it was just a summer fling.” I whispered to myself, doubting the love. “If I mattered to Jack he would have had the guts to break up with me’ he would have at least called or texted me telling me we were though, and what we had wasn’t really there to begin with.”

I sat up slowly and cautiously, but I felt a cold, calloused hand on a small part of exposed skin on my lower back, where my tank top had been pushed up; I gaped at the sudden rush of cold.

“It’s just me silly girl,” Alex smiled, pulling me into his lap and wrapping my thick comforter around us tightly.

“I know. But you hand is so cold!” I giggled snuggling into Alex, my head resting on his shoulder.

“Sorry, next time I’ll warm my hands before I touch you gosh.” Alex teased as he yawned big then let out a small squeak afterwards.

“That was really cute” I giggled.

“You’re really cute.” Alex smirked.

“What did you just say?” I was sure my jaw was to the floor.

“I said, ‘you’re really cute’ silly.” Alex smiled down at me; a smile only he could produce and I instantly felt my face grow hot.

I hid my face in Alex’s bare chest, waiting for the blush to finally fade away before I showed my face again. I couldn’t believe he had called me cute on the inside, I wanted to squeal from happiness, but instead I bit down on the cold metal of my freshly pierced snakebites.

“Hayden?” Alex frowned; my hand was in his as he held it tight, toying with my manicured nails.

“Y-yeah?” I giggled, still blushing but probably only slightly, so I braved it and looked up at him.

“Was that too out of line?” Alex looked me in the eyes, pressing out foreheads together.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting it.” I assured him in a whisper.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I was laying on top of Alex, our lips connected and moving in perfect sync. The comforter was now crumpled up on the floor, most likely thrown aside by Alex in attempt to get me on top of him quicker, but I wasn’t about to complain.

“Alex!” Ryan’s soft voice has a smile to it. “Oh shit, sorry…” Alex and I immediately pulled away from each other sheepishly. “Damn Alex, in town two days and already trying to get in my sisters pants?”

“Ryan!” I groaned, I knew I was never going to hear the end of this.
♠ ♠ ♠
rather short and suckish. what do you want from me? its 12.53 am D:
feedback would still be amazing(;
dont forget to tell me who you'd like to see me write about!!
because i sure will write about whoever.
good night(: