My Life, My Paramore


"Woah… I never meant to brag… But I got him where I want him now…"

I grinned as my sister's amazing vocals filled the air; the roaring crowd packed closer, trying to get to the stage. She bounced around in front of them, moving in sync with the beat, and I couldn't help but laugh. My sister was up there, having the time of her life.

As the song ended, and Hayley was talking to the crowd, Josh glanced over. He smirked, waving his guitar at me. I laughed and wiggled my fingers back at him, flipping a strand of black hair from my face as they began to play crushcrushcrush.

After the show, they came back into the little box-room connected to the stage. I held out my hand, and the four of them ran by, high-fiving and whooping.

I love my life.


"Josh. You don't understand. I'm gonna punch you. Let go."

He grinned, his hazel eyes twinkling. His deep-ish voice was filled laughter. "Yeah, okay." He dodged my fist at his stomach, keeping a firm grip on the edge of my drumstick. He laughed. "It's not even yours." Fine. Zac's drumstick. But I was borrowing it. Sort of. He didn't know.

"Seriously." I laughed, tugging at the drumstick again. "Give it! Gosh!" I kicked out at his knee, missing on purpose.

He fell to the ground in a heap, releasing the drumstick and clutching the knee I would have hit if I hadn't missed. He glanced up, looked at my perplexed face, and laughed. "You missed."

I sat down on the carpet in my living room next to him, shaking my head. "You're a nut, I swear." I stretched out a leg behind him as he sat up, bending the other to touch my foot to my knee.

"Yeah… But you still love me. Stalker." He grinned, then pulled a mini-mirror from his jacket pocket. Why he had it, I have no idea. His pocket is like a treasure chest; you can find almost anything in it. He held the mirror up to my face. "See that face? It's the face of a stalker. An obsessive-compulsive stalker."

"I resent that." Laughing, I put my hand over his to adjust the mirror to where it reflected my whole face, and not just my forehead. I watched my lips glitter from the lipgloss I had on (I have a bit of an obsession with shiny things…) as I spoke, staring into my green eyes, and running a hand through my short and multi-layered hair. "Oh, and by the way. All that was reflected was my forehead. So, are you trying to say-,"

"Oh look." Hayley waltzed through the door, trailed by Jeremy and Zac. I jumped, hiding his drumstick under my outstretched leg. She grinned at me, catching the flash of white wood. "Emily's primping."

I laughed, knocking her feet out from under her as she tried to walk by. "Es tea eff you, maaan." I laughed again. "Darling, you just wish you were as beautiful as me."

"If you say so…" She rolled her blue-green eyes. As she sat up, she flipped back her yellow-orange-blonde hair and flapped her wrist at me. She smirked. "Jealous much?"

I reached forward to knock Hayley down again as she tried to stand up, and Zac gasped. Crap.

"My drumstick! You thief, you thief, how could you?"

"Oh, quite easily," I responded, jumping up. I gripped it tightly in my small hands. "Actually, just as easily as I can run away. You'll never catch me alive!"

He ran after me, calling out, "You really think so?" Close behind him, Josh, Jeremy, and Hayley followed.

I zoomed down the hallway, running out the back door. Grinning, I ran towards my blue-foam rimmed trampoline.

"Split up!" Josh called out. "We'll surround her!"

"No!!" I schreeched. "Traitor!!" I hurdled my small frame onto the trampoline, bouncing to my feet and waving the stick around. "Back! Back, you fiends!"

Josh laughed, hurdling onto the trampoline. He grabbed the wrist of my free hand as I tried to whack him across the head. Wrapping his arm around the front of me so he could grab my other wrist in the same hand, he snatched the drumstick and tossed it to Zac. I tried to bite his hand, still around mine, and he tackled me, sitting on my stomach.

He looked down. "So. I'm pretty sure you're still alive." He grinned.