My Life, My Paramore


"Jeremy darling... Your daddy wasn't a glass maker, I promise." I squirmed on the couch, folding my legs under me in an attempt to get taller.

Jeremy turned around, a wicked grin on his face, and danced in front of the screen. He turned back to his game, just in time to avoid smashing his car into a pole.

"I wish you would have hit that," I muttered bitterly.

He laughed. "Yeah, but I still would have been able to see the television, unlike somebody who lacks some major height."

I whined once, his taunting voice grating on my nerves, and squirmed again. Josh, next to me on the couch, glanced over and laughed. He could see the television just fine. Stupid tall kid.

"Shut up," I said, smacking his arm. "You're not helping."

"But why would I want to help? You're so entertaining when you're annoyed..." He grinned.

"Gah! I'm so misunderstood." I crossed my arms and glared. Then, I stood up. "You know what? I'm going to check the mail. Goodbye."


"Junk... junk... junk... Oh, what is this...?" I glanced momentarily at the next envelope in my pile of mail, addressed to Hayley, and shrugged. I grabbed opposite corners of it, tearing it in half. "Junk."

Hayley walked through the kitchen, whistling a tune I didn't recognize. She glanced at the pile of ripped-in-half envelopes on the table with a grin and a shake of her head. "Nothing interesting, I'm assuming?"

"Nope. You're quite a boring mail receiver." I grinned, getting up and walking to the mini trashcan in the corner. Bringing it over to the edge of the table, I swept the mail into it.

"Yeah, well..." Hayley grinned, tossing the coffee mix strainer into the trashcan I was holding. "That's hardly my fault." She laughed and danced out of the house. "Oh." Her face lit up in remembrance, and she poked her head back through the porch door. "Do me a favor? If we get anything from MusicMemoirs, give it more than one glance over before you toss it, okay? They're mailing us something important, for our new music video or something. I'm not sure. Just... keep it." She laughed. "Please?"

I nodded, and she grinned and disappeared out the door. A sigh pushed through my lips. "Bleh. I'm hungry."

Josh walked through from the living room, and laughed. "Talking to yourself is kind of bad for your mental health, darling Emily."

"How do you know I wasn't talking to you? Maybe I heard your footsteps. Or maybe I'm psychic! What then?" I grinned, standing up to get a banana from the counter. Instead of walking back to the table, I climbed up onto the marbletop counter.

"Well... I dunno. You know, you're kind of strange sometimes." With a laughed and a headshake, he left the kitchen without whatever he came for.

"You know, you're kind of strange," I mimicked, my voice high and squeaky. "Blah blah blah, I'm Josh and I think I know everything. Well you know what, Josh? You're dumb. I hate you. Shut up." I kicked off the counter, walking to the mini trashcan. Before I dropped the banana peel into it, I happened to glance down. I froze.

My face flushed. I could feel the blood coloring my cheeks, and I knew my face was bright red. I was going to be in some major trouble. Maybe... Maybe I could just run away. I would run very far away, and I wouldn't be caught.

And maybe that was the stupidest think I've ever thought in my life.

I checked again, just to be sure my eyes weren't fooling me. They weren't. With one pale, shaky hand, I reached out and poked at the trash. It didn't smell so hot. The pile of envelopes seemed to bore a hole in my forehead. Why am I such an idiot?

In the corner of the top envelope, the bold letters of the return address stared back at my through soggy coffee grounds. MusicMemoirs.