Can I Shout Now?


Hi, my name is Tara, and my life is like a fairytale.

Well, in reality, it's not. In reality, life kind of really sucks. In reality, I don't do much of anything, except for what it takes to survive, stay clean, and stay healthy.

It's kind of like... I know exactly where I am, and I know what I'm doing and who I'm with, but I just don't bother staying in reality. I retreat to my fairy tale, and that's where I stay. Sort of confusing to explain, I guess, but easy enough to do.

I've been classified by more doctors than I care to number as a member of the clinically insane. But they know nothing.

I don't talk, usually, except to the people that live in my imagination. I know that they don't exist; they just hold more interest for me than the people in my reality. And when I do talk to people not in my head?

Well... It's not very pleasant.

My family doesn't really care much for me. On the day I turned fourteen, my father walked out. My mother truly went insane, and my sister Marie just stopped talking. I guess that was about the time I did, too. Daddy was the only thing that held our family together.

So, I created my alternate universe, and my alternate identity.

There, I'm known as Alexandra. Alex, for short, but only by my closest friends. I have a loving father, a perfectly sane mother, and a chatterbox of an older sister.

Oh, and my best friend is Sonny Moore.

So, when I said my life is like a fairy tale, I guess that wasn't totally accurate. Fun to think, yes, but not accurate. Nothing out of the ordinary, really, happens in my world. No unicorns, no trolls, no flying pigs. Normality. Safeness.

My life is like a game of make believe.


Why, hello, my name is Johnny, and I'm kind of a nobody. My life pretty much totally sucks.

My best friend's name is (was) Tara. Was, up until we were fourteen, and she went all psycho-zombie. Her father makes me very angry.

So now, my life basically consists of trying to pull 'Alexandra' from her 'fairy tale.' I can't bear to watch her do what she does to herself.

Sure, I guess after two years, I probably ought to just give up. But I can't. I just can't give up on her.

And it's not even that she was my only friend, the only one to ever accept me... though she was. I've tried telling myself she's not worth it, but I always know it's not true.

You see, the thing that really draws me to her is love.