Can I Shout Now?


What was I going to do?

I walked down the grass surrounded rocky pathway, wishing for some company. I looked up from dragging my purple converse clad feet - I liked to watch the dust float around - and spotted Sonny skipping towards me. He skidded to a stop next to me and switched directions to walk with me.

"Alexandra, doll... you missed the party," he was saying animatedly. "I was gonna call you, but..." He trailed off, wriggling his eyebrows in a smirk. "I dunno. I forgot." He shrugged, dragging the toe of his black converse across the ground.

"Yeah, well, you know what!?" I gave him a light shove, and he spiraled theatrically into the grass. He laughed as he stood back up and came to walk next to me again. "I could always just, you know, have a party and not invite you." I grinned at him, noticing a patch of purple wildflowers. I bent at the waist to smell them. "Mm..." I breathed. Picking one, I held it between my index finger and thumb and spun it in Sonny's face. "Me, this flower, and not you. A wild party."

Sonny laughed, shook his head, and snatched my flower. "Yeah, you could, but you wouldn't."

"Oh, kind sir?" I jumped at his hand, trying to get the flower back, but he held it above my head tauntingly. The ground crunched as I rose up on tiptoes, clawing at his arm, but he held it out of my reach with laughter at my feeble attempt at flower thievery. I flopped down onto my back in the soft, thick grass with a huff. My face twisted into an subconscious smirk as he sniffed the flower and sneezed. "And why, may I ask, do you think I wouldn't throw a party?"

He sat, a little more delicately, next to me. With a soft smile, he set the flower on my chest. "Because you think I'm too cute."

I exploded into laughter, unwilling to admit how right he was. I didn't have to, anyway. He knew it was true. He grinned, pulling me up into a sitting position when I lifted my arm. I raised an eyebrow. "Do I, now?" He nodded, and I rolled my eyes. "And what if I get over that feeling?"

He picked up the flower that had rolled to the grass when I sat up and twisted it absently between his palms. He grinned. "You w-,"

Tara, I need to talk to you.

I glared as, though Sonny's mouth continued to move, and he seemed unaffected, his gorgeous chocolate eyes turned turquoise, and his playful features became Johnny's sad ones as Johnny's words poured from his lips.

My mouth became a hard line, but Sonny didn't seem to notice. He was probably used to this kind of stuff - it happened all the time. People just couldn't seem to contain their urges of destroying my world. They were all so very rude. "I'm sorry, Sonny doll," I interrupted his silent lip movement. I could no longer hear what he was saying, but I still considered myself as interrupting him. "Could you hold on for just a moment?"

As he opened his mouth to speak - Tara, this is kind of serious. Could I talk to you, please?

"Yeah, yeah..." I muttered. "It always is, isn't it?" With an apologetic look to Sonny, I blinked rapidly and he was gone as my room materialized in front of me. I stood up from my crossed legged position on my double bed and stomped to my doorway. The glare thrown at the blue eyed boy who waited for me there made him cringe. "What do you want, Johnny?"

He shook his brown hair from his face; his gaze drifted to the floor as if my harsh words had fallen there to rest, and he was trying to read them. His gorgeous eyes spoke of hurt long inflicted, and the recent hurt caused by my venomous voice. I felt a twinge of guilt at that hurt, but it was swallowed by the remembrance that he stole Sonny. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. He cleared his throat, but when he spoke again, his voice wasn't much louder. "I just... I - I wanted to - to tell you that..." He searched my face, expression guarded, and shook his head with a sigh. "Nevermind."

I grabbed his bony shoulder as he turned to walk back down the hallway. If it had been in my world, I might have felt bad that he tensed like he expected a blow to the face. "Oh no, sunshine. Ain't gonna happen that way. You brought me from my world, and I need a reason why. I'll have you know you interrupted talk of a marvelous party." I walked to my bed, crawling up onto the purple down comforter, and pointed to a spot next to me. "Spill."
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