Oh Heartbreaker, Lend Me Your Heart



It's a glamorous name, I know. Do try not to be too terribly jealous, alright? Although... I have to admit. I'm pretty used to it. People are jealous of me all the time. But, well...

With my looks, how can people not be jealous of me?

I have everything. The looks, the popularity. I have boys groveling at my feet, begging me to date them. They never, never learn. Boys are just dense, I suppose. Of course, they are captivated by my amazing features... But you'd think they'd realize: I am always going to break their hearts. Always. It's something that I pride myself in – they don't call me the Heartbreaker for nothing. I am a heartbreaker.

It has been said that I am incapable of falling in love. That I'm the cruelest beauty to ever walk the earth, and that I'll never be happy, not until I've broken every boy's heart in America. I have to say – I agree.

Now, maybe you're going to pull some psychoanalysis crap, try to explain away what you see as my flaws. You'll say the words like they're so dirty. Maybe you'll say, Oh, she's just misunderstood. She has no idea what she's doing. She doesn't mean to be so cruel; she was just never taught that what she's doing is wrong.


Truth is, I know exactly what I'm doing. I know it's wrong. I know that I'm cruel. And I love it. I do realize that I'm dealing with real people, real feelings. Now, ask me if I care.

Honey, they don't call me the Heartbreaker for nothing.
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