A Stranger Trust


She's got just a way of talking that let's you know she isn't listening to a word that you respond with. She has her own way of living, and that's just fine by her. Her life isn't complicated; far from it - her life's simple. But Sapphire, oh Sapphire, she amazes me.

I laughed, glancing to the boy sitting on my left. He flashed me his white teeth in a grin, peering up at me with thought-shatteringly beautiful blue eyes through a chunk of feathery black bangs that cut across his face. "Aww, Talyn, you amaze me, too, darling... Hahaha."

He smirked. "Go on to Ella and Ava's. It's hilarious." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, laughing and pointing towards the computer screen. I rolled my eyes and scrolled down.

Ella and Ava. Midgets! Well... they were short... I reasoned with myself, pausing to snigger. I continued reading. Blonde hair? Blue eyes? These are the sisters Grimm? Their names suggest so much more... darkness...

"Hey!" two voices squealed simultaneously. One voice, from a girl on my right, and the other from her twin on Talyn's left. They both turned their head to glare at Talyn, the girl sitting next to me having to lean forward to do so. Her white blonde hair spilled over her narrow shoulder and tickled my forearm. "We resent that," they said, their pale blue eyes playful. "Why do you have to be so mean to us? We aren't mean to you..."

“Stop that," I commanded. I gave an involuntary shudder; even their voice inflections were the same. No matter how much I heard it, it was weird. I nudged the girl sitting next to me. She grinned and sat back in her chair. "Ella..." I whined.

"You know that creeps me out," the girl next to Talyn said in a mimic-y tone. She leaned forward and gave a playful roll of her pale eyes, flipping her long bangs out of them first; that was the only part of her hair that was long enough to do that with. The rest of her hair was cut into one inch layers, spiking out all over her head.

"Shut up, Ava," I laughed.

Talyn grabbed the top of my arm with both hands, clutching it in an iron grip and shaking me so vigorously that it made my teeth clatter together. He shook me once more to make sure he had my attention, and then sat blinking at me for a second. He grinned, shook me again, and said, "Sapphire! You didn't finish!"

"Oh yeah." I grinned, discreetly moving my mouse up to the red 'x' while Talyn turn to chatter animatedly with Ava. I clicked, and Talyn glanced up and gasped.

"That's not cool..." he whined.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and grinned up at him. "Neither, my darling Talyn, is life."


Now, at this point, I should probably tell you a little something about us four juniors. Yes, juniors in high school.

We all live together.

Now, no. Don't let your imagination run away with you just yet. We don't live on our own; we're adopted.

Our parents all had problems, so we were taken away.

Talyn's parents... well, his parents were junkies. And they were abusive. It's a wonder he's still alive, with all he had to go through before his parents were caught.
Ella and Ava's parents had been raging drunks. And, what usually goes with that? Yeah; their parents were abusive, too. And my parents? Well...

I'm not even going to go into what my parents were like.


I woke to Talyn bouncing up and down on my stomach.

I knew it was Talyn before even opening my eyes, because that's almost always how I wake up in the mornings. I really need a lock on my door. Or a puppy cage to keep Talyn in.

The rhythmic bouncing stopped, and I groaned. I opened my eyes, screaming when I saw a wide-eyed face two inches from my nose. He giggled.

Yes. He giggled. Deny it though he may, he giggles.

"Talyyyyn.... Whyyyy?"

He giggled again, rolling off me and laying by my side. He propped his head up on his palm, staring at me innocently. "Why what?"

I sighed, sitting up in my bed and crossing my legs. I glanced at my clock, leaned my elbows on my knees, put my chin in my palms, and groaned. "Whyyyy? Why must you always wake me up so early?"

This time, he laughed, standing up and pointing up and down his already-dressed thin-but-muscular frame. Iraked ran my eyes over his black Converses,lingered on his tight jeans, and glanced at the tight black My Chemical Romance shirt while he talked. "It's not early, silly girl... It's time for school. Well... in an hour... And a half... Maybe two..."

I sighed, glancing at a clock that told me it was seven on the dot. "Two hours, my darling."

He grinned. "You could always go back to sleep..."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Darling, you know I can't. We've been over this... How many times now?

See, that was the funny thing about me. Once I was up, I couldn't go back to sleep. It didn't matter if it was five, and I'd went to bed at three, if I was up for more than five minutes, I was up for the day.

He gave a sheepish grin. "Too many times to count..."

I shook my head at him and laughed. "Shoo. I gotta get dressed and ready." He complied, shutting the door behind him, and I began rummaging through my drawers, searching for clothes and my straightener. The crazy nut.


"Hello, my lovelieeeees..." Ella said in a sing-song voice, waltzing into the eating room. She grabbed the end of her long blonde ponytail, twirling it in loops while she walked towards the swinging double doors that lead to the kitchen.

"Your chipperness disgusts me," Ava said in monotone, not even bothering to lift her head, buried in arms crossed on the top of the table. Ella shrugged and pushed through the doors, dragging her New Balance clad feet as she pretended to ski.

"Well someone hasn't had their coffee yet..." Talyn laughed, his frame bouncing up and down as he swung his legs under the table.

"And someone else hasn't had their medicine..." I muttered, turning towards him with a grin.

At that point, Renee, our adopted mother, pushed through the door carrying a steaming plate of pancakes, and another of bacon. She put it on the already-set table - cups and all - and beamed at us. "Morning..." she sang. She pulled a tiny orange bottle out of her shirt pocket, and I grinned. Talyn's medicine.

Talyn whined that he had nothing to drink, and frowned when Ella pushed through the door carrying a large jug of orange juice and a steaming mug of coffee, which she set in front of Ava. The rest of us - save Renee and Frank, our adoptive dad, who was at work - hated coffee.

Ava sat up, and her facial expression brightened.


When we got to school, the yard was buzzing with the news of two new students. I grabbed Danny Manet, the gossip know-it-all, by the sleeve and pulled him towards me.
I didn't even have to ask. "Have you heard? We have new students!"

I raised an eyebrow, and he nodded and continued. "They're supposed to be famous or something, but no one that I've talked to so far has even heard of them." I raised my other eyebrow, and he rolled his eyes. "Their names are Kristopher Nikolas and Sonny Moore."

I could feel my jaw literally drop. I walked back over to my group, but before I could say a word, Ava squealed. I looked in the direction she was pointing, and squealed, too. Talyn looked about ready to explode.

"Dude! That's Sonny Effing Moore!!"