A Stranger Trust


First period was my new favorite class of the day.

...What class is that again??

At this moment, it didn't actually matter to me. We could have been in Murdering 101 and I'm not sure I would have even blinked. At this moment, only one thing really mattered.

I was sharing a desk with Sonny Moore. I was going to explode with glee.

I do suppose that is two things. But who cares?? I was sharing a desk with SONNY FREAKING MOORE!

I'm thinking my life is just about perfect. The others were going to be so jealous.

I sighed, shifting my head slightly in my palm to stare discreetly at Sonny's profile. He seemed to smirk, and mumbled something I would have probably heard if he were anyone else.

"Huh?" I said. My heart rate felt like it tripled at the thought of him speaking to me. I was probably grinning like an idiot, but I didn't much care.

Oh, at the perfect life.

He laughed softly, shaking a black lock from his chocolate eyes. He turned his head slightly, resting against his intertwined hands, and raised an eyebrow. A definite smirk spread across his face. He repeated himself, a little louder.

"You might wanna close your mouth, doll. You're gonna get our desk wet."

...So maybe I wasn't as discreet as I thought. I turned a little to at least act like I was listening to the teacher. My face felt like it was on fire with the blush that was sure to be turning me beet red. "Oh..." I mumbled. "Sorry..."

"It's cool," he whispered, eyes still locked on my face. His smirk grew. "I'd stare, at you, but I'm really not good at the whole discreet thing." He leaned back in his chair, and his knee brushed my thigh under the bright yellow desk.

...Did that mean what I thought it did??

I watched my hand quiver as his arm shifted, brushing the edge of my shirt. I had a hand spaz, and my pencil jumped to the floor. He laughed, and we both bent to pick it up at the same time. Our hands brushed. He kept his hand on mine for a few moments, and laughed, sitting back up. "Sorry, doll."

Wow at the perfectness.

After about ten minutes, I managed to catch enough of what the teacher was saying to remember this was chemistry. But by the time I remembered, he had finished his lecture. He sat in his rolley chair, and abruptly fell asleep. Silly old man.

Sonny leaned forward, crossing his arms on top of the desk and laying face down in them. I resisted the wild urge to pet his hair, instead drumming nervously on the desktop. He rolled his head to peer up at me. "Why?" he questioned, voice seeming to laugh. "Must you disturb the sleeping process?"

"Silly boy," I said, surprising myself when words actually came out coherently. "You only have, like, ten minutes left."

He sighed. "Oh, well. It was worth the try, I guess. Oh, by the way, I never did catch your name. What was it?"

"Umm..." I felt myself turn red again as I racked my brains for what it was. What the heck was my name?? "Ah... Oh, Sapphire." I laughed. "Yeah, hi. My name's Sapphire."

He smirked. I loved that facial expression. It was absolutely amazing. "That's pretty much gorgeous. And, though I'm sure you know by your staring - unless I'm really just that gorgeous-," He laughed. "I'm Sonny."

"I did know..." I managed to murmur. My courageous speech seemed to be leaving.

He laughed. "I kinda figured. Although, not many people hear do seem to know me. What's with that, man?"

I shrugged, standing as the bell rang. "They don't know good music when they hear it. It was nice talking to you." I tried to extend my hand, not wanting to push my luck asking for a hug, but he enveloped me in one anyway. As he squeezed me around my shoulders, I had to fight to stay conscious.

This class was going to kill me.