A Stranger Trust


So... This is a bit of a problem.

A bit?? This is a lot of a problem. This is a very huge problem. I... What, am I crazy? Am I dreaming? I wish! If only...

I look on at the horrifying scene, hidden from view. The box I'm cowering behind probably isn't very grateful for being in front of me, but I don't much care. Opinions of inanimate objects really don't matter too incredibly much at the moment.

I'm too absorbed in the actions that I wish are just a movie. They're so... unreal. Maybe if I pinch myself... Okay, ow. That didn't exactly work. Now I'm in pain. And great: I'm not dreaming. How can this possibly be real...?

My mind drifts back to this morning.


I think I might be more concerned about tumbling through the air if I didn't have the strange sensation of being bounced on.

How was that even possible?

And I would be even more concerned if the ground didn't resemble a giant bed, much like my own. It looked so very comfortable... Only a couple more feet...

I sighed as my eyes fluttered open when I collided with the giant bed. Elbows pushed into my shoulders, and a pair of blue eyes floated in my face. The face that they were attached to was too close to quite see, but the black hair that tumbled into it tickled my nose. I sneezed.

The face rocketed back, the body tumbling onto the floor. "Eew EEW EEW, Sapphire! Agh!"

I rolled over, falling onto the floor when I ran out of bed. The laughter spilling from my lips was uncontrollable, and I couldn't even stop when Talyn was back on my stomach, and in my face. "That wasn't very nice," he informed me.

"Yeah, well." I pushed him off of me. "I have told you not to wake me, haven't I? Crime and punishment, doll." I stood up, and glanced at my clock. It told me it was ten.


I freaked. "Talyn, what are you thinking? We're late, and you just - what on earth is so funny!?"

Talyn suppressed a giggle. "It's… Saturday, love. Calm yourself. Ava and Ella and me just wanted to go to the mall. Well. Ella does. Ava does, too, she's just not awake. So she doesn't know it yet."

I laughed. I felt sorry for the one who had to wake her up.

And speak of the devil. She burst into my room, not bothering to knock, with her blonde hair standing up everywhere. "You were informed we were going to the mall, too?"

I nodded sympathetically. "Yeah. Well, I was asked. You going?"

She nodded with a groan. "I suppose, considering I'm up. I need my coffee." Her last sentence, muttered over her shoulder as she turned around and drug her feet out of my room, was more to herself than anyone. She had a pretty bad habit of talking to herself.

Talyn still sat on my floor, watching me like an expectant puppy. I sighed. "What? What do you want?"

He blinked and stood up. "I dunno. Get dressed. We gotta go."

I shook my head, watching him skip away. He was so strange! I sighed, following him over to the door so that I could close it, because he never did.

This seemed like it was going to be an interesting day.


Somehow, I ended up alone in the alley. I had a strange memory of playing hide and go seek, and I was trying to work forwards from that, when my train of thought was shattered. I wanted to scream. Loud.

Sonny Moore.

I thought of going to talk to him, maybe to ask him how he wound up in this strange alley, but two things stopped me. A strange feeling… and it was kind of rude to interrupt a make out session.

I felt rude even watching, but I couldn't tear my eyes away.

Her long, wavy blonde hair spilled over her shoulders, and if Sonny was the type of guy who went after girls for their figure, I could see why he would go after her.

With a moan, they shifted slightly, so that I was watching their profile, and not Sonny's back. And I saw a trickle of blood dripping from her neck, which his mouth was attached to.


I blanched, my emotions fighting between disbelief, wanting to run away, wanting to save the girl, and insanity.

I think the insanity won. Either that, or this was one of those dreams you couldn't wake up from.

They broke apart, and she dropped lifelessly to the ground. I hoped she had been that pale to begin with, but something in me told me she hadn't. My hope that she was unconscious lost to the reality that she was probably dead.

I cowered out of site behind my box as I watched Sonny wipe his overly long and sharp canines. I tried pinching myself again, and I was still behind the cardboard. As he turned to walk towards the road, I was freed of my hypnosis. I fled. So did my thoughts. This could not be happening.

Sonny Moore was not a vampire.
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