The Tales of a Daydreamer


"Lohgan, if you can't stay awake on your own, I'm going to have to take extra measures."

The annoying words of my shrill voiced last period teacher floated around my head, but I didn't catch what she was saying, exactly. Her words were kind of fluffy, and they reminded me of clouds. Clouds are great... I sighed and buried my head deeper into my arms as her voice got uncomfortably louder... It was like, clouds with pointy things.

I cringed. What kind of a cloud has jagged edges?

I sighed contentedly as it stopped. I heard giggles, but I really didn't care what was so funny. What I did care about was my precious sleep time. I did hear quiet footsteps, though. Did clouds have legs...?


I jumped out of my desk, dripping wet. The cold water ran slowly, annoyingly down my nose, and my eyes crossed watching it. I blew off a drop as it dangled from the tip of my nose. "May I ask why I am wet?"

My teacher crossed her arms across her nonexistent chest and huffed. She shoved her thick black rimmed glasses, hanging by eccentrically colored beads from her skinny neck, farther up her hooked nose. I tried not to laugh at her wildly curled black hair. "I did warn you, you know."

Oooh, so she was the jagged cloud?

I crossed my arms as I sat back down. " Gah." Her high pitched voice echoed through my head. I did warn you, you know. "Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh," I mimicked shrilly. "Stupid cloud."

Ryland shot me a grin as I slumped back down into my desk.


"So Lohgan, do you happen to know what we have for homework today in math?" Ryland grinned at me, his grey eyes dancing.

"Hah. You're real funny." I grinned, in spite of my sarcasm.

You might be asking yourself 'How does this chick pass all of her classes, if she never pays attention?' Or maybe you're not. I don't know. But if you are -

I don't.

Let me guess - 'Well, then, how come you're not in, like, the fourth grade, or whatever, still?' You are asking that, right?

Hmm. That's easy, too. Cue Rian Denee' Cohland. My other best friend in the whole wide world. I don't pass, she passes for me.

"Did our darling little Lohgan fall asleep in class again today?" Rian questioned, her hazel eyes dancing.

I nodded and looked up at her, my brown eyes wide and begging. "Rian, Iloveyou…" I hugged her arm and gazed up at her with a pleading grin.

She laughed, shooing me off her arm and tucking a strand of her short, flaming red hair behind one pale ear. "Of course you do. The usual classes, then?"

I grinned. See? She's smart. "Yep."

Ryland rolled his eyes and grinned. "Loser."

"You know what? Shut up. Just because I'm prettier than you-"

"Hmph!" Ryland gave an indignant, girlish flip of his hair and smirked. Hand on his side, he snapped his fingers at me and rolled his hips. "Giiirl, you only wish."

"And you know what you wish!? You wish -"

"Children, children please." Rian stepped between Ryland and I, one hand on my shoulder and one hand on his chest.

You wish, you wish, you wish! Ryland mouthed behind her back. I stuck out my tongue at him, and blew a kiss at Rian when she raised an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes. "Why do I put up with this?"



The voice was so quiet it sounded like it was coming from my head. I turned to my left, and to my right, feeling stupid for expecting to see something through the pitch black darkness.


The voice repeated itself, and I found myself trying to place it. It sounded so familiar. I felt a thrill of fear go up my spine.


The voice was so close, it sounded like the owner was right by my ear. But when I reached out, no one was there. "Where...? Where are you...?" I whispered.

The darkness was suddenly replaced by artificial light, and I was sitting on a bed. But, none of that seemed strange compared to who I found myself with.

Ryland was staring back at me, his grey eyes demanding my attention as they held my gaze. He smiled, mocking seductiveness, I guessed. Or it seemed like it. "I'm right here. Where are you?" he purred.

My eyes went wide, and I scrambled back into the corner of the bed, against the wall. "Umm..." I muttered as he crawled closer. "Ryland?"

"Yes, my darling?" He murmured as he came closer.

"You... you do know you're talking to Lohgan, right?" I cocked my head, adding emphasis to my question and framing my face. He stared back, and I found myself in amazement that I had never realized just how gorgeous he was before.

...Wait, what?? Where did that thought come from??

"Yes, my dear, of course I do." He came closer. "Who else would I be talking to?"

"Ryland..." I backed myself as far as I could get into the corner. "Ryland, dude, stop fooling..." But did I really want him to...?

...Get out of my head, evil force!

He smiled, coming even closer. "Who's fooling, my love?" He was near enough that I could smell his cologne. "I'm dead serious," he breathed into my ear.

I froze as he came closer still. "Umm..." What the heck was going on!?


I was rudely awakened by an unwanted meeting between my face and my hardwood floor. I rolled over with a groan, and my blanket covered my face. I sat up, feeling strange.

Stupid floor. Stupid too small bed. At least the stupid hospital bed had been a good size. Stupid, stupid dream.

I shivered, and I couldn't seem to shake the smell of Ryland's cologne. Another thrill of fear ran up my spine as I realized how close he had been, and how the dream had seemed so real...And the scary part it was I almost wished it hadn't been a dream.