Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


I frowned. That was wrong. But, as they said, evil never dies. Maybe he survived, maybe he didn’t. But if he did then I was going to do all I could to help protect Kala, no matter what Carter said. Man, he was so bossy. Just because he was a guy didn’t mean he was any good at this. Of course, he DID save MY life, but I’m sure that was… well, not a fluke, exactly, but something close to it.

I’m still bloody grateful, though.

I shivered at the memory of slipping off the edge. “Please continue.” I said quietly. Kala smiled sadly, relieved that I was not overly horrified and calling her a freak. I knew that was what she had been afraid of, but I couldn’t do that to her. She was my best friend, and she hadn’t had any control over what had happened to her mother anyway. Who would ask for something like that to happen?

“I brought Kala up as my own child. But every now and again, something would happen. Something scary, that hinted that he knew where we were. So we moved a lot.” Layny said. She put an arm around Kala’s neck. “It’s hard, but it is not a question. We have to keep him away from her.”

Carter spoke. “I’ve been taking psychology in school for ages. It is highly likely that he thinks Kala belongs to him. Some people are like that, they treat humans as belongings. Without rights, or feelings, or opinions. If he gets Kala he will never let her go, because it will enrage him that he lost both her and her mother in the same night, and that he hasn’t gotten her back yet. Each time, we have managed to outsmart him. But it’s getting harder.”

“So why won’t you let me help?” I demanded. “I may not know what to do, but I can help.”

“No you can’t.” Carter said fiercely before Layny or Kala could reply.

I glared at him.

Layny smiled sadly. “He’s right, Silah. We can’t allow you to get hurt.”

I stared at her, shocked. I went cold. “But I know now. What, you were going to tell me all of this and then leave me for him to find?” I said harshly.

Kala paled. “No! No, we weren’t! Silah, I would never do that to you. I couldn’t. But you could get hurt or killed by him.”

“I seem to remember getting hurt and nearly killed by falling off that cliff.”

“Don’t remind me!” Carter snapped.

I blinked. “…Sorry.” I muttered.

Kala scowled at Carter. “Apologise to her.” She ordered him.

“What?” He asked. “Why?!”

“You’re being rude! You gave her a fright, and she slipped! It’s not her fault. Do you think Silah wanted to fall off a freaking cliff?!” Kala was sitting down, but she still had her hands on her hips and was glaring – up – at Carter. I nearly smiled, but then he turned to me and gave me a look so full of rage that my heart stopped.

I felt my face fall. What had I done? I only wanted to help. Was he angry that he had saved me?


If Kala didn’t shut up, she was going to ruin this for me. The anger surprised me. I wanted to tell Silah myself, not have Kala ruin it. As I thought that, I knew I was being unfair. Kala knew I might just keep this all to myself and not tell Silah at all, and from her point of view I would be happier if I shared this.

But I couldn’t.

Turning to Silah, I saw her face fall. She looked nearly in tears. I realised that I was scowling. Her eyes were too bright, reflecting sunlight back at me. She turned away and muttered that I didn’t need to apologise, it didn’t matter. Then she added something else under her breath that none of us heard, and Kala glowered at me again.

This time Mum frowned at me too. I had showed her one of the pictures I had drawn of Silah, my second favourite. It was of her asleep in Kala’s spare bed, her hair out over the pillow. That was the day I had saved. I stayed awake all that night because I couldn’t believe how close I had come to losing her.

And now she wanted to help with this Caidan guy. I saw the way he watched her and Kala, he was like a freaking animal watching prey. I had to stop him from going near either of them, but I had to keep my priorities right. Kala needed me. Silah didn’t.


He turned away from me, and I blinked away my tears. He was angry at me, and I didn’t know what I had done. But I knew what I was going to do. If he didn’t want me to help him, I would work by myself.

Too bad I had no clue where to start.
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Update! XD. This is exciting! Haha. Remember, comments = love. :)