Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.

Help - a better version

For one heart stopping moment I thought Carter was going to hit him. I know the thought ran through his mind, because it went through mine, too. But then, I realised that we didn’t actually have any proof that Caidan wrote the poem. I put a hand on the back of his arm, making sure Caidan couldn’t see from where he was standing. Carter was trembling, only just, but he was. I was glad he and Caidan were a good distance away from each other.

Caidan smirked. I don’t know what he saw, but something about it seemed less that he had something to smirk about and more that it was just what he was used to doing; a habitual mask. “Silah, honey,” he said, shaking his head. “I know Kala can’t help it, but I thought you had better taste than this.” He gestured to Carter.

He – Carter – would have been okay, controlling himself, until then. But Caidan managed to say all the right things to set Carter off, and boy, Carter went off. With a bang.

Without a word Carter suddenly moved. My hand was left touching air, and then Carter was on Caidan and they were grappling. Watching them for a second, I realised that Carter was stronger and faster than Caidan, but Caidan was cheating. It didn’t really surprise me, but when he picked up the dirt to throw it in Carter’s face, I decided to act. And after all, he had insulted me, right? Right.

I waited for the right moment, - the opportune moment, right before he released his handful – and swung my foot out. Grinning with satisfaction when it connected solidly with his ribcage and made lovely thick sounds. He grunted, and let go of the dirt. Carter took the opportunity to punch him right in the face, and I nearly cheered.

I grabbed his collar and hauled him up, even though he was way taller than me. He looked a bit dizzy and I wondered if I had broken any ribs. I hoped so. “I do have good taste, Caidan,” I hissed. “I’m not hanging out with you, am I?” And I punched him in the stomach again.

I dropped him to the ground, smiling when he groaned, and looked up to find that Carter had stood up and was wiping his bleeding mouth. And watching me. I tilted my head to one side in a questioning gesture, and he smiled. He didn’t seem to notice that it made his split lip bleed more. I smiled back, held up a finger in a “wait” signal, then bent over to whisper in Caidan’s ear.

“Stay the fuck away from Kala.”

Then I straightened and stepped lightly to Carter’s side. With a quiet laugh, he put an arm around my shoulders and we walked away together.

“I take it you aren’t mad at me?” I asked quietly, watching the blood run down his lip.

He glanced at me. “No,” he said in that musical voice. “I said you could help, didn’t I?”

I laughed happily. “Yes, you did. I probably wouldn’t have, but he was going to cheat. And plus, he really insulted me first, so it was my fight.”

He smirked in that way that I used to find annoying. “I just got there first.”

I nodded, looking at him consideringly.
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Okay i think that's pretty short but yeah lol. many thanks to Loverfayce and Azzure for your comments! Was that enough decking and whoopassing? haha i hope so.
btw, loverfayce, there WILL be a tribute quote including "whoop ass" just because i thought it was hilarious XD so thankyou for that as well! ^-^