Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


We were distracted by a loud, “Oh my god.”

Gemma was a witness. Although all she had seen was Caidan saying something to Carter and Carter knocking him to the ground. That was when she had run to gather an audience. Lucky us, because if she had seen more, it would have made things more difficult. I looked warily at Carter, then smiled as I thought of something.

“Put your arm around my waist and look really protective,” I whispered to him. He didn’t question me, putting his arm around me and holding tight. I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder; perfect picture of a happily-in-love young girl. Inside I wanted to make sure Gemma kept her mouth shut. But inside, a voice whispered, ‘you don’t want to do that. You want to stay with Carter.’

“Did they fight over YOU?” Gemma asked, near outrage in her voice. She may have loved the scandal but for some reason she hated me.

Oh well.

“Yeah,” I said smugly before Carter could answer. I knew he was feeling a little annoyed at me because he jabbed me in the ribs, making me almost twitch. I gave an indulgent smile and steered the two of us away from Gemma even as she continued asking her nosy, annoying questions.

“We fought over you,” he repeated angrily as soon as we were out of sight. I blinked. He didn’t give me a chance to reply as he pointed at me. “Don’t ever do that again!”

I stepped back, offended and a little hurt. “Sorry,” I muttered. “It was the first thing I thought of.” I shot him a confused, puzzled look and walked back to Kala, shaking my head. Was the thought of being with me that repulsive? I asked myself, then decided I didn’t care what Carter said. He was just a boy anyway. Who cared when they said stupid things that really hurt your feelings?

I flopped down next to Kala, rubbing my hand. It had just started to throb, painfully, which told me I had hit Caidan pretty hard. I smiled grimly. At least one good thing had come of that.

“Silah, what did you do?” Kala asked, concerned. She knew that look on my face.

“Oh, nothing,” I grinned, “Nothing I shouldn’t have done earlier,” and I laughed.

Kala raised an eyebrow but left it alone, then stared in open shock at Carter as he stormed towards us. The blood on his face was darkening and drying, and his lip was still bleeding. Somehow it had smeared, and splashed his whole lip crimson red.

I stared as well. Hadn’t he had enough of yelling at me?

“I’m sorry.” He said shortly, towering down above us.

“What?” I frowned, then I looked at Kala. “Why is he apologising to you?” I asked her. He would not be saying sorry to me. He was too proud for that.

She smiled softly, evilly, as she looked up at him. “He’s not.”

“What?” I said again. I slowly turned to him, seeking an explanation.

He took a deep, sudden breath, then said, “I’m sorry for saying that to you,” very quickly.

I stared at him, for ages. Just cause I could, and I knew it would be unnerving as hell for him. Then I grinned, burying my real feelings. “Accepted,”

“Show her!” Kala suddenly cried as Carter turned to walk away. “Show her right now.” She ordered. She turned to me and grinned, her smile promising something interesting.

I could her Carter grinding his teeth from where I sat. Laughing, I said, “Show me what?” Hoping that it wasn’t another note or poem from Caidan.

“Now?” He asked of Kala.


He looked at me, then offered me a hand to help me up. Surprised, I took it. His hands were only a little bigger than mine, the fingers longer and more slender. His skin was warm and rougher than I expected, but just as strong as I remembered them. He led me to his locker.

“First, I have to explain something.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dum dum duuuuumm!!! Now it definitely seems like a cliffy, right?

I'm very sorry I havn't updated for ages. Things have been a little hectic and i havn't had a lot of spare time right now. I started a new story - which is short and almost dont so it isn't really competing with carter - and then wrote heaps of this. hopefully i can update again soon.

love to my readers.