Sequel: Unknown Calling

Calling Carter.


“Stay here for a second,” he whispered, then disappeared. I barely had time to register that he was gone when he came back. “It’s clear,” he said, “come on.” He took my hand and almost ran into a building and up a flight of stairs, then carefully checked the corridor. It was clear, so he kicked open the door of a cleaner’s closet and ushered me inside before shutting it behind him.

At least, I thought it was a cleaner’s closet.

It was a small – but not tiny – very dark, grey room. And while it did contain a few chemicals, a vacuum cleaner, and the like, it was definitely not a closet. It was way too big. Behind me, Carter put his hands on my shoulders and guided me forward. I followed the pressure of his hands, because my vision had turned to shit in the dark.

“Stop,” he said softly, after s few steps. I went to put my hand straight out in front of me and hit the wall, which must have been right in front of my face. I was glad he could see better than me. Carter reached around me, stepping in a little closer behind me to reach, and the movement made his hand bump me. I thought he was going after something in my pocket but then realised he had turned a door handle. Lucky I didn’t say anything… It just might have been a little bit awkward.

As the door slowly swung open and light flooded my head, Carter’s hands resumed their place on my shoulders and guided me slowly up the stairs. Getting used to the light, I was able to walk up by myself, but didn’t mention it to him. If he wanted his hands on my shoulders, that was fine with me.

At the top of the stairs was yet another door. Who made these things anyway? They didn’t work too well at keeping people in or out. All you needed was a key or a crazy teenage boy kicking it in for you. I smiled at that.

I opened the door – thankfully unlocked – without any prompting needed from Carter. It turned out this door led to the top of one of our school buildings. Turning around, I stared at Carter in amazement.

“How did you find this place?” I asked in wonder, staring around at the awesomely people-and-litter-free area.

He shrugged with a slight sheepishness to his smile. “I was exploring.”

I raised an eyebrow, knowing there was more to this story.

“After I broke into the school.”

My surprised laughter was a burst of sound, and I hastily covered my mouth. “Ha! When was this?” I said, still laughing.

He looked solemn all of a sudden. “Just after I met you.”

My laughter faded. He blinked and seemed to shake himself, then took a deep breath and gestured for me to lead the way into the roof. It was sunny and warm, and when we sat down I stretched myself out and started soaking up the warmth from the concrete with a happy little sound that I wished I could blame on something cute-looking and fluffy.

I opened one eye and found Carter staring at me with a funny little smile on his face.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?” I asked quietly. “Were you going to tell me something?” I added softly as I sat up.

He took a deep breath. “Yeah,” he said.


She was just sitting there, waiting for me. Her head was tilted to one side, her eyes soft and almost already understanding what I was going to tell her. I took another deep breath and wondered where to begin.

“You know how… when you slipped off the cliff… You had found a pencil?” I began.

She nodded once, not wanting to interrupt me.

“It was one of my art pencils. I draw things. People, mostly. I’ve never lost a pencil before,” I realised with a frown. Silah just waited for me to continue. I looked at her again.

“I was drawing you one night, in your tree, and suddenly I looked up and you were climbing down. I must have dropped it when I left. I didn’t want you to see me.” My eyes had trailed down so I wasn’t looking at her anymore, not wanting to see her thinking I was a freak, unable to bear seeing that in her eyes.

“Carter,” she said softly, waiting for me to look at her before continuing, “That’s so cool. But why did you leave when you realised I was coming?”

I blinked. She didn’t think I was a freak?

She laughed softly, because she must have seen the question on my face. “You’re not a freak, silly, you’re a stalker.”

I smiled without realising she had that look in her eyes… the same one as before. When I’d had my arm around her.
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okay i realise this isn't exactly what people expected, with the whole "omg Carter is telling Silah stuff!!" but when i noticed how long this chapter already was i decided to put it in the next one. love for my readers!!!